(edited by Leithiani.7460)
TOP 3 Ways to Balance - sPvP
Why do people keep making posts about balance in Hot-join? It’s just meant for kitten -ing around, it’s not meant to be serious.
Why do people keep making posts about balance in Hot-join? It’s just meant for kitten -ing around, it’s not meant to be serious.
If you want to be serious then make a serious post please. Hot-Join is part of the game. The tournament systems works fine as is (even though they are working on it more). My auto-balance FIX and conditions FIX would help balance tournaments too however.
Please add constructive comments or add your own TOP 3 Ways to Balance sPvP please:
The fix to the autobalance is the most kitten kitten thing I’ve ever read. Yeah it sounds great to make someone unable to play because the kid that just got killed left the game, forcing “spectator-balance”.
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius
The fix to the autobalance is the most kitten kitten thing I’ve ever read. Yeah it sounds great to make someone unable to play because the kid that just got killed left the game, forcing “spectator-balance”.
So you think it is better to force people to play in a team that has less people than the other team because someone on their team left? How about the fact that many people join on the team that has the highest score in a balanced game (making it even more unbalanced against the team that is currently loosing – causing even more people to drop out.). In 5v5 matches or tournaments – being down a person (5v4) is even more dramatic creating a large unbalance in the game (many would rather forfeit the entire match which wastes everyone’s time).
(edited by Leithiani.7460)
Why do people keep making posts about balance in Hot-join? It’s just meant for kitten -ing around, it’s not meant to be serious.
If you want to be serious then make a serious post please. Hot-Join is part of the game. The tournament systems works fine as is (even though they are working on it more). My auto-balance FIX and conditions FIX would help balance tournaments too however.
Please add constructive comments or add your own TOP 3 Ways to Balance sPvP please:
My apologies, I worded it wrong. I feel Hot-join does not need balancing since it is built to be a place to just have fun with little consequence.
If we are talking about hotjoin, having some sort of reward whether you win or lose would encourage people not to rage quit just because they can. Back in the good ol’ noob days I was discourage when a team was so dominant that getting any sort of points (which is the only thing that matters in spvp) was impossible. Then I am wasiting 5-10 minutes of PvE (more rewarding) playtime every game. Hotjoin is an essential part to spvp and it’s what fosters the newcomers into tpvp. No point in tpvp without players and players won’t grow unless they enjoy spvp.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
Great suggestion ArcTheFallen (above). There should be more than just glory as a reward for playing out each match. I am surprised that no one has commented on the use of the Sigil of Generosity to help balance out the over-abundance of conditions now in the game.
1. Give thieves 3s reveal.
2. Give thieves 3s reveal.
3. Give thieves 3s reveal.
Like what I did there?
How to balance sPvP
1 Pass Product A to Person B
2 There isn’t one, we can install it for you
3 (if you weren’t going to Supercheap) Make only 1 profession available to sPvP
After all not everyone can do everything
Fine Print: Fees and charges may apply, check the website for more details
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
1. remove thief from the game
2. remove mesmer from the game
3. add firework on the top of Clocktower
Tekkit’s Workshop
The problem of hotjoin overall is not a 6v7 or something of that nature that happens.
The reason why newer ppl don’t or can’t enjoy sPvP, which are future potential PvP-Players, is that experience is not splitted. You describe that in point #2. I think this is the core issue. When I play hotjoin for my daily and I stomp all these r1-10 players, I actually feel bad for them.
It wouldn’t be fun either to duell against bruce lee in your first karate-lesson. The problem is, rank means not skill. Skill comes from duelling, theorycrafting, observing, tournament-play and so on. So many factors with impact. What a-net created was a casual plattform, intended to be beginner-friendly. But after 10 months the gap between experienced players and beginners got so huge. This makes it with every day beginner UNfriendlier.
the last time i tried purity sigil the effect seemed very meager. procs were pretty rare.
They actually worked great as an alternate means of condition removal without needing to invest in condition removal traits and heals (until conditions became more and more rampant). Now they are not as effective – but if you reduced the cool-down to 5 sec and added in the Superior Sigil of Generosity then people would again have an alternate way to control conditions.
Please post your ideas. I know everyone is focusing on comments from the new patch but there are other ways to balance sPvP besides just individual profession changes.
List your TOP 3 Ways to Balance – sPvP (applicable to both Tournament and Hot-Join
Just stop please. This isn’t even remotely about Tournament. This is about you, and the hotjoin heroes trying to balance a casual feature that offers way to many rewards for the effort spent. Auto-balance all you want, people will still zerg because they are farming glory/rank there.
Hotjoin’s rewards are the cancer of PvP.
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
List your TOP 3 Ways to Balance – sPvP (applicable to both Tournament and Hot-Join
Just stop please. This isn’t even remotely about Tournament. This is about you, and the hotjoin heroes trying to balance a casual feature that offers way to many rewards for the effort spent. Auto-balance all you want, people will still zerg because they are farming glory/rank there.
Hotjoin’s rewards are the cancer of PvP.
And the value of your post is??? —- Get real please.
Do you still prefer to play out a tournament that is 5v4 ???
You don’t think adding Superior Sigil of Generosity and reducing the cool-down on Superior Sigil of Purity to 5 sec would improve tournament balance ???
Come up with your own ideas as well (ideas don’t have to be profession specific to affect game balance). — Thanks.
List your TOP 3 Ways to Balance – sPvP (applicable to both Tournament and Hot-Join
Just stop please. This isn’t even remotely about Tournament. This is about you, and the hotjoin heroes trying to balance a casual feature that offers way to many rewards for the effort spent. Auto-balance all you want, people will still zerg because they are farming glory/rank there.
Hotjoin’s rewards are the cancer of PvP.
And the value of your post is??? —- Get real please.
Do you still prefer to play out a tournament that is 5v4 ???
You don’t think adding Superior Sigil of Generosity and reducing the cool-down on Superior Sigil of Purity to 5 sec would improve tournament balance ???
Come up with your own ideas as well (ideas don’t have to be profession specific to affect game balance). — Thanks.
Playing a tournament 5v4 is the lack of leavers/afkers report function and the dishonorable system which was datamined so it’s pretty close. It is also the consequence of not having a separated SoloQ from TeamQ.
I also think buffing that sigil is just pidgeonholing everyplayer to use it so it’s not a feasible solution. You fix the problem from it’s root not by finding a workaround that would only agravate the problem on the long run.
Playing a tournament 5v4 is the lack of leavers/afkers report function and the dishonorable system which was datamined so it’s pretty close. It is also the consequence of not having a separated SoloQ from TeamQ.
I also think buffing that sigil is just pidgeonholing everyplayer to use it so it’s not a feasible solution. You fix the problem from it’s root not by finding a workaround that would only agravate the problem on the long run.
I also read the data mined info about the dishonorable system. It is an improvement and it will help – but it doesn’t solve the un-balanced problem still. My solution above (in original post – OP) will still work better to solve the 5v4 problem in conjunction with the dishonorable system. People will still go Link Dead or get Real Life Agro, etc… and with the dishonorable system you will still end up with a 5v4 in a particular match.
As far as the Superior Sigil of Generosity and Purity (reducing its cool-down) – yes it would be a popular choice but then not everyone would roll condition spec’s like they do now (and then the sigils would be less popular – and it would balance out) —-—- thus problem solved.