Tab targetting
I know they are working on this but just wanted to voice my support as well. The other day I ended up in a match versus 3 mesmers and 2 necros. The 2 necros didnt leave each others side so every time I came across them it was like 10 vs 1. Try acquiring a target in that mess.
Please for the love of god make Tab targeting actually select the nearest player! I don’t care where my mouse is looking. When I press tab I want to target the person attacking my side not the person 50 ft. away.
This would be a separate bind called ‘Target Nearest’. Tab targeting is meant to cycle through targets with some priority that may or may not start with your closest target. For instance, tab could prefer targets towards the center of your screen, and not necessarily the closest.
Evan, since we are at it, a few months ago you were right about to implement a fix, so that when interaction windows popped up on your screen (like a tournament match), you didn’t get kicked out of your chat windows interrupting whatever you were in the process of typing. For some reason this never went through and I wonder what happened.
Any chance for this to be happening anytime soon, because it is still as annoying as it ever was.
This fix is done on a case-by-case basis. If there are more windows that need to not do that, just let me know. I applied the fix to the death breakdown (no longer relevant), the scoreboard, and the overflow redirect.
It’s when you are typing in chat and someone prompts you to join their tournament rooster, it stops the chat typing and you open all sorts of UI windows associated with each key, like B, G, etc.
EDIT : While we are it Evan, we PvPers have to a hell of a lot of salvaging, if you could change it the system so that we can click “Enter” key to “Accept” the UI window that asks if you want to salvage it or not. If not possible then a way to select a bag to salvage every item inside said bag. That would be such a GREAT Quality of Life Improvement Evan
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
Chrispytoast.3698Please for the love of god make Tab targeting actually select the nearest player! I don’t care where my mouse is looking. When I press tab I want to target the person attacking my side not the person 50 ft. away.
Evan LeshThis would be a separate bind called ‘Target Nearest’. Tab targeting is meant to cycle through targets with some priority that may or may not start with your closest target. For instance, tab could prefer targets towards the center of your screen, and not necessarily the closest.
There already is a bind for “Nearest Enemy” (default binding : none), but it seems to do the same thing as the first use of “Next Enemy” (aka Tab).
I got pretty good at using these two binds (+"Previous Enemy" if I overshot by 1) in GW1 to pick targets very quickly, usually much faster than using the mouse (plus you could target things off screen – like the enemy attacking you from behind). Unfortunately this technique doesn’t work very well in GW2 because of its strange idea of what “nearest” means.
Also, for the sake of streamlining targetting, and this might certainly affect balance, can stealth be changed to hide but not lose targetting? So when a targetted opponent comes out of stealth, it’ll automatically target them again if they were the last targetted foe. And mayben to not be so harsh to thieves and for the sake of some extra strategy/ defense, stealth could only drop targetting completely if the stealthed character moved far away from their opponent.
Introduce a target lock option where you always target a certain opponent as soon as they pop out of stealth or clone.
You reduced any non-mesmer/thief players into mouse clickers. That is a big advantage to the opponent.
I don’t see how it’s fair that a mesmer/thief never loses a non stealthing/cloning class as a target while everyone else does.
The imbalances in this game are just out of control.
As a full time Necro player I have to disagree to both of these post. The whole premises of a stealth skill is that you lose your visual target and thus not knowing where they will reappear next. So you should not get an automatic re-target on that player. That would make it to easy to fight against a thief or mesmer. This sounds to me like a more L2P issue with the game mechanics. One needs to understand stealth in order to counter it effectively. Know that you can still hit a stealth player. Know that all conditions still effect a stealth player. Know that if you begin a skill that channels damage it will continue to channel once they’ve jumped into stealth. Know that Aoe’s are a stealth players nightmare. I’ve played against many of thieves that tried heartseeking me and failed. Only to have me come back hard at them and they have to stealth to get away. And sometime I’ll find they come out of stealth in a downed state And this is coming from a primarily power Necro.
PvP R29 Necromancer
Level 80 Necro / Level 80 Thief
totally agree, except clones should still part of the tab targeting, or that destroys the whole point of mesmers.
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
Bra (80 Guard), Fixie Bow (80 Ranger), Wcharr (80 Ele)
Xdragonshadowninjax (80 Thief)
Chrispytoast.3698Please for the love of god make Tab targeting actually select the nearest player! I don’t care where my mouse is looking. When I press tab I want to target the person attacking my side not the person 50 ft. away.
