Suggestion: sPvP progression character bound

Suggestion: sPvP progression character bound

in PvP

Posted by: Baelnorn.5710


Let’s recap:

  • PvE/FotM progression – character bound
  • PvP/Glory progression – account bound
  • WvW/WXP progression – character bound

One’s the odd one out, guess which one.

Since the devs have repeatedly stated that they think binding stuff to each character is the way to go to provide a meaningful progression, I think sPvP rank and the PvP locker system should be changed to be character bound as well.

I mean, where’s the “progression” if you can earn PvP skins with your thief and then use them on your guardian? Where’s the individual, meaningful progression for each character?

Also, the same argument which was made for FotM level being character bound can be made for sPvP as well – just because you got to level 30 with your warrior doesn’t mean you know how to play your new necromancer at the same difficulty scale. Similarily, just because you got to rank 30 with your warrior doesn’t mean you know how to play your new necromancer against similarily skilled opponents.

I think it is very strange that the one progression which really depends on specific skill and character control is generic across the whole account, thus making the individual rank completely and the importance it should carry completely meaningless.

Suggestion: sPvP progression character bound

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789



The great forum duppy.

Suggestion: sPvP progression character bound

in PvP

Posted by: Chaosky.5276
