Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Tris.8327


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

Start by not giving 25 individual pts for something that has very little benefit to the team’s efforts. It’s common to see players abandon the capture objectives in order to push for both mobs at any point in the match simply because it gives them 25 pts and pushes them up the scoreboard – which leads then leads to finger pointing.

Personal scores in general should be removed, if only because of how misleading they are. If nothing else, secondary objectives should not provide more points than the primary objectives. Reduce from 25 points to 10 points. Or even better, 0 points – just grant the team points and stat buff. At least then the reward is comparable to it’s actual strategic value.

I’m interested to see how a meaningful boost to the stat buff, but making it worth 0 (or 5 to make it have some numerical value) would play out. Say +100 to each stat or +200 to power and condition damage. Sacrificing node time for a stat boost. Could be interesting (All numbers are just placeholders. Pretty sure +200 PWR and CD would be way over the top)

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


200 PWR and CD would be too much?

lol that’s less than 1/2 of a guardian’s empower that you have to fight off point for.

maybe if it lasted for 2-3 minutes though…

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Just had a Ranked match in Forest of Nifelel.

Before it starts, I say to my team

“Let’s not take the beast in the beginning, take MID instead.”

After an exchange, a ranger replies: “BEAST WINS MOST MATCHES NUMBSKULL”

Can someone please explain why you would want to start with the beast rather than mid?

Because they probably think that being a huge monster is gonna give huge drops and kitten…in dungeons it works like this…

that is a pretty legit reason for istant-afk imo…not even worth trying to explain why going for boss at start is totally wrong on so many levels, they won’t get it anyway

Ark 2nd Account

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

chief and svanir with 10k power + quickness for the first 2 minutes of the match….they’re gonna learn it the hard way, but i assure you this is definately gonna work.


Ark 2nd Account

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

chief and svanir with 10k power + quickness for the first 2 minutes of the match….they’re gonna learn it the hard way, but i assure you this is definately gonna work.


and stability. and retaliation.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

chief and svanir with 10k power + quickness for the first 2 minutes of the match….they’re gonna learn it the hard way, but i assure you this is definately gonna work.


and stability. and retaliation.

Pretty sure 10k power means you’d get 1-2 shot, but I could be wrong.

That being said it would still be pretty easy to kill, particularly with spacing and condis+fears wouldn’t hurt the cause.


Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

I dont get how

“Enemy team can’t get beast unless they swarm it or have a thief that steals it from a team wasting time killing it”

can be explained any clearer.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: suprNovae.5410


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

That is the reason so many thing fail in gw2 if you want to go competetive/“hardcore” .
The devs always have to/want to consider new players in every aspect of the game. But we are talking about ranked. “RANKED” You shouldnt do ranked queues if you are a noob

Clint B E Eastwood – Guardian
Callous Philosophy [LaG]
† Good Old Days [GD]

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Chukree.1756


Just had a Ranked match in Forest of Nifelel.

Before it starts, I say to my team

“Let’s not take the beast in the beginning, take MID instead.”

After an exchange, a ranger replies: “BEAST WINS MOST MATCHES NUMBSKULL”

Can someone please explain why you would want to start with the beast rather than mid?

These people are obviously trolling you. But I can be wrong.. A lot of stupid people online. Gamer is normally a synonym for a low life (with the disability of never understand anything).

ps. don’t friend up with people calling themselves gamers.

pps. don’t buy your friend gw2 or your little brother.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: triggerhappy.3871


Mid → contribute to win in almost any scenario
Beast → gamble to be stolen beast

Just now, an idea popped in my head. (means it’s only a theory)
If we send no one to mid,
a few people to beast can be free 25 points (=50 seconds from mid).
After instant kill, these guys may check enemy number in mid,
and choose between mid and enemy side beast.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Chukree.1756


Mid -> contribute to win in almost any scenario
Beast -> gamble to be stolen beast

Just now, an idea popped in my head. (means it’s only a theory)
If we send no one to mid,
a few people to beast can be free 25 points (=50 seconds from mid).
After instant kill, these guys may check enemy number in mid,
and choose between mid and enemy side beast.

Just a theory.. People bunkering mid rest of the game. Happens. Gl with the PvE theorycrafting

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: triggerhappy.3871


Mid -> contribute to win in almost any scenario
Beast -> gamble to be stolen beast

Just now, an idea popped in my head. (means it’s only a theory)
If we send no one to mid,
a few people to beast can be free 25 points (=50 seconds from mid).
After instant kill, these guys may check enemy number in mid,
and choose between mid and enemy side beast.

Just a theory.. People bunkering mid rest of the game. Happens. Gl with the PvE theorycrafting

People bunkering mid win because we have been crushed in mid and became outnumbered and rush to mid again and again.
This is the case giving up mid and trying only with superior number. (as described)
No defeat in mid, people alive and points worth 50 seconds.
If they sent everyone to mid, we kill their beast (another 50 seconds).
Else, we outnumber them at mid.
Considering this, still no interest?

(edited by triggerhappy.3871)

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: MrTJpwnz.4710


I always place a portal from beast to mid. 1 person goes home, 3 to beast. 90% of the time I get at mid the beast just got killed, so no time loss.