Evan LeshThis would be a separate bind called ‘Target Nearest’. Tab targeting is meant to cycle through targets with some priority that may or may not start with your closest target. For instance, tab could prefer targets towards the center of your screen, and not necessarily the closest.
There already is a bind for “Nearest Enemy” (default binding : none), but it seems to do the same thing as the first use of “Next Enemy” (aka Tab).
I got pretty good at using these two binds (+"Previous Enemy" if I overshot by 1) in GW1 to pick targets very quickly, usually much faster than using the mouse (plus you could target things off screen – like the enemy attacking you from behind). Unfortunately this technique doesn’t work very well in GW2 because of its strange idea of what “nearest” means.
Yes! Exactly!
Since they gave us the option to disable right-click targeting (thanks again, Evan and everyone who worked on that!), this is my only remaining gripe with the targeting system, I think. At the very least, it’s the most prominent one, and certainly the only one I can think of at the moment. I guess GW1 spoiled me for targeting.
“Nearest” should mean “to my character,” not “to the top center of my screen.” I’ve found myself relying on auto-target almost exclusively in many battles. I just point my camera toward what I want to target, and I hope it chooses the right one. It doesn’t (at least not reliably), but it’s at least as close as the “Target ‘Nearest’” is. It’s led to a very haphazard style of gameplay that I’m actually a little embarrassed to admit to using.
+1. On our list. Seriously though, we have already been making small fixes to mouse selection. We have a whole page dedicated to targeting issues we plan to fix. How about the issue where you cant select targets through invisible walls. i.e. the dividing walls between side points and keep in Forest.
I’m very excited to see what you guys have in store for us! As I’ve said in the past, the targeting system in this game frustrates me so much because it gets in the way of playing the game that I love. It’s kind of like money in a marriage; a perpetual source of conflict in what should be a happy situation. Thanks for noticing the problem and working toward a solution!
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
this would make me rly happy – a target system ignoring pets and would make pvp more enjoyable when have to fight minionmasters + spiritmasters
BUT plz dont make this system ignore mesmer illusions cause this would destroy the class^^ – i dont play mesmer but i think it would be wrong to have a button to find the correct one
maby a fokustarget too – or targettarget
Gw1 had a really nice feature where when you pressed tab it would select the enemy that you were “looking at.” Basically you could aim your camera at a target and when you pressed tab it would select the enemy closest to the middle of your screen. The tab targeting in gw2 seems to have no rhyme or reason to what is selected next, going from someone off to your right to someone behind you to someone on the other side of the map u.u
Try the C button, it works similarly.
All my keys are completely remapped…What does the default C do?
For GW1 C is target closest enemy, for some odd reason its not in GW2 I quickly changed that in my config almost as fast as I turned on the game clock (after years of using C to “reset” my tab targeting if I over did it I just couldn’t live without it XD).
Yeah Target nearest is super useful, but what I’m saying is that tab-targeting should be based on where you are looking, not some pre-defined list of enemies that you cannot control.
Having tab-targeting select target that you are “looking at” (i.e. closest to the center of your screen) would be extremely useful instead of the hidden mechanics we have now.
In gw1 it would even highlight (not switch target, just have an outline around the character model) for the target you would select next if you pressed tab. So just by rotating your camera a bit you could essentially choose your next target without having to click on it. This was especially useful when playing frontline to call targets for spikes. It was quick and efficient.
Having to click on your targets or repeatedly press tab until you get the target you want is messy and takes too much time. In a game where the combat is fast-paced and there are often many enemies on your screen this can mean life or death.
Spirit of Faith [HOPE] – RIP
(edited by Quick Mouse.7635)
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
Pretty much this. An option to click on the name of someone and have them be targeted would also be useful.
could u look at issue with single target skills not hitting the target that u have selected its dire to try and fight any profession with pets/clones/turrets as they often take the ability with a body block
Intended I believe, so tankier players can physically (though not under Australian lag easily) get in front of skills to save other players. There are some skills that ignore this as well (such as ele air 2 and 3 on sceptre)
yeah i wouldn’t mind that if a player that could body block skill but when it comes to pets blocking skills some players have 6 pets like spirit rangers and minion necros mesmers all have advantage having all those pets makes single target impossible make almost all your skills will be body blocked with the abundance of pets roaming about it just nerfs professions that build for single target no wonder warrior have been bottom of the food chain for so long
why shouldn’t I be able to target a stealth thief?
