Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


To make outcomes in Solo queue less comp based, I suggest that Arenanet implement a system where people define their role when they queue from a selection of 5 basic types:

1. Bunker: Attempts to stay on the mid point and cap it while supporting team mates. Examples: Bunker Warrior, Bunker Guardian

2. Brawler: A build intended for team fighting. Examples: Hambow, Condi Necro

3. Support: A build which brings teamwide power ups or healing. Example: Cleric Staff Ele, Spirit Ranger

4. Duelist: A build intended to win far point, or defend home node. Examples: Axe/Sword Warrior, Beastmaster Ranger, Minion Necro

5. Roamer: A high mobility burst build intended to finish fights with unpredictable spike. Examples: Thief, Portal Mesmer

Solo Queue matchmaking could be changed so that a team requires a Bunker, Support, and Brawler (the teamfighting core), and then a mix of Duelist, Brawler, and Roamer builds. These roles could all be marked by an icon in the party UI so that teams could just look and understand who intends to go where at the beginning of the fight.

Not only would this create more even matches which aren’t decided based on comp alone, it would allow more people to play the way they want to in each match. For example, you wouldn’t have games with 3 far point pushers or 4 bunkers or 5 roamers. If you queued with a particular role set, you would be able to perform that role in general. This would also make solo queue better practice for those looking to perform seriously in team queue.


Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


You forgot the decapper. Just one profession can play it – the decap engi.

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: ThatShortGuy.4672


It’s a good idea, but how does Anet give these definitions (in an easy to understand mannor) to new people to the game/pvp?

That Cloaked One / That Phantom Memser / That Dark One

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Roe.3679


The issue I see with this is that sometimes people like to switch characters based on team or enemy team comp. But it is a good idea.

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Scyrka.1356


Even easier roles: Defender, Assaulter, Support.

1) Defender -> Defends Points (No way, how intuitive!)

2) Assaulter -> Caps Points (Still going with that intuitive idea? Sweet!)

3) Support -> Pairs up with Defenders or Assaulters to support them (Oh my God, he’s three for three!)

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Aedrion.6483


If these roles were explained in detail, with proper tutorials and information then I’d happily welcome a system that brings some measure of synergy to Soloq!

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: revy.4320


To make outcomes in Solo queue less comp based, I suggest that Arenanet implement a system where people define their role when they queue from a selection of 5 basic types:

1. Bunker: Attempts to stay on the mid point and cap it while supporting team mates. Examples: Bunker Warrior, Bunker Guardian

2. Brawler: A build intended for team fighting. Examples: Hambow, Condi Necro

3. Support: A build which brings teamwide power ups or healing. Example: Cleric Staff Ele, Spirit Ranger

4. Duelist: A build intended to win far point, or defend home node. Examples: Axe/Sword Warrior, Beastmaster Ranger, Minion Necro

5. Roamer: A high mobility burst build intended to finish fights with unpredictable spike. Examples: Thief, Portal Mesmer

Solo Queue matchmaking could be changed so that a team requires a Bunker, Support, and Brawler (the teamfighting core), and then a mix of Duelist, Brawler, and Roamer builds. These roles could all be marked by an icon in the party UI so that teams could just look and understand who intends to go where at the beginning of the fight.

Not only would this create more even matches which aren’t decided based on comp alone, it would allow more people to play the way they want to in each match. For example, you wouldn’t have games with 3 far point pushers or 4 bunkers or 5 roamers. If you queued with a particular role set, you would be able to perform that role in general. This would also make solo queue better practice for those looking to perform seriously in team queue.

I m sure this has been proposed before. Even so, +1.

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


You dont mention Engineers… kitten us we cant do any role?

I agree…but kitten Anet instead —_--

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

You forgot the most important role : The afker : the guy who loses the first team fight , says his team sucks and goes afk.

Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Even easier roles: Defender, Assaulter, Support.

1) Defender -> Defends Points (No way, how intuitive!)

2) Assaulter -> Caps Points (Still going with that intuitive idea? Sweet!)

3) Support -> Pairs up with Defenders or Assaulters to support them (Oh my God, he’s three for three!)

Your ‘roles’ are completely abstract and don’t really mean anything, thanks. All players play an active role in assaulting, defending, and supporting.

My roles point are specifically meant to show who goes where, and what a build intends to do.


Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


It’s a good idea, but how does Anet give these definitions (in an easy to understand mannor) to new people to the game/pvp?

Well, in my original post I started giving basic definitions of each role, I’m sure they could be clearly defined.

If you give me any commonly seen build, I can probably tell you which category it fits into and why.

Decap engineer is a build which shouldn’t exist, and would unfortunately be classed as a Duelist build, because it aims to assault and win far point 1v1, or waste a lot of the enemy’s time 1v2.


Suggestion: Solo Queue Role Selection

in PvP

Posted by: PSILO.4068


You forgot the most important role : The afker : the guy who loses the first team fight , says his team sucks and goes afk.

and the nekkid teef