[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184


Fellow PvP players and Arenanet game developers! I usually don’t make Suggestion threads this fast after a game is released, but I do think I have enough experience with Raid on the Capricorn to make a valid statement.

I think that most PvP players don’t enjoy the map Raid on the Capricorn, because PvE elements have too much influence on the PvP game. A PvP game is fun when there is no PvE in it. If there are PvE elements in the PvP game, then the effects should be minimal and not too dominant. Good examples are Legacy of the Foefire and Forest of Niflhel!


The problem with Raid on the Capricorn are the Sharks, they are too powerful. If the enemy team is controlling the ruins 1 player can take down 3 players with the help of Sharks and a defensive build. As a result of this I usually camp ruins all the game and 90% of the time this results in a win. This is not fun for me, I can also say that this is not fun for my opponents… I have been in their shoes! When an enemy controls the ruins, getting in the water is a nightmare. This is such a shame, since the underwater combat could be really fun and cool in this map.


Remove the sharks, improve the Pirate Ship! Add cannons to the Pirate Ship which can be used to attack the Dock and the Beach.


1. This will make the underwater combat near ruins much more depended on players. Raid on the Capricorn is the only map which features large possibility of Underwater combat, so it should allow players to have decent Underwater combat without the interference of overpowered PvE sharks.

2. The Pirate Ship will become a much more important aspect in the map, the cannons will provide advantage to the team controlling them. This will make the statement of one of the Arenanet employees become a reality: “Players will fight on a massive Pirate Ship”. Currently this is not the case, with this change? Most definitely!

3. The map type ratio will be balanced. Currently we have 1 map which has no PvE elements in it: Battle of Khylo and 3 maps which have PvE elements in them: Legacy of the Foefire, Forest of Nilfhel and Raid on the Capricorn. This change will make the ratio 2:2 instead of 1:3 and provide a balanced rate for players who prefer one type over the other (No PvE / PvE elements in a PvP game).

Thanks for reading, looking forward to the opinions of people.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: DangerMonkey.3158


Nerf sharks


Fear me! For I am the dangerous primate!
Rank 1X SneekyTheef (T), Wizzizard (M), Gerdierhn (G)

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: Schwahrheit.4203


Simply get rid of the Sharks or reduce their damage to something miniscule. Seriously that’s the only thing I hate about that map. Zero incentive due to Sharks.

Since people are negative about nerfs, how about we buff to balance then?

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


I just vote for keeping the map as it is…

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: OneBloke.7264


I Agree with the OP. I hate this map because of the sharks. It would be great if they removed it

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: Plague.5329


I just don’t like the map, period. I detest underwater combat, so strike one. I understand WHY the sharks are there. Having control of the water makes it easy to cut across. They’re also there to defend the point while you focus on carrying cannonballs (I guesss.) and controlling the points. Unfortunately that one point usually dictates the outcome of the match, because one person can indeed hold it easily against almost the entire enemy team.

Putting more importance on the ship can easily result in people camping out on it, spamming cannons to the beach. You don’t want any one element to dominate gameplay. The trebuchets on Khyolo work because they can’t really hit anybody on the run and the points are awkward targets at such extreme ranges and high windup on the treb itself. As such it is basically only really useful targeting center, and as such becomes situational. A cannon that’s too easy to use in the center of Cap just becomes a deadly focal point with no real drawbacks.

I think it’d be interesting if some behaviors of these maps (if we MUST have them be objective-based, which I detest) had some WvW-like behaviors. For instance, a NPC you can control on the pirate ship that runs cannonballs to your own base. Or one you escort TO the ship with a limited supply of them to use there. Etc.

I really just want them to bring back arenas from GW1 and stop mucking around with this objective-based gameplay. Large numbers of people and complicated objectives do not belong in pick up games. That’s what Guild vs Guild is supposed to be. If it actually existed in a game called Guild Wars.

Anyway. The real solution is to stop making maps like these that encourage you to stray AWAY from combat and focus on making ones that draw people into it. Objectives defeat this, but they already made that mistake, so design around it, I guess. The map would work better if the sharks were a resource you gained to attack something, not a defensive measure.

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: aleiro.8521


I don’t like raid of the capricorn because underwater combat is kinda crappy not because of the sharks

[Suggestion] Improving Raid on Capricorn and making it more fun for PvP Players!

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I just don’t like the map, period. I detest underwater combat, so strike one. I understand WHY the sharks are there. Having control of the water makes it easy to cut across. They’re also there to defend the point while you focus on carrying cannonballs (I guesss.) and controlling the points. Unfortunately that one point usually dictates the outcome of the match, because one person can indeed hold it easily against almost the entire enemy team.

Putting more importance on the ship can easily result in people camping out on it, spamming cannons to the beach. You don’t want any one element to dominate gameplay. The trebuchets on Khyolo work because they can’t really hit anybody on the run and the points are awkward targets at such extreme ranges and high windup on the treb itself. As such it is basically only really useful targeting center, and as such becomes situational. A cannon that’s too easy to use in the center of Cap just becomes a deadly focal point with no real drawbacks.

I think it’d be interesting if some behaviors of these maps (if we MUST have them be objective-based, which I detest) had some WvW-like behaviors. For instance, a NPC you can control on the pirate ship that runs cannonballs to your own base. Or one you escort TO the ship with a limited supply of them to use there. Etc.

I really just want them to bring back arenas from GW1 and stop mucking around with this objective-based gameplay. Large numbers of people and complicated objectives do not belong in pick up games. That’s what Guild vs Guild is supposed to be. If it actually existed in a game called Guild Wars.

Anyway. The real solution is to stop making maps like these that encourage you to stray AWAY from combat and focus on making ones that draw people into it. Objectives defeat this, but they already made that mistake, so design around it, I guess. The map would work better if the sharks were a resource you gained to attack something, not a defensive measure.

Interesting feedback with a fresh perspective, thanks a lot.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)