Because that would make stealth, as well as the whole thief class useless?
Just like minion masters and clone mesmers, sure you know the real Mesmer from the fake one, click on him or tab your way through, it shouldn’t autotarget the correct enemy because clones aren’t what they’re suppose to be and why not just give necromancer one minior and more skills on him makes him more powerful then having a bunch to blend yourself with your minions.
Also, for the sake of streamlining targetting, and this might certainly affect balance, can stealth be changed to hide but not lose targetting? So when a targetted opponent comes out of stealth, it’ll automatically target them again if they were the last targetted foe. And mayben to not be so harsh to thieves and for the sake of some extra strategy/ defense, stealth could only drop targetting completely if the stealthed character moved far away from their opponent.
Introduce a target lock option where you always target a certain opponent as soon as they pop out of stealth or clone.
You reduced any non-mesmer/thief players into mouse clickers. That is a big advantage to the opponent.
I don’t see how it’s fair that a mesmer/thief never loses a non stealthing/cloning class as a target while everyone else does.
The imbalances in this game are just out of control.
As a full time Necro player I have to disagree to both of these post. The whole premises of a stealth skill is that you lose your visual target and thus not knowing where they will reappear next. So you should not get an automatic re-target on that player. That would make it to easy to fight against a thief or mesmer. This sounds to me like a more L2P issue with the game mechanics. One needs to understand stealth in order to counter it effectively. Know that you can still hit a stealth player. Know that all conditions still effect a stealth player. Know that if you begin a skill that channels damage it will continue to channel once they’ve jumped into stealth. Know that Aoe’s are a stealth players nightmare. I’ve played against many of thieves that tried heartseeking me and failed. Only to have me come back hard at them and they have to stealth to get away. And sometime I’ll find they come out of stealth in a downed state
And this is coming from a primarily power Necro.
If it’s a ‘L2P’ come mesmers and thieves don’t have that problem with the other classes while the other classes struggle with it? Ever tried locking on your target with more than one stealther around?
Having access to the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of mmorpg -unlimited and immediate stealth access in combat and not being revealed when hit- is enough of a handicap.
I seriously don’t believe anyone who pretends they favor that mechanic and pretends they aren’t playing those classes. ‘As a warrior I favor the broken stealth mechanics’. See? Easy..
why shouldn’t I be able to target a stealth thief?
Because that would make stealth, as well as the whole thief class useless?
Just like minion masters and clone mesmers, sure you know the real Mesmer from the fake one, click on him or tab your way through, it shouldn’t autotarget the correct enemy because clones aren’t what they’re suppose to be and why not just give necromancer one minior and more skills on him makes him more powerful then having a bunch to blend yourself with your minions.[/quote]
So while you tab your way through you are being damaged by clones, set up for a combo, being attacked by another target etc? Yep..sounds practical and fair.
Hope ESO doesn’t make the same horrible mistakes.
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
It would be refreshing to see the NPCs/AI removed out of PvP. Currently everything but a warrior (wait, forgot about rock dog) has something following it.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
It would be refreshing to see the NPCs/AI removed out of PvP. Currently everything but a warrior (wait, forgot about rock dog) has something following it.
Engis have no followers. They do have turrets, but they don’t move so it (generally) isn’t an issue to avoid targetting them.
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
It would be refreshing to see the NPCs/AI removed out of PvP. Currently everything but a warrior (wait, forgot about rock dog) has something following it.
Engis have no followers. They do have turrets, but they don’t move so it (generally) isn’t an issue to avoid targetting them.
Indeed, forgot about engie. My friend has a thief build that revolves around using 3 thief summons. He is thinking of getting the 4 piece of rock dog armour and 2 piece of bird armour for a laugh.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
It would be refreshing to see the NPCs/AI removed out of PvP. Currently everything but a warrior (wait, forgot about rock dog) has something following it.
Engis have no followers. They do have turrets, but they don’t move so it (generally) isn’t an issue to avoid targetting them.
It can be a problem when you are tab mashing and it just flops between the 2 nearest turrets over and over and over without ever targeting an actual player, happens a lot with those stupid vines too..
Some of the targeting changes we’re trying should help alleviate selection of stacked targets. Right now there’s so much overlap that even if you clicked perfectly on someone’s model, it could select a minion instead.
