Sylvari-themed Map, please?

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


The current maps are:

*Battle of Kyhlo – 100% Human

*Legacy of Foefire – Human vs. Charr

*Forest of Niflhel – Norn and Human

*Temple of the Silent Storm – Kodan, which are Norns. Thanks go to runeblade for telling me!
*Raid on the Capricorn – Lion’s Arch/Pirate City style. Which also means Humans

*Spirit Watch – 100% Norn (like this map. Why isn’t it in Team Arena?)

*Skyhammer – 100% Asura (I love this map. Haters gonna hate!)

And we see, all other 4 races except Sylvari have got at least 1 PvP map theme (humans have too much love~). Maybe it’s time for some fights inside a super-natural forest?

If you have any ideas about what this map should be like and how it works post it right here. If some devs drop by and we get enough attention that Sylvari map could really happen!


Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

(edited by Ferik.3127)

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Temple of the Silent Storm is Kodan themed.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


Agreed, next map thould be sylvari-themed!
Besides… more of everything for SPvP!

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


signed, i love jungle

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Inb4 after release of this map:

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


Hmm, I wouldn’t mind SPvP map that’s made by Super Adventure Box team

signed, i love jungle

Jungle… yes, man, that would be great! Attacks from trees, places to hide.
We need jungle!

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Asomal.6453


Actually, there are a few themes that could make awesome PvP maps. Just ones that comes in my mind right now:

- Divinity’s Reach theme
- Flame Legion theme / Volcanic theme (with lava surrounding it)
- Silvary / Twilight Arbor theme
- Asura’s Lab theme (like CoE)
- Orr theme
- Adventure Box theme
- A “dark/night map”. Just like that fractal stage, where you need a torch to cross the snowstorm.
- A fully underwater map (when it’s balanced)
- Ascalon Catacomb dungeon theme (best dungeon design ever)

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: yolosmurf.8052


nightmare court colorschemes are really awesome

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Last two pvp maps aren’t good for rated match, spirit is a map where you can win without win a single teamfight (LOL) and sky hammer is a map where you can one shot people with a single CC and there is a weapon which does a lot of damage undodgeable (btw i think if they fix cannon and one shot problem could be fun also for rated match).

So it’s ok a sylvari map but please, do a new map good for rated match without lamer mechanics.

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Nah they will just add a giant beetle that roams around doing 10k unblockable and undodgable damage and knocking you down. Then after words the beetle will say l2p nubzzz positioning? baddie.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


I’m thinking of large rose bud “traps” that get activated when two players stand on it; the flower swallows the two players into a small arena and forces them to duel. Flower opens up after a player is downed.

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Quickfoot Katana.8642

Quickfoot Katana.8642

Cap points separated by fissures and you carry a seed to a spot that grows a bridge to cross over

Sylvari-themed Map, please?

in PvP

Posted by: Ferik.3127


I’m thinking of large rose bud “traps” that get activated when two players stand on it; the flower swallows the two players into a small arena and forces them to duel. Flower opens up after a player is downed.

Zone! THE ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzONE! You honor me by replying on this topic. Always liked your dual-sword warrior build on Server 002.

Also, very brilliant idea. I think this would encourage players to build specifically for the map, much like people did on Skyhammer.
Is this idea from some dark fantasy genre? Cos it’s really cool, gives me the chills and warms the heart.

Cap points separated by fissures and you carry a seed to a spot that grows a bridge to cross over

Good one, Katana. A Sylvari lore mechanism is applied naturally.
The seeds could work like the Trebuchet repair kits on Kyhlo

great idea, guys, keep it coming! ArenaNet would surely appreciate cool new ideas about building a new map for everyone!

Casual player of all races, classes and genders
Champion Slayer | sPvP Rank 90

(edited by Ferik.3127)