Suggestion: Honor System

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Huddi.8297


How awesome would it be if we were able to honor players after a match?

I just played with a support guard that carried the mid fight and I just came up with this idea. Now don’t get me wrong: I do NOT want a system that gives you the ability to downvote/report other players. Let’s keep it positive.

While this feature for sure is not really needed, it would encourage players to keep playing sPvP. I believe that the effort required from ArenaNet would be really small, so why not? What do you think


Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Poliator.7021


It would be really good to have a Honor System like that.

It would make much sense because you get Dishonor when you leave a match! (although I believe it’s not active at the moment huh) So if you do well you get Honor, if you do “bad” you get Dishonor.

It’d be a nice feature for sPvP, not completely necessary, but apreciated.

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Teutos.8620


Not sure, if the playerbase is mature enough for that, or if they wouldn’t just always vote for their buddy.

Has anyone any data from other games, if they implemented such a system successfully? I know f.e. lol had such a system in place, but no idea if it was successful or not.

EU – Multiple times #1 SoloQ pre Dec 2014 (pure MMR based ladder)
Primoridal (S1) & Exalted (S2) & Illustrious (S3) Legend

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Exedore.6320


Not sure, if the playerbase is mature enough for that, or if they wouldn’t just always vote for their buddy.

Could make it so you can’t upvote people you queued with and you can only upvote people you’ve been in a game with.

Kirrena Rosenkreutz

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: heartless.6803


Me being a very terrible player, I feel this would just cause me to get repeated dishonor votes because I’m not good and die a lot. PvP already discourages me enough by repeated deaths, I don’t need repeated deaths and repeated mocking of said death.

I can only go about 3 matches before I want to kill myself now from feeling like a total failure of a human being from dying repeatedly and not being of next to any use. I just want a larger map size please. Thats it, just a larger option of map size so that my constant deaths doesn’t cost the entire team a loss nearly every time.

Disclaimer: Under no circumstance should you take this seriously.

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Huddi.8297


Me being a very terrible player, I feel this would just cause me to get repeated dishonor votes because I’m not good and die a lot. PvP already discourages me enough by repeated deaths, I don’t need repeated deaths and repeated mocking of said death.
I can only go about 3 matches before I want to kill myself now from feeling like a total failure of a human being from dying repeatedly and not being of next to any use. I just want a larger map size please. Thats it, just a larger option of map size so that my constant deaths doesn’t cost the entire team a loss nearly every time.

I asked for an honor system. Not for a dishonor / report system.

Suggestion: Honor System

in PvP

Posted by: Pinkunicorn of Dethecus.3217

Pinkunicorn of Dethecus.3217

Me being a very terrible player, I feel this would just cause me to get repeated dishonor votes because I’m not good and die a lot. PvP already discourages me enough by repeated deaths, I don’t need repeated deaths and repeated mocking of said death.

I can only go about 3 matches before I want to kill myself now from feeling like a total failure of a human being from dying repeatedly and not being of next to any use. I just want a larger map size please. Thats it, just a larger option of map size so that my constant deaths doesn’t cost the entire team a loss nearly every time.

this makes me really sad. i might be able to give you some help if you want, pm me in-game if you’re interested.