It would be refreshing to see the NPCs/AI removed out of PvP. Currently everything but a warrior (wait, forgot about rock dog) has something following it.
Engis have no followers. They do have turrets, but they don’t move so it (generally) isn’t an issue to avoid targetting them.
It can be a problem when you are tab mashing and it just flops between the 2 nearest turrets over and over and over without ever targeting an actual player, happens a lot with those stupid vines too..
Don’t even get me started about the vines, condition remove everyone out of them, get caught by someone elses vines. Not to mention that as an ele you do so little damage to the things that you almost need to condition cleanse out of them.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
If it’s a ‘L2P’ come mesmers and thieves don’t have that problem with the other classes while the other classes struggle with it? Ever tried locking on your target with more than one stealther around?
Having access to the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of mmorpg -unlimited and immediate stealth access in combat and not being revealed when hit- is enough of a handicap.
I seriously don’t believe anyone who pretends they favor that mechanic and pretends they aren’t playing those classes. ‘As a warrior I favor the broken stealth mechanics’. See? Easy..
Well, as far as I know, mesmers and thieves don’t have any advantage in selecting targets that come out of stealth. And they, too, have to fight stealthing opponents.
Then, the selection thing makes for a big part the survivability of those classes. Sure, removing it would make killing them easier. You could also remove all of their heals and prevent them from wearing armor. Or make their screen go full black for the duration of PvP matches. Bet you could finally kill one. But as for balance, it would be horrible. Plain and simple.
Last, but not least : “unlimited and immediate stealth in combat” isn’t a thing for mesmer. Ranger has more sustained stealth with less cast time than them, and even those aren’t perma/insta stealthing. Thief are another case, but they have even less survival tool outside of stealth.
Annoying if there is a team with 3 necros, 1 mesmer, 1 ranger – and your team has only 1 ranger as pet class and no other pet classes. The others have a huge advantage already only cause of the bad targeting(if you don’t bring lots of AoE to hit them and their pets at the same time).
Good to hear that this is being worked on.
I really never have any issues targeting so I really don’t see how it’s hard to actually click on the actual person. In my team, i usually am the one calling the targets for everyone else – it helps others not bother “trying to target” (as you’ve stated it).
It’s stupid to even ask for clones to be ignored on tab..or minions or pets for that matter. People use those pets to force others to work for their hits, not just press tab and voila – everything is easy. Stealth mechanics also force the other player’s target to change to a pet/clone etc…should you tab and select the stealther or tab after he’s out and behind a pillar… then auto attack to position yourself towards him. Wow, just can’t express the amount of lazyness.
Stop QQ-ing about how crappy and hard it is to target and learn how to target instead – or how to position yourself and your camera.
Oh a side now…fix the vines being “obstructed” to’s frustrating when you must aoe them or use a cleanse to get out of them because you can’t hit them.
Mesmer illusions should always count as “players” and been priorized in this way. Making tab an “instantly find the real mesmer and continue bashing him without even thinking about it”-button would totally destroy the class’ profession mechanic and probably the class in general.
You know in WoW there is an option called “Select nearest enemy PLAYER” I bound to Tab. It’s actually the number 1 thing Im missing in this game.
You know in WoW there is an option called “Select nearest enemy PLAYER” I bound to Tab. It’s actually the number 1 thing Im missing in this game.
Me too. I also miss the working nameplates that can be customised to remove pets totems and mirrors. Though, seeing through walls with them was BS
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Not to put the boot in or anything, but I’ve felt since launch that the targeting system in GW1 was a lot better than GW2. It just worked better. You could reliably cycle through all the targets on your radar, and not just the ones closest to you. Maybe this has been improved, I don’t know. Now I just target nearest and if that brings up a pet or something I’ll manually target with a mouse click. I’ve gotten used to it now but gw1 was still superior in that regard.
Awesome to get a response. I currently use a hotkey for target nearest. There is times that even with a target 300 units away it still prefers to select a target much further off. In one example on capricon I selected nearest and bypassed the guardian attacking me on the node in favour for one the sharks in the water. Glad to hear it is getting reviewed.
Also I have noticed when I have a target active and a team members runs by me it will automatically select them now. At first I though it was because my mouse was too sensitive..however I have seen happen when I had my hands away from the keyboard and mouse. Its a strange anomaly.
+1 with the OP !!!!
