(edited by Chasind.3128)
Take loot out of Ranked PvP
Hmmmmm maybe have a certain type of currency only available in Legendary rankings used to buy the Ascended equipment. It’s way too easy to buy the Ascended stuff as of this moment, and locking it in Legendary would not only promote good play, but also make it a lot more difficult to achieve.
You will also have 30 minute queues because there will be few playing pointless PvP, but that’s a small price to pay, I agree.
Also, I play it for the ascended gear. Suck on that, woooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!
Anet wants new PvP players, and you need something to lure them in, the last try was a nice glider/backpack skin with a lot of achiefments, this time it is the ascended gear, and they made it even that you don’t need to play classes you don’t know how to play or crossing divisions, resulting in a salty ‘only wins matter’ behaviour
It is a good solution
I like the current implementation. The mixed population is more of a matchmaking issue than a loot issue. I think quite a few newer players are getting into silver/gold matches, and probably shouldn’t be. That’s all. The loot is great. I love getting gold and stuff for PvP. It’s about time.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
Only reason I still do ranked is for the loot. MMR system is still janky. Anet freely admits there are classes that dominate ranked because of “low skill floors”. So I go play… Try to win at the same time trying to ignore the numbers if I lose because I’m in the left of their bell curve, and have fun. It’s just a game.
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complaining
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complaining
^This. I really think these people must be trolling. It’s very nasty to advocate less rewards for those of us who love PvP and pretty much do it exclusively. This is like going into the fractals forum and advocating they remove ascended ring and chest drops… because too many noobs are joining pug groups and ruining the “experience.”
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
(edited by Archon.6480)
Most of us just want our ranks and bragging rights and pretty medal (yes, it’s nice to get loot when pvping) But is that why you PvP in Ranked? for the loot?
I literally had a player admit to me in a match that he was just playing for the Ascended gear, that he doesn’t normally do pvp except for loot so he wasn’t really trying. We did lose that match.
I think taking ascended gear out of ranked matches altogether and maybe all loot possibilities will weed out the dead weight players.
Nah, the way it is atm, is actually quite okay. Theres a limit to ascended shards per season, so theres a timelimit on grinders playing PvP, too. Its okay, Im just gonna stick to unranked until the first rush is over.
If you take away PvE loot, you have to award PvP loot. While Id like to see the old PvP armor system back, its not gonna happen, so….
(edited by Yasi.9065)
Anet wants new PvP players, and you need something to lure them in, the last try was a nice glider/backpack skin with a lot of achiefments, this time it is the ascended gear, and they made it even that you don’t need to play classes you don’t know how to play or crossing divisions, resulting in a salty ‘only wins matter’ behaviour
It is a good solution
No the problem is ANet keeps luring the wrong type of players to Ranked PvP. Making it anything but competitive because casual AP Farmers from PvE are able to just come in and screw up the whole system. All in the name of getting a easy set of Ascended gear just be spamming matches.
Instead giving more incentives for more PvPers to play GW2’s Ranked League. ANet has taken all incentives away from playing Ranked unless ofc you are just their for the rewards. That’s the problem some of use already are sitting on like 30 or more different pieces of Ascended Armor and Weapon and many many more Ascended Trinkets. The only thing we need is a competitive skill based PvP experience. Instead we get match after match where we can be the best player in the match and still lose by a landside or just nearly afk the whole match and be useless and win by a landside.
As long as ANet continues to cater to the PvEers, I’ll expect nothing to change. Then again GW2 is first and foremost a PvE MMO so their is really nothing to be surprised about there.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complaining
If u r a pure spvp player then gear shouldnt mean anything for u))) bcs on spvp u get all for free) and if u want gear go and farm gold in pve or wvwvw.
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complainingIf u r a pure spvp player then gear shouldnt mean anything for u))) bcs on spvp u get all for free) and if u want gear go and farm gold in pve or wvwvw.
Sometime it is nice, to try something new – but when i go into fractals/raids, they ust ask for my equip – and yeah, since i am most of the time in PvP … yeah…
And because of the missing equip, i go back into PvP and my guild into raids/fractals without me
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complainingIf u r a pure spvp player then gear shouldnt mean anything for u))) bcs on spvp u get all for free) and if u want gear go and farm gold in pve or wvwvw.