When doing this you get the 25 points, + the bonus you can use to win the fight on mid. If they go for beast too, you can easily focus down the one or 2 persons on mid and have a easy fight. Using this tactic has been working very efficient for me / my team.

but ofc not every team has a mesmer (and also not every mesmer has a portal equipped), would skip beast then too and go for mid from the start.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Mid -> contribute to win in almost any scenario
Beast -> gamble to be stolen beast

Just now, an idea popped in my head. (means it’s only a theory)
If we send no one to mid,
a few people to beast can be free 25 points (=50 seconds from mid).
After instant kill, these guys may check enemy number in mid,
and choose between mid and enemy side beast.

Just a theory.. People bunkering mid rest of the game. Happens. Gl with the PvE theorycrafting

People bunkering mid win because we have been crushed in mid and became outnumbered and rush to mid again and again.
This is the case giving up mid and trying only with superior number. (as described)
No defeat in mid, people alive and points worth 50 seconds.
If they sent everyone to mid, we kill their beast (another 50 seconds).
Else, we outnumber them at mid.
Considering this, still no interest?

if you have people who keep going mid one by one without regroup or not even thinking about pushing sides instead, at least trying to divide them and win smaller teamfights then you just lost already no matter tactics and kitten

Ark 2nd Account

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Yasha.5963


I’m no pro but I usually try to get 1 home, 2 beast->mid, 2 mid at start. That:

a. prevents the other team from stealing usually.
b. allows your team to not let mid get capped.
c. allows your team to get the small stat buff.
d. allows me as an engi to hold mid with my multiple invulns until backup arrives and
e. if time allows, sneak over to their creature, magnet it, and pry bar for the steal.

I usually solo queue and this seems to work decently. Again though, I’m bad so take what I’m saying with a grain of salt.

That works because you play engineer which is usually worth 2 or 3 other players in solo queue, so in practice you have 4 or 5 players at mid and 2 on beast.

However, if there is someone with the magical anti-engi build on the other team at mid, you guys will lose mid, then the other two/three players arriving from home/beast will be outnumbered at mid and die, likely setting your team up for a staggered respawn with players blindly rushing out in ones and twos into outnumbered fights.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Style.1092


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

You(AN) are always looking for difficult ways to do simple things. REMOVE PVE from PVP it’s simple as that! You can not teach people of intelligence!

Cpt Nemo Kolkozy

(edited by Style.1092)

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524



talking bout going for bosses?

Ark 2nd Account

(edited by Archaon.9524)

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

You(AN) are always looking for difficult ways to do simple things. REMOVE PVE from PVP it’s simple as that! You can not teach people of intelligence!


Lord rush and forest creatures can turn a close game into a win or loss and is a brilliant mechanic to have in higher tier pvp with two stalemated teams. It forces the team to always have this at the back of their mind when playing those maps.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

Don’t hide MMR’s so the people with bad MMR’s have less room to argue with the higher MMR players =\

…I’m being serious


Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.9524


Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

Don’t hide MMR’s so the people with bad MMR’s have less room to argue with the higher MMR players =\

…I’m being serious



Ark 2nd Account

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Try to look at it from the eyes of a beginner guys.

The NPCs award points, and give you a buff. Who wouldn’t want that?

It takes a higher level of understanding of the both the map and conquest mechanics to get that securing mid is important.

How would you guys suggest we go about teaching this to players?

Don’t hide MMR’s so the people with bad MMR’s have less room to argue with the higher MMR players =\

…I’m being serious




Sorry, couldn’t resist. I really doubt this will happen though, seems too complex to implement. One thing you could do is put numbers beside each of the rank titles like in guild wars 1 ( Legendary Champion (8) ). I know that rank is not a good indicator of player skill, but it’s better than nothing and will get rank 10 people to listen to obviously more experienced players

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


A) Make it spawn a bit later, like we did on spirit with orb.

It should be so, that a non swiftness person can run by without the “25pt losing your game pinnada” spawns in his field of vision.

B) If you want to change the metagame, maybe making it give 100-stat points would make it worthy in high-tier play so youre set for the long mid fight.

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: robertul.3679


Please don’t make animal hit harder!
I already got teams where 2 people down and then die to it.
Also the only time it makes a real difference if it’s a game winning thing towards the end.
Given the current celestial comps if you lose mid by rushing animal you will have a hard time getting it back.
Just make it spawn a bit later. Like after 1min or something.

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: Solstice.1097


if it hits harder the noobs will stop 1v1’ing it right away

Taking beast at beginning in Ranked

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


You should go beast right away if playing against other solo que players.

Because dumb solo que players after they cap keep they leave mid open and rush far.
Normally lose far too.

So let dumb solo que players get the keep and rush far and lose and that’ll result in a bad rotation for them and they’ll lose the game because of it.

Only do this is if everyone is going beast, or everyone but 1 person. If 2 persons go keep than your going to be out of rotation by going beast.

When playing solo que its like playing chess. You try and figure out what your team is doing and play to what your team does.

But best strategy if your team complies, is to rush beast and watch out for someone crossing to steal too. Let enemy team rush your home node while you have some bunker dude there and then you take mid and play to your advantage of home and mid and eventually get enemy out of rotation. But that’s the best scenario, normally people will go keep and you gotta adapt to the situation.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)