(edited by MaXi.3642)
Suggestion: Glory gain for point holders
So if you can survive a player attacking your point for 20 seconds you get the equivalent of a kill in glory? I suppose that would be reasonable.
This has been suggested many times before, and we don’t know whether they are considering it or not since they aren’t telling us anything about what they are planning. WTB blog.
Game Design Lead
We are considering it. now you know, and knowing is half the battle…
This doesn’t even promote afking that much, as any afker will likely get swept away instantly anyway.
If you only got points when enemies are within range, it wouldn’t promote afk’ing at all.
Thats cool. Good to see you are listening to suggestions so we can all work together to make pvp much more enjoyable. Perhaps we can make the win bonus a static amount, instead of winning just increasing the points you get from zerging?
Have you discussed the idea of making hotjoin 5v5 like many of us talked about as well? There isnt that much point in getting glory from defending if every base gets zerged by 8 people every minute : )
“We are considering it. now you know, and knowing is half the battleā¦”
GO JOE!! I mean jon, but yes, good to know.
If you only gain points when enemies are in the circle then I really don’t see how being AFK will help you. Have you tried holding off even 1 enemy without doing anything? You will not last 20 seconds lol, 10 if you are lucky.
This is a very reasonable suggestion, and could shift the meta-game of 8v8s somewhat.
We are considering it. now you know, and knowing is half the battle…
There needs to be points while standing and nothing happening. You just standing on the point is still defending it. Other wise no reason to guard a point still might as well leave and just wait to go re-cap it.
What about neutralizing a point from the enemy and keeping it that way for over a minute, then eventually they call in more players (beneficial for your team to distract larger portions of theirs). You’ve done this great deed by preventing the enemy from gaining points from there, but sadly you gain almost no glory for all that effort.
My thought on this was very similar.
While there aren’t enemies there, don’t generate anything, while there are enemies within a zone, slightly larger than normal sized capture points (looking at you graveyard) you generate points while on the actual point.
1 point every 10s for the first 30s, then 1 point every 8s for the next 15s, then finally 1 point every 5s. If you are kicked off of the point or the enemy leaves the extended zone area, the points stop and the point timer resets to 1 point every 10s when it goes back into contested.
I really hope something like this gets implemented, otherwise it will leave a lot of people behind in rank/glory when the current meta is to keep points in your control (which is how you win).
Please keep us updated!
Very good suggestion!
We are considering it. now you know, and knowing is half the battle…
Knowledge is power!
Players should be rewarded for every action that causes their team to win the game. Point defense is a huge part of conquest gameplay, and it’s largely ignored in 8v8 because there’s no point incentive to do it. This change is just common sense.
This is the song I like to listen when I play spvp: http://youtu.be/x5sQL7q_IOI
It is from the Benny Hill Show and it was played when ridiculous chasing scenes were shown where people ran around in circles.
Well, we do have that in spvp.
1. Better you lose nodes and recapture them
2. Roam around everywhere…it is also better to get killing points
3. Run with the herd and “harvest” unfortunate peeps during your circle runs from node to node.
In the end you will lose but you will have more points than all or most of the “winning” team.
Summa summarum: Thank you for a 2012 Benny Hill revival