Team Death Match

Team Death Match

in PvP

Posted by: kenny.3627


Love the new map, make some more

Lvl I-R80
Main-Bunker Guard

Team Death Match

in PvP

Posted by: MightyMicah.7451


Same! I joined and was thoroughly confused at first. I went in and nuked this mesmer, then stab stomped him. All of the sudden the same guy jumps down from above me like two seconds later. I was like, “What the heck?”

It took me a minute but I finally realized the layout. I’m glad they have team death match now! Personally, I like capture the point better, but it’s nice to see something new.

This is that new sound. Ya’ll ain’t ready.

Team Death Match

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I am having fun with the new map. Just one request… increase the area around the top. It is too easy for people to just spam AOE in a narrow space.

Team Death Match

in PvP

Posted by: kenny.3627


I am having fun with the new map. Just one request… increase the area around the top. It is too easy for people to just spam AOE in a narrow space.

it fits 5v5 great

Lvl I-R80
Main-Bunker Guard