Sync Queue'ing!?!?!

Sync Queue'ing!?!?!

in PvP

Posted by: Inverted.7439


The PvP scene in Gw2 has been getting alot of love lately and it’s great to see all these new people trying it out for the first time. One of the newer features is solo queue. This is where you’re teamed up with 4 other people on a team vs. another team of 5. And for the first few days it was awesome, I even made it to 175 on the leaderboards which is really cool for someone who doesn’t usually PvP too seriously. But today when i Queue’d up for solo queue on one monitor I opened up some gw2 streams on my other just to get into the PvP mindset, after going through 5 or 6 streams I found out people are queue’ing with their friends by simply hitting the button at the same time, and the shocking part is that it’s working. As if facing one high level PvP’er isn’t bad enough now I have to face 2 or more that are in Teamspeak with eachother? That doesn’t sound very fair. Isn’t that the general idea of solo queue? Not to be put up against premade groups? And you could say that in games like LoL or other Moba’s that duo Queue’ing is acceptable but this game isn’t a moba and it doesn’t function the same. I just felt this needs to be acknowledged by the dev’s.

Sync Queue'ing!?!?!

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Syncing isn’t even the problem since in a better world there’s a 50% chance they’d face against each other.

The big problem with the current MMR is that it tends to group the 5 best ranked players on a team against the bottom 5 players on the team, so the games are typically very lopsided. This not only creates imba matches, but makes it much easier to sync with someone of similar MMR. It’s no surprise that the top ranked players conveniently enjoy the luxury of playing together often against completely lesser-ranked teams.

Hence the lucrative amounts of players in the top 100 with 75% + win ratios.


Sync Queue'ing!?!?!

in PvP

Posted by: Master of Timespace.2548

Master of Timespace.2548

Syncing isn’t even the problem since in a better world there’s a 50% chance they’d face against each other.

The big problem with the current MMR is that it tends to group the 5 best ranked players on a team against the bottom 5 players on the team, so the games are typically very lopsided. This not only creates imba matches, but makes it much easier to sync with someone of similar MMR. It’s no surprise that the top ranked players conveniently enjoy the luxury of playing together often against completely lesser-ranked teams.

Hence the lucrative amounts of players in the top 100 with 75% + win ratios.

Yeah, when the average win ratio in the top 100 is signifigantly higher than 50%, that’s an undeniable proof that there is something wrong with match making: they don’t seem to play against each other.

? <(^-^><)>^-^)> <(^-^)> ?