Talkin' bout solo queue
If we see a “role” parameter added, perhaps it could be an amulet check? The matchmaker could try to not form a team with all cleric/settler/soldier amulets, or all rabid/carrion amulets, or all zerker amulets. Not sure how that would work out practically.
It should be something non-automatic.
That would mean someone should always have it in control and tweak it every time the meta shifts.
Or well, having some generic system might work. But needs a lot of caveats. For example, a player with Soldier’s Amulet isn’t necessarily a bunker, so it’s not a player with Settler’s.
because he doesn’t know it himself
I think its fine how it is now. Although some of what you bring up regarding 4 bunkers vs 2 bunkers has merit, there are also other ways of taking a point. You may need all 5 members to do it but at least you get it done. There is always someone who gets trigger happy and leaves his point for some action, leaving it open to be taken by the opposing team.
My suggestion would be to allow the viewing of each of your team members total stats. Not there gear setup, just there stat totals so you can get more of an idea of who is going to bunker this point, or who is going to team up and take that point etc. And maybe a “role” parameter like the suggestion above.
The Never Ending Repertoire of Ranger Builds
Salt of the Earth {SALT} Crystal Desert© ~~Dragon Rank~~
Well, it’s true that a team with 4 bunkers is unlikely to win because they’ll only have 1 person that might take down your 2 bunkers, and one person isn’t enough.
This while you have 2 bunkers and 3 people who can kill the bunkers.
Best thing for every player should be to always have at least a bunker and a roamer. Hoping you can learn to play guardian bunker by joining hotjoin.
However, what people complain about are single mistakes, like you screwed up a ress, or failed to interrupt a stomp. Most of the time this is into a small fight and the damage can be undone easily.
What really ends in defeat is the lack of a coherent strategy and not being able to realize what can be done if things don’t go as expected (example: you lose the fight at mid because the enemy has a better class comp than you, or at Khylo the enemy starts raining with treb and repair it repeatedly, so you need a roamer to stay mid and keep the enemy from using the treb).
Also remember than most of the time you get ganked it’s because you made a gamble (example: you didn’t see the whole enemy team on a point, or you get far when 3 enemies respawn). Most of the time, it’s a gamble you had to make, like: we have home contested, there’s a fight, I look at my allies’ healthbar and realize they might be alive when I get ther. Then they both get bursted down when you arrive, and you know there isn’t much you can do (try to revive, and they’ll focus both of you down).
because he doesn’t know it himself
To give you an idea of the state of tournaments at the lower rank levels right now, on more than one occasion I have been in a position where I was downed and there was a teammate nearby who didn’t try to res me, or where I saw one teammate down and another didn’t try to help until I went and did it.
To give you an idea of the state of tournaments at the lower rank levels right now, on more than one occasion I have been in a position where I was downed and there was a teammate nearby who didn’t try to res me, or where I saw one teammate down and another didn’t try to help until I went and did it.
It depends on how many enemies were around.
And sometimes, you are put on the dilemma:
one enemy and one ally are downed. Your ally is being stomped. You try to stomp and rally or you try to revive?
Other than the fact that if they are clos you don’t know what you’ll get, what do you do? You have to take a gamble on how much health your hally has and will be decided in a split second.
because he doesn’t know it himself
(edited by redslion.9675)