System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


So, start we the good things:

I like the divisions. I like the rewards. I like the progression idea. I like the guild flags in the Mist. I like the Guild ELO leaderboard. I like the badge.

All this stuff is new. And i think is good.

So what’s the general issue?

The frustration of loosing pips when you can do nothing to avoid it, the feeling you’re wasting a huge quantity of time and get 0 progression

Main cause

- you face full premades when you’re solo/duo and you lose pips. This needs to change. Really soon. And maybe sometimes you can win but the majority of times you don’t so your progression will stop.

- Winning Odds are not really well calculated. And when it happens you lose pips and consequently a huge quantity of time. Trio queue, 4 men and a full team are a huge factor in a conquest game. Almost never you should lose pips if you don’t have a similar composition of the same skill level (and not pro league players from a side and a generic trio queue on the other side)

So for sure the main reason of frustration is the bad matchmaking + odds calculation.

People lose pips too easy. This thing has a huge impact on progression.

Other issue

Queue time in the mist. This can generate a deadly combo like 10 min queue doing nothing in the Mist + bad matchup + pips lost. This is a sword in our hearts. We don’t deserve it honestly. This creates a super high frustration level. Really too high for a game who wants to keep people playing.

Other issues? General balance.


(edited by philheat.3956)

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


Maybe a good compromise would be that solo and duo q players should lose pips a a slower rate than 3, 4 and 5 man teams. Perhaps 1 pip lost for every 3 matches lost? Might help reduce the angst around here.

I like your post.

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: Hansen.3264


what do you need the pipes fore?

have some good fights and think less on the pipes. you will get your stuff if you play each season anyways . getting in division were one dont belong will not be fun either

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Maybe a good compromise would be that solo and duo q players should lose pips a a slower rate than 3, 4 and 5 man teams. Perhaps 1 pip lost for every 3 matches lost? Might help reduce the angst around here.

I like your post.

Thx, It could be a solution, in general it’s all about odds calculation, so if you’re solo/duo i think your chance to win should be really low against a 3+ guys and consequently you shouldn’t lose pips.

I Agree we need some quickly solution for this Season.

Not for the second. Starting with THIS Season. It’s not too late.

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: revy.4320


MMR tanking and kittens aside, they must implemented a solo queue. Even the idea that you could be matched against a full premade as a team of individuals is beyond ridiculous. Who the kitten would design such a system?

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: DeltaZero.6310


This is always the case in pvp games with league systems etc. Look at LoL, every now and again you will get a loss you don’t think you deserve and get punished but at the same time, unless you are the #1 player in the world you will get a win you didnt deserve and get rewarded for it.

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: Jovik.4736


TY anet for everytime get full premade against me and some random pve players.

System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: Apolo.5942


The only viable match ups should be:
5 team vs 5 team
4 team + 1 vs 4 team + 1
3 team + 2 team vs 3 team + 2 team
5 solos vs 5 solos.
No other variation of queue grouping should be allowed

The term Exploit means nothing in GW2 –
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
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System is good, odds and premade vs solo not

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


The only viable match ups should be:
5 team vs 5 team
4 team + 1 vs 4 team + 1
3 team + 2 team vs 3 team + 2 team
5 solos vs 5 solos.
No other variation of queue grouping should be allowed

I think 1-1-1-1-1 vs 1-1-1-2 could be good.

At least i had a lot of good games with this combo (in a side or in another)

And 2-2-1 only vs 2-2-1
3+2 vs 3+2
and 3-1-1 vs 3-1-1

The alternative could be create a more unrestricted party size match up BUT if you have not trio, 4 men, or 5 men in you team u can’t lose pips at all.

In general I’d want to say this is a really old issue, we had the same issue for the 2 seasons test but ofc now the frustration is really higher cuz there are more people interested to compete in leagues and there is this pips system.