Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


With all the discussion on leaderboard changes i’d like to suggest a change to the personal PVP UI statistics area. The information given is copy/paste of the last UI and some information is relevant but others IMO not so much. Unranked seems redundant to me why not leave games played and ranked but remove unranked since you can work out unranked games by the difference in games played and ranked games. Top stats awarded is something that I was thinking could be changed to something more representative of what happens in a match on a personal level. Would it be possible to add new statistics that can better show the player what they did well in a match?

A few stats that I was thinking would be nice to see

Stuns – attempts/miss/landed or maybe a percentage of landed stuns.

Stuns – Applied on you/stuns breakers

Attacks (Basic) – attempted/landed/missed of last 5 matches

Attacks (Skills weapon/utilities) – attempted/landed/missed last 5 matches

Conditions – Applied/Removed last 5 games (This stat would be nice so you can see more or less an average of condis that you remove or apply. Basically your success rate if your running condi builds)

These are just a few ideas of thing that I would like to see and that I feel better represent what a player does in a match. I feel that currently the statistics area of the PvP UI needs to be upgraded to better give a player an idea of how they are playing.

Necromancer Main

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Biggest problem with more specific stats on lead boards is people trash talk over it, I mean they already trash talk now with just the top score which doesn’t even matter.

Personally they should just remove the scoreboard entirely.

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


Biggest problem with more specific stats on lead boards is people trash talk over it, I mean they already trash talk now with just the top score which doesn’t even matter.

Personally they should just remove the scoreboard entirely.

Trash talking is fine. All competitive games have trash talking (some games more immature then others) but the statistics is more for personal use so that you can see how your playing or having a good/bad run personally. People judge skill by the official leaderboard even if you take out personal stats or leaderboards people will still trash talk. I’d just like a way to see my personal stats and sees if for example how many of my hits did I land in my last 5 games how many skills did I miss or were blocked. Basically something to look at while I’m in Q.

Necromancer Main

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


Biggest problem with more specific stats on lead boards is people trash talk over it, I mean they already trash talk now with just the top score which doesn’t even matter.

Personally they should just remove the scoreboard entirely.

Trash talking is fine. All competitive games have trash talking (some games more immature then others) but the statistics is more for personal use so that you can see how your playing or having a good/bad run personally. People judge skill by the official leaderboard even if you take out personal stats or leaderboards people will still trash talk. I’d just like a way to see my personal stats and sees if for example how many of my hits did I land in my last 5 games how many skills did I miss or were blocked. Basically something to look at while I’m in Q.

People do it all the time, but ArenaNet doesn’t want it to happen. I agree with them, keep the trash talk out of the game. All it does is hurt new players from sticking to the game which ultimately ruins PvP overall.

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I don’t think having more stats that correctly represent what a player does in a set number of matches is really a tool for trash talking; I see it more as a personal tool so you can see how your playing. Imagine your having a losing streak and you question wether its your fault or your being matched up with rookie teammates well with a better statistics page you can see more or less if its because your just missing a lot of your skills or your landing them all. Its always nice to have more information about how your playing and its even better when the information is actually relevant to the game that you are playing. Stuns and stun breakers are such a huge thing in this game its one of the thing people looks at as one of the wow factors in a fight. Enemy closing in to stop a decap the person who is trying to decap stuns them before getting on point and wins the decap.

If you have statistics properly representing those wow moment not only do you know if your having a good streak (by your average success rate of stuns/stun breaks/condi applied/removed) it also gives new players an idea of what they should be looking for when watching a match. Look for stuns/boons applied/boons removed etc.. The new PVP UI looks amazing now we just need some nice numbers or numbers that better represent how your playing to look at while queuing. The health of the community is very important ill agree and you don’t want to create features that will spark insults or harassment but having better statistics that represent what are good/bad thing that a player does while in a game shouldn’t be neglected because of how some people will use that information. Again true player skills is judged by official ranking (which is being worked on now to be more accurate) and wins in tournaments.

A revamped statistics sections is more for the individual so he/she knows if they are having a personal bad run or if they are losing because of another reason. And it would just look nicer. Top stats awarded for example is completely useless and really is information that doesn’t serve a purpose.

Necromancer Main

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.8415


I think the leaderboards are an accurate representation on how well you are doing, not the scoreboard. For example, I usally don’t score very high on the scoreboard… But at the moment I’m ranked 47 on the leaderboard. All of this was done in solo queue, without premades.

If you’re losing a lot of matches, you can’t be blaming your teammates. Adding more specific scoreboards would only cause trash talking, blaming the loss on other people simply because they didn’t use enough stun breaks, or didn’t do enough damage… It’s a sinking ship. Practically on a daily basis people blamed their losses over low ranked players on their team, that was fixed by removing it from the scoreboard.

Suggestion : PVP UI statistics rework

in PvP

Posted by: Zoso.8279


I think the leaderboards are an accurate representation on how well you are doing, not the scoreboard. For example, I usally don’t score very high on the scoreboard… But at the moment I’m ranked 47 on the leaderboard. All of this was done in solo queue, without premades.

If you’re losing a lot of matches, you can’t be blaming your teammates. Adding more specific scoreboards would only cause trash talking, blaming the loss on other people simply because they didn’t use enough stun breaks, or didn’t do enough damage… It’s a sinking ship. Practically on a daily basis people blamed their losses over low ranked players on their team, that was fixed by removing it from the scoreboard.

Oh no I think I wasn’t specific enough. Im talking about the UI when finding a match not the in game scoreboard. The UI that you see when your in HotM that has all your ranked/unranked statistics.

Necromancer Main