Before I get started on this I want to warn everyone that I cannot help but be slanted by my opinions here; however I intend for this to be an open discussion and welcome civil comments/suggestions (preferably not ‘lol u just suck at it’ posts). I apologize if some of these ideas have been posted already.
I will start by saying that I really enjoy SPvP the same way I did in Guild Wars 1, I would not say it is perfectly balanced but it isn’t far off. It’s very addictive, and the amount of viable builds is greater than most people will realize. I don’t play this game for just SPvP and I’m only rank 20, so I may not have seen everything yet. With that out of the way, let me get to a few of my points here…
Glory/Point allocation
- Issue:
Something that concerns me in most of my SPvP games is that you will see at least one person that really has no interest in fighting beyond what they have to; they will run from node to node, collecting points in the most stable way they can. For other people that don’t do that and prefer to defend or fight over nodes, that person is then missing and hurting the team by not being there to help over large® battles.
Furthermore, the incentive for staying still or guarding is very little.
A Guardian that holds out 3 enemies on a point is unlikely to be able to kill any of them in most cases, yet is helping out the team a great deal. Players that build support-style are also inclined to lower rewards and scoring, based on the majority of glory being awarded based on doing enough damage as to count towards “player kill”.
- Solution:
- First, I would suggest that less points (half, let’s say) be awarded to capturing uncontested points, and more (15 up from 10) be awarded for capturing a contested point. I understand glory is rewarded for being an ‘objective assaulter’ as well, however this does not always even out based on contribution; it seems to be proportionate to damage dealt. This leaves more support-styled players in a deficit that is not exactly deserved.
- Following that, I would suggest that players inflicting large amounts of control, as well as players that reach a ‘healing done to others’ threshold (similar to damage done) be awarded for their assistance to players. This would give a greater incentive to be less of a ‘selfish’ player that ignores downed teammates and people being focused down.
- Finally, I would implement a ‘Martyr’ system (similar to League of Legends’ in Dominion, for those of you that have played), where someone that puts up the good fight on a point and dies is still given some reward. Just because they couldn’t kill someone in a 1v3, or they were the first to die because they were the first into a 4v4, doesn’t mean they didn’t help.
I have less to offer here, as for the most part I enjoy the maps and find them balanced. What I do have to say may not earn me any friends, but let’s get to it anyway.
- Raid on the Capricorn issues
- Sharks.
My god, sharks. With squishier classes and/or builds, one will bite you for over 2,000 damage. Considering that a rush to the Ruins point will collect you about 4 of these sharks, this is devastating. Of course, it is possible to kill them before you get there, but they actually have a sizable health pool and it becomes quite the PVE venture, which I don’t really feel has a place (at least, to this extent) in a PVP environment.
The sharks discourage most anyone from the underwater combat element of this map, and you will commonly see everyone avoiding it. What’s worse, they seem to have aggro tables; thus classes inherently prone to AOE damage (Elementalist, for example) are going to end up being eaten alive even if they weren’t the ones to pull the sharks. In fact, based on these aggro tables, one of the strategies I’ve seen is for people to just sit opposite of each other on the beach and wait for someone to go first after the ruins point.
This large scale PVE content is regarded, in my experience, as a big detriment to the map – many people will leave as soon as Raid on the Capricorn comes up in rotation, and a large portion of those that stay will avoid the water (and often complain about it). - Cannon/Ship
The cannon is underused, I would say in equal parts due to the chore of running cannon balls back and fourth, and the obscured vision of the two points people are likely to be contesting over (dock, in particular, has a very large palm tree in the way). The ship itself, then, never really plays host to battles – which is just a shame as there are fun fights to be had using this environment.
Jade Quarry