Sometime it is nice, to try something new – but when i go into fractals/raids, they ust ask for my equip – and yeah, since i am most of the time in PvP … yeah…
And because of the missing equip, i go back into PvP and my guild into raids/fractals without me
Thats the different between being a pvp or pve player, so if u want pve raids\fractas etc go and pve farm not pvp farm for pve farm its os bad idea =/
It would be like getting PVP gear at pve fractals etc.
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complainingIf u r a pure spvp player then gear shouldnt mean anything for u))) bcs on spvp u get all for free) and if u want gear go and farm gold in pve or wvwvw.
Sometime it is nice, to try something new – but when i go into fractals/raids, they ust ask for my equip – and yeah, since i am most of the time in PvP … yeah…
And because of the missing equip, i go back into PvP and my guild into raids/fractals without me
Thats the different between being a pvp or pve player, so if u want pve raids\fractas etc go and pve farm not pvp farm for pve farm its os bad idea =/
It would be like getting PVP gear at pve fractals etc.
OR, we could just remove ascended PvE gear from fractals and raids and make it so you need to rely of dropping gear into the mystic toilet in the hopes it bestows gear on you… that would be swell. I don’t see why PvE players should have nice gear just for playing the content.
Illustrious Exhausted Primordial Legendary Druid, and Mesmer for fun
PvE | PvP (1500)| WvW | Fractals | Dungeons
I agree. Rewarding people is bad. Instead you should be punished. Physically.
I started playing again for the rewards and enjoy it again. How’s that a bad thing? If it had 0 rewards I prob wouldn’t have taken the time to slog through silver to get a few decent match ups.
People want short queue times, bit don’t want people to play PvP, or have a hook to have people try PvP. Maybe one day ANet will remove all the loot from Ranked other than reward tracks, and we will see how long it takes for people to say the league is a failure as queue times are half a day.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Getting some gold out of every few matches is a nice bonus, even when the match is frustratingly bad.
Just stop catering to PvE players! ANet made this same mistake twice now. First, they tried to lure them in with the legendary backpack, and NOW with ascended gear. It’s going to backfire.
PvE guys always came and went, no problem, and we welcome them. There’s no need to entice them with gear. Otherwise, what kind of example do you think is set for them?
“Hey! I can come here and grind out gear to play a game mode I don’t like.”
NO! We need incentives for PvP not PvE. It’s like that saying: “If you build it, they will come.” To be fair, I don’t blame them. Loot is loot, but we need to stop focusing on PvE players at PvP’s expense.
(edited by JTGuevara.9018)
I partake in every aspect of the game, with a concentration on Spvp; and like most that focus mainly on this outlet—we already have the backpiece/etc. The year ended with (from my reading) mainly negative mixed reviews. Lots of the already small Spvp player base (including myself) was/were not going to visit this side of the game with much enthusiasm unless ‘changes’ were made—typically balance/matching improvements.
Balance—-totally non-existent. MMR—-changes while not perfect, are somewhat better.
Now, good or bad…you need players (for whatever reason) to keep this aspect of the game alive; and while it sucks to be on the receiving end of what is believed to be Anet’s stacking the odds against them—Ascended gear is that ‘carrot’ that brings current players/new blood back into a dying system. This game is not true Esports, and will never be (too old/dated/not the right platform). You are not drawing in new player bases…..but attempting to utilize your current base of player i.e. (PvE).
If any of you ever have sat (I have) in a 20+min queue in Legendary—you start to question “Why even play this game?”
Can you kitten stop complaining about the loot in pvp? Pvp was unrewarding as kitten before the patch, those rewards are important for pure pvp players
who cares if pve noobs are playing pvp for loot only? If you are better than them you won’t face them anyway if you are not you are facing them then it’s where you belong to so stop complaining about too good rewards in pvp lol?
For us pure pvp players it’s more difficult to make gold and get ascended equipment so please stop complainingIf u r a pure spvp player then gear shouldnt mean anything for u))) bcs on spvp u get all for free) and if u want gear go and farm gold in pve or wvwvw.
