Suggestion: Team wide rank Point gain

Suggestion: Team wide rank Point gain

in PvP

Posted by: xGreeD.6018


Some time ago, after starting to play Hotjoin again, something happened to me that will sound tooooooo familiar.

When the match began, I instantly rushed mid, as I usually do, my team… well, 7 people were capping close. Now the unpleasant part: I was crushed by 6 players in mid, five of which then killed my team still unable to cap close because of the 8th member of the enemy team. This game ended lost 0 to 500 by the way.

This may have been an extreme case, but it’s safe to say that every single one of us has experienced this egoism himself way too often. That leads to the question why people do such stupid things as capping points with way too much manpower.

And this question is astonishingly easy to answer: They do so because only the people standing on the node on capture gain rank points. The players fighting (or being crushed) in mid by that time get less reward than those who capped the point, even though they played the objective – unlike the other ones.

I did some thinking and came up with team wide rank points would help – if they wouldn’t come in with loads of problems. The idea sticked to my mind nevertheless, so I started working out solutions for the most obvious problems. And here we are – the time has come to ask other people and hopefully the Devs for feedback.

- the current rank-point gain for any action will be lowered, but every team member gets the points (e. g. for taking close)
- personal scores get replaced by a team-score
- rank points are gained for playing the objective mainly, which also includes actions like holding a point for a minute or keeping it contested – all the stuff mostly done in higher tier tournaments, since ppl don’t get there without doing so
- the team score is multiplied by a number determined by the team winning or losing (not zero in that case) at the end of the round
- maximum team score will be still 300 before multiplication

- Carrying of afk-hotjoiners
=> Kicking ppl for afk after 60 seconds would get rid of that problem pretty easily.
=> Players literally doing nothing noticeable for team-score in a decent amount of time get kicked.

- Skyhammer farming:
Players would now only have to walk into death – without even being hit once. Reducing the number of points gained for gravity-kills would help for starters, but wouldn’t solve the problem. In addition to that it is viable to cap the amount of rank points gained by gravity kills to an overall amount of e. g. 50 per round.

- Players who join a match in progress getting the whole reward:
in the first 30% of the match everybody joining gets the whole team score, every player joining afterwards:
rank point gain = (time played / the time the round took) * the team score.#

As mentioned before, I want this thread to be one to be discussed in, so feel free to give constructive feedback. No insults and no flaming. We actually want to make PvP a better place and I know you want it aswell.

“Take me to wonderland…”, she said,
as she finished beating me up a mole times.
Let’s try something you’re actually good at.

Suggestion: Team wide rank Point gain

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I think they should re-design scoring entirely! Give a lot of points for things like:

—rezzing/stomping while taking damage
—dealing X damage/healing
—removing conditions from allies
—defending a point against 1+ players
—neutralizing a point while taking damage
—surviving a 1v2 for X seconds

…etc. It would be cool to get more points for making good plays.

Suggestion: Team wide rank Point gain

in PvP

Posted by: Errant Venture.9371

Errant Venture.9371

It’s hotjoin so who cares? The entire concept of hotjoin was lolzerg from the beginning. That’s why the allow 8 people per team on the tiny maps.

The Battle Bakery [vPie]

Suggestion: Team wide rank Point gain

in PvP

Posted by: xGreeD.6018


It’s hotjoin so who cares? The entire concept of hotjoin was lolzerg from the beginning. That’s why the allow 8 people per team on the tiny maps.

Hotjoin is where new tournament players are forged.
And you really can’t imagine how much I hate the current 8v8 system & hotjoin overall.
To express it in numbers: I have 2k matches played, 1,3k of which were tournaments.

The changes I suggested would work for tournaments aswell – they’d even work better, since there is no team-swapping or late-joining. Didn’t I point that out already anyways?

“Take me to wonderland…”, she said,
as she finished beating me up a mole times.
Let’s try something you’re actually good at.