Also I would like it if when we are targetting something it draws a border (for example, a colored outline) around their character model and shows the outline (regardless if they are in view or behind a few NPCS’s). I think this would help with targetting alot so players can just focus on their target without taking their eyes of their target to see whether they have the right one or not.
If it’s a ‘L2P’ come mesmers and thieves don’t have that problem with the other classes while the other classes struggle with it? Ever tried locking on your target with more than one stealther around?
Having access to the most broken stealth mechanic in the history of mmorpg -unlimited and immediate stealth access in combat and not being revealed when hit- is enough of a handicap.
I seriously don’t believe anyone who pretends they favor that mechanic and pretends they aren’t playing those classes. ‘As a warrior I favor the broken stealth mechanics’. See? Easy..
Well, as far as I know, mesmers and thieves don’t have any advantage in selecting targets that come out of stealth. And they, too, have to fight stealthing opponents.
Then, the selection thing makes for a big part the survivability of those classes. Sure, removing it would make killing them easier. You could also remove all of their heals and prevent them from wearing armor. Or make their screen go full black for the duration of PvP matches. Bet you could finally kill one. But as for balance, it would be horrible. Plain and simple.Last, but not least : “unlimited and immediate stealth in combat” isn’t a thing for mesmer. Ranger has more sustained stealth with less cast time than them, and even those aren’t perma/insta stealthing. Thief are another case, but they have even less survival tool outside of stealth.
No..but they have the advantage over non stealthing targets:
Rangers aside from their single stealth short duration attack
Some engy builds that don’t rely on stealth combos
Why do you have the advantage over those classes for no apparent reason? That’s not fair..I want it fixed so your class is on equal footing with the rest of the classes.
Warriors, for example, don’t have that advantage at all.
As for mesmers accessing stealth..lets play this game..8 second cool down teleport on a weapon skill that bypasses stun and immob? Not a stun breaker yet still can be used during stuns to gap?
How about decoy? Blink? Some even bother using mass invis? Wall invis?
I’m not sure who you are trying to convince here that mesmers don’t have a ton of get of jail cards and have the advantage of stealth to lose targets on them selves.
Nice try..but I think a year into the game everyone knows how cheap the class is.
Roll a warrior and see how hard it is to do that. I’m sure you won’t though..some people just need to be carried by their class.
(edited by XII.9401)
Having minion necros and spirit rangers all over the place is a pain in the kitten .
My Longbow tPvP Guide: (out of date)
Can we get a little crosshair and lock our cursor to the centre of our screen so we can target Ground skills without having to let go? (Not quite tab targeting but still targeting)
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
Yes because if you know where the necro is you click on him, the point of minions is to camouflage him so you cant see him and if you cant see him you don’t deserve a free tab to automatically find him for you. Same with Mesmer if you know where the real Mesmer is than click on him.
You shouldn’t be given a free pass to find the correct target for you by tabbing.
And this is why we have a system where we call targets so somebody else can help you get back on the correct target because sometimes too much is going on and you cant see kitten, still doesn’t mean you deserve a free pass.
okey. 2 necro with 5-7 pets at point. 2 asura necros. how to target any?
tab player only – yes
mesmer clones – no, it’s the part of their mechanic. brainwashing people is a OK (and fun)
If possible, change the cursor to a more visible one, many times I lose in the fight chaos.
agreed lol seems like it just disappears behind all the AOE ;p
Yes because if you know where the necro is you click on him, the point of minions is to camouflage him so you cant see him and if you cant see him you don’t deserve a free tab to automatically find him for you. Same with Mesmer if you know where the real Mesmer is than click on him.
You shouldn’t be given a free pass to find the correct target for you by tabbing.
And this is why we have a system where we call targets so somebody else can help you get back on the correct target because sometimes too much is going on and you cant see kitten, still doesn’t mean you deserve a free pass.
That’s a silly argument.
Minions have abilities, and are designed to use them. They are not designed to clutter the screen and make the necro harder to target.
Clones exist for the express purpose of masking the mesmer. Minions do not.
There’s way too much bullkitten cluttering the screen – Minions, spirits, rock dogs, phantasms, ranger pets, any elite summon – there should be an option to allow tab targeting to ignore them. The only NPC that should be exempt from this is Clones, because (Again), clones are specifically designed to mess with targeting the mesmer.
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.
(edited by evilapprentice.6379)