You do know that there are players that mainly SPvP but like to do other content from time to time like Fractals and WvW right? Not just purely SPVP only. So despite offering ascended gear from ranked matches it still has its uses aside from the lol PVE players. Sure that they might be useless bags on your team sometimes, but it doesn’t mean all of them are that way. Some of them might actually be trying and getting interested in getting more into the gamemode as they play, which will further fill the player pool for Spvp in the future. Unless you really like having the PVP player pool shrivel up the way it has been for a while now? Forgot to add absurdly long queue times.
Redgen Furyblaze – Charr Guardian – [SHD]Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
Lerious Warhowl – Charr Warrior – [SHD] Shade Warband – Tarnished Coast
I think the biggest problem with Ascended gear in ranked isn’t that it exists, but that it you get progress towards it even if you lose. You shouldn’t get any progress towards it at all for losing. You only progress towards it if you win. That makes people actually play to win instead of afking or just sucking up an empty spot so they don’t spend 60g in PvE-land.
Haha, no loot in pvp? Why should i play it then? because of the great balancing and fun fighting the same four classes over and over?
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.
IMO it should be win only and every division should have different amount of pip progress. Gold is where the current 10 is (since it’s the “average-division”), silver gives 7, bronze 5 per win. Top-Stats still give +1. This puts an emphasis on winning (and getting better) along with climbing. Everyone can still get rewards, however in order to get them you can’t just afk or play like kitten constantly.
i used to play pvp just for pvp, but then i got into wvw and needed gear so i had to PVE for it…..Now i can pvp and get the gear/gold while pvp’ing. Sweet. Sorry buddy I’m happy with the new changes.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Its fine as is. However I would support win only advancement if you received 2x the advancement rate for pips. This makes pve players want to win and anyone who plays enough will eventually get it.
I know a guy who went to pvp just for the ascended stuff. He doesn’t even know how to open the build tab and just went in. He was wondering why he was getting flamed so much. I mean if you are going to play in ranked at least be respectful right? This is the same guy that wants his wvw guildmates or even other people to use meta builds. I have never cringed so much in all my time playing gw2 after seeing this guy.
Killing loot to keep out “bad” players is an idea that sounds good in theory but has too many unintended consequences in practice. The problem is it screws over players who are both playing to get better at PvP and get loot as well, resulting in players being forced to choose “Do I want to PvP, or grind fractals towards my Ascended?”.
The result is this:
1. Queue times go through the roof. And in the case where if the game starts to die, this can be utterly disastrous.
2. Players who would get into PvP decide not to due to the elitism, making the playerbase slowly die, see problem 1.
3. It doesn’t actually prevent “bad” players from playing. Instead of trolling you by farming for gear they will just be trolling you by purposefully throwing games.
I have personally seen this happen in Tera. The devs killed the ability to earn decent gold/gear with PvP, and the queue times for all but one of their battlegrounds became over an hour long. Then they brought decent rewards back and SURPRISE 5 minute queues. Then they nerfed it again. Now the game is dead.
Reward track and the new ascended gear is a good thing. The problem started with the legandary grind and must use of diffrent classes. Also class daily in ranked don´t help to make a good PvP. As long as you don´t force people to play classes they don´t main and rewards are reachable in average playtimes it´s good. Then you can give rewards for legends at season end that´s it.
I know a guy who went to pvp just for the ascended stuff. He doesn’t even know how to open the build tab and just went in. He was wondering why he was getting flamed so much. I mean if you are going to play in ranked at least be respectful right? This is the same guy that wants his wvw guildmates or even other people to use meta builds. I have never cringed so much in all my time playing gw2 after seeing this guy.
You need to be level 20 pvp to play ranked. Are you saying he got his 20 levels and never opened his build tab? hmmmm doesn’t sound right to me.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
I know a guy who went to pvp just for the ascended stuff. He doesn’t even know how to open the build tab and just went in. He was wondering why he was getting flamed so much. I mean if you are going to play in ranked at least be respectful right? This is the same guy that wants his wvw guildmates or even other people to use meta builds. I have never cringed so much in all my time playing gw2 after seeing this guy.
You need to be level 20 pvp to play ranked. Are you saying he got his 20 levels and never opened his build tab? hmmmm doesn’t sound right to me.
Hot join rank farm probably.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|