TL;DR: I’m suggesting a design shift of improving UI and UI tools to improve teamwork as a means of addressing imbalances.
Short List:
A bindable hotkey that pings on my location
Additional more descriptive hotkeyable pings
A Radial Menu for Tactical communication
List of clickable standard tactics/rules of engagement
Option to Bail Out In Pregame
Create a Post Game Lobby
Option to Surrender
Prominent Sound on Ping/different sounds for different pings
A bindable hotkey that pings on my location
Reasoning: I main a thief and in the middle of combat I don’t always have flexibility to take the ~1-1.5 sec to drag my cursor and ping the map. Often times if I’m not prepared to daze or withdraw on a reactionary basis, I will die. Secondly, occasionally I find myself having to defend a point (due to HeroQ) and as a thief I can only delay most times if I’m unable to kill quickly or if there’s more than 1 attacking. In such instances, the ability to quick ping can get help or serve as a beacon for HeroQ heroes, allowign them to get to me a few seconds sooner and possibly save the point.
Bonus: Give it a unique ping, so that others can see it as a cry for help not just an attention getter. Additionally, quick successive hits on the hotkey produce a number over the ping designating number of hostiles. Something like a yellow circle and embossed or outlined number overlaying it could work.
Additional more descriptive hotkeyable pings
Reasoning: It should be easier to quickly display if I want someone to attack or defend. It should also be easier to state spots on hostiles.
Bonus: An attack/defend ping on a cap point, with a red sword or orange shield or something for quick color/shape recognition. An additional hostile call out ping, multiple successive key presses could display a corresponding number on the ping.
A Radial Menu for Tactical communication
Reasoning: Many times as a thief if I see a fire or water field I’ll instantly switch to SB to clusterbomb. With 1+ teammates the buffs add incredibly to our damage/survivability.
Bonus: This might be a little much but maybe a standard popup menu, with dragable [Field][Finisher] to make communication easier during pregame. Alternatively a chart of faded [Fields] and [Finishers] that turn on or get brighter if it is present in the current weapons/utilities within team (bonus,bonus: icon of class next to it or corresponding number of team member). This would allow for better ease of disscussing more advanced tactics in pregame. Additionally add boons/conds into that chart.
List of clickable standard tactics/rules of engagement
Reasoning: Normally at beginning of match sometimes I like to reiterate simple tactics, especially if there is someone new. Most of it is redundant and I often get ridiculed for it, but assuming they listen and not do the complete opposite, it helps.
[ie. 1) Fight on point 2) Don’t go into an outnumbered losing fight 3) Defend/delay far point if you’re backcapping (don’t just run off) 4) If you’re losing a battle on a pt and it is no longer capped run away and heal and call for backup 5)Go for Lord (variable) 6)Intercepting is a valid form of defense against ONE opponent (not multiple) 6) etc.]
Of course there are scenario exceptions to each rule, but those can be addressed pregame in chat. Point being an easy reference for agreed tactics avoids confusion and quickly addresses shortcomings in individual tactics. [ie. kittentard get on pt, ref. tactic #1 kitten/ or allow tactics to be hotkeyed and it briefly lights up on screen]
Bonus: Simply a text box overlay with votable/toggable selection and indicator at the beginning (like explorable path voting in dungeons). Additionally the window hides into a mouseoverable moveable icon, and the listed tactics are linkable in chat. Each member can propose 1 custom tactic to be added for the match. Tactics only added to mouseover window upon majority vote. More advanced strats usually are more variable and will be typed out anyways.
Option to Bail Out In Pregame
Reasoning: If there is a player I don’t want to play with or who is unwilling to coordinate/communicate, I shouldn’t be penalized for it.
Bonus: Draw bailing penalties from w.e LoL had, it’s been a while since I played that but it seemed to work well.
Create a Post Game Lobby
Reasoning: Sometimes I’m still talking to other players about strategies or advising newbies but then we get kicked out. Simply allowing us to stay in the server until we decide to disconnect could address this.
Bonus: Create a special training grounds lobby with instant on stomp ressurect, to allow for quick demonstartions/teaching.