Supposedly I just got outplayed
ha…i thought they fixed that kitten
[Teef] guild :>
nah, thief was assaulting our base all match. My team was 2v1 him all game….. he finally managed a kill with 50 pts to go.
(edited by Xista.7391)
i did not understand crap about this post
If all the thief was doing was assaulting your base, perhaps you should have set someone purely to guarding your lord, perhaps your lord and quarry. He is hurting his teams chances as you have a 5v4 on the other three points and should win. The lord is a mechanic of this map, I think its an excellent mechanic that leads to some great crux plays. Admittedly, its a bit crap that its all this thief was trying to do, but clearly it worked, you didn’t counter it well enough
what I don’t get is it looks like both walls are up? How?
you can still glitch in easy with mesmer and thief atleast.
Because they are so good in fixing stuff that a bug known since beta can still be abused. Just like ele’s fiery greatsword, the blind powder+ warrior steal combination of thieves or rangers rezz spirit bug.
Get over it they still pretend to do something for pvp with useless CDI’s but just look when they did the last balance patch, then look when they did a preview and now think about it that it still takes more than a month to bring it.
This forum was so full of rage between january and june 2013, now its quite and not because everyone is satisfied but because no one is left.
GG Arenanet. You successfully accomplished to destroy any competition in your game. But do just tons of stupid bugfixes on the pve side, while bugs like this exist during beta and had been reported thousands of times.
If all the thief was doing was assaulting your base, perhaps you should have set someone purely to guarding your lord, perhaps your lord and quarry. He is hurting his teams chances as you have a 5v4 on the other three points and should win. The lord is a mechanic of this map, I think its an excellent mechanic that leads to some great crux plays. Admittedly, its a bit crap that its all this thief was trying to do, but clearly it worked, you didn’t counter it well enough
Yes he didn’t counter a bug that lets thief teleport over the walls without breaking the gates.
dat logic.
This reminds me of something that happened a few days ago while in a hotjoin match. I was spectating a match in Forest of Niflhel, when the person I was spectating (an Elementalist of the red team) entered the blue team’s starting area, without using any skills, he just walked in… Then he started casting Meteor Shower there, it was very silly.
So, I joined the blue team and killed the Elementalist but after he was downed he used Vapor Form and moved outside of the barricade surrounding the starting zone. I was getting “Obstructed” messages while he was happily regaining his health without a care in the world.
Later, at the Henge point, he walked inside the columns and used Meteor Shower from inside, while he was invulnerable from the attacks of others players….
So yeah you don’t have to play Thief to do that, just need a wall hack that these guys are using.
Mechanics are silly, even before they get abused.
“Is it uplevel ranger season yet?”