Suggestion for zombie mode in PVP

Suggestion for zombie mode in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: gwawer.9805


I suggest that there be a new game mode called zombie mode. We can still keep the conquest format, but one team will be consisting of zombies while the other team are zombie slayers. All classes will still have their inmates abilities however the zombie form team will have a special ability called zombie state where they spit grew at the opposing team which causes poison as well as a cripple. The zombie team will have a 75% life pool compared to the non-zombie team. This makes sense because zombies are easier to kill since their flesh is very soft and rotting.

I think this zombie mode PVP should come maybe in February or March because there really isn’t much time to save the PVP community which is dwindling as I write this. The zombie mode is a good strategy because there are many popular zombie games such as left four dead and plants versus zombies that I think Guild wars two should be able to capitalize on.

I myself know that I love zombie games and always wish that Guild wars two had some sort of zombie PVP mode. Currently there isn’t any game that is a MMO third person combat PVP game with any such zombie mode. This is why GOP to can stand out if they were to have its own zombie mode. If you still think this is a bad idea just look at call of duty. Even it’s developers gave into the simple logic that zombie mode is a high selling point for many games. What Borderlands that had a whole DLC dedicated to a zombie theme.

I think this game really needs some sort of fun to spice it up rather than some unrealizable perfect balance, which many players are complaining about because the game simply isn’t that fun and people are getting bored of it so they assume that if they were more balanced they would play more but this is not the case because the real problem is that the game lacks variety and a major fun factor. This major fun factor is what the zombie mode is all about.

You don’t even need to make new maps for this zombie mode just keep the current maps but give it some sort of zombie team. Like for example during Halloween you had the cars turn into a pumpkin heads will in zombie mode many of the cards can the yes you guessed it zombies. I think the overall look of the map can also have a more Drury feel, like temple the silent storm could have some blood marks splattered on the ground to signify that the zombie was there are maybe some bits of brain splattered against the wall also to signify the presence of zombies.

This last patch wasn’t too great for S PVP and I’m not sure what upcoming balance changes we have to look forward to, but I think this zombie mode should be a priority because it to dry and a lot of new players when you advertise this new zombie mode PVP. It would also bring back many old players who quit GW two in favor of things like borderlands 2.


Suggestion for zombie mode in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Raijinn.9065


Ill take anything at this point, great idea though

Suggestion for zombie mode in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Virgil Kemp.7056

Virgil Kemp.7056

I thought hot join was already zombie mode.