Team Effort Gold Rewards

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

i extracted this from my achievement points topic since this is about improved gold rewards.

Basic Gold Reward (at least 10 personal points)
Custom Arena – 10.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 12.50 Silvers
Team Arena – 15.00 Silvers

Win reward
Custom Arena – 15.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 25.00 Silvers
Team Arena – 30.00 Silvers

Daily Max Gold Rewards
Custom Arena – 5.00 Gold
Solo Arena – 15.00 Gold
Team Arena – 15.00 Gold

what if we introduce “Team Effort Gold Rewards” as well?
Team Effort Gold Reward is awarded after the game has ended, based on the team’s performance.

Team Effort Gold Reward
Team Arena – 5.000 Gold per team

[match end score / 500 x Team Effort Gold Rewards] / [number of players on team eligible for rewards (personal score at least 10)]

winning teams with 500 score upon match end would receive full rewards.

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 640, each will receive
640 / 500 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 1.28 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 6.400 Gold / 5
= 1.280 Gold
= 128.00 Silvers

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 200, each will receive
200 / 500 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 0.40 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 1.20 Gold / 5
= 0.24 Gold
= 24.00 Silvers

of course, the daily gold rewards limit of 5 gold and 15 gold still applies, just that, with this new “Team Effort Gold Reward” system in place, they may reach that daily cap faster, plus this will motivate losing teams to put in more effort to get a higher team score to qualify for better Team Effort Gold Reward.

that is all for now.
thank you for reading!

errr by the way …
does anyone wants something like this to be implemented?

this “team effort” bonus could be the basis for all types of bonus rewards in the future, since the team bonus is based on the final team score, and the team score is the cumulative points of everyone’s effort, yes?

(edited by Deimos Tel Arin.7391)

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


That seems s bit much… I don’t it’s gonna happened


Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

That seems s bit much… I don’t it’s gonna happened

what do you mean? O_O
are you saying the gold rewards are too much?
the current gold rewards are still too little, not a lot.

well, if enough people show interest or support for something, there is a good chance it may happen. the problem is many people do not think like this.

they go “it will not happen” and just ignore it.

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: IVIUIEI.9631


Yea I mean the rewards are to much I don’t think Anet is gonna let that happened other wise people will just be farming gold in pvp none stop.


Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

updated a bit, removed custom arena and solo arena.

i.e. the team effort rewards only comes from active participation in team arena.

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Asato.5479


Wow, I actually didn’t know that there was a limit of gold that you can reach in sPvP… xD
You can reach 35g daily by doing some PvP! Insane ! You just have to win 50 games in TA, 100 in soloQ and 50 in custom arenas. You actually could do it, if a day had 40 hours.

The funny thing with the last patch and this PvP reward track thing… They said you would be able to get legendary weapons, by doing something you love. Liars. You will never get one, if you only do sPvP.

Let’s say, if you can reach the daily limit of 15g, by doing TA, 4 games per hour. It will take you 12-14hours (so your life will be like, sleep; PvP, eat, PvP, sleep,PvP). And let’s say a legendary is around 2500g, 2500/15=167 days = 6 months of PvP-ing 14hour per day… No one ever will do this…
I think the purpose of this patch isn’t getting PvE players into PvP, but PvP players into PvE. I have been able to easily get my warrior lv80, and he was already “half stuffed already” (2 armor, 3 weapons). I don’t see the point at all doing PvE if it isn’t for Legendaries. I understood that I’ll never get any Legendary weapon (thought, I just want the skin, or some real cool skins for weapons) by doing PvP. I don’t know how much you really earn per hour in PvE, but I heard something like 5-10g per hour. I’ve been told that you are able to get one legendary in a month if you are farming well. And I’ve seen a guy who got 1 legendary per char…
Eh.. yeah and if you are coming from PvP into PvE/WvW, be warned that every thing cost really much, and the golds you got from PvP? it’s nothing.
The purple crafts items you get from PvP rewards chests that you are stack by pile of 250, because there’s too much of them? You want to use them? You can, you just need a lot of golds (been told : around 50-100g). It’s like these purple things are infact for PvE players, so they can get them easily; while farming easily golds in pve.
I never thought about doing a legendary, it was no use for *s*PvP. I was happy about this reward track and specially when I read that will be the way for PvP players to get one, and that there will be PvP special track/reward. Imagine my disappointment when I discover ,the lie, that you have no chance to get one by doing PvP.

I just don’t really feel getting real/useful rewards doing PvP, it’s just some PvE stuffs/skins (that I’ve unlocked already, almost). I don’t feel getting any closer to an Legendary, or PvP unique skin (that doesn’t exist, if you consider the backitem is easy to get).

yes, please increase at least the amount of money rewards so we can afford some cool skins from PvE.

Anyway, I never said these changes were bad for PvP players. In fact, it is cool for us, who were never getting any gold.
But once, you looked at the reality of PvE and think about crafting a legendary… /cry
Don’t forget the trade post farming… you won’t really know which items to trade, etc… And probably don’t have enough money to start doing this.

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Trinity.8340


i extracted this from my achievement points topic since this is about improved gold rewards.

Basic Gold Reward (at least 10 personal points)
Custom Arena – 10.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 12.50 Silvers
Team Arena – 15.00 Silvers

Win reward
Custom Arena – 15.00 Silvers
Solo Arena – 25.00 Silvers
Team Arena – 30.00 Silvers

Daily Max Gold Rewards
Custom Arena – 5.00 Gold
Solo Arena – 15.00 Gold
Team Arena – 15.00 Gold

what if we introduce “Team Effort Gold Rewards” as well?
Team Effort Gold Reward is awarded after the game has ended, based on the team’s performance.

Team Effort Gold Reward
Team Arena – 5.000 Gold per team

[match end score / 500 x Team Effort Gold Rewards] / [number of players on team eligible for rewards (personal score at least 10)]

winning teams with 500 score upon match end would receive full rewards.

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 640, each will receive
640 / 500 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 1.28 × 5.00 Gold / 5
= 6.400 Gold / 5
= 1.280 Gold
= 128.00 Silvers

in a team arena with 5 players with match end score of 200, each will receive
200 / 500 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 0.40 × 3.00 Gold / 5
= 1.20 Gold / 5
= 0.24 Silvers

of course, the daily gold rewards limit of 5 gold and 15 gold still applies, just that, with this new “Team Effort Gold Reward” system in place, they may reach that daily cap faster, plus this will motivate losing teams to put in more effort to get a higher team score to qualify for better Team Effort Gold Reward.

that is all for now.
thank you for reading!

errr by the way …
does anyone wants something like this to be implemented?

this “team effort” bonus could be the basis for all types of bonus rewards in the future, since the team bonus is based on the final team score, and the team score is the cumulative points of everyone’s effort, yes?

Your idea deserves to be approached. However on the calculation of “Team Effort Gold Rewards” it should have a ceiling at 500 points even if the score of the team is of 640 as in your example. Because in this case, that would encourage of advantage the farm (that depends on the situations, but that could generate best like the worst).

Personally I like your idea but would bring there of another small modification.

Reward for the victory:

Here the system for a victory will start from a base of 500 points some is the situation (because it can happen that the match lasts 15 minutes and that the two teams did not reach the required score, according to me its teams must be rewarded for the same manner)

Custom Arena: 25 silver
Solo Arena: 1 gold
Team Arena: 1.5 gold

Reward for the defeat:

Custom Arena: 12.5 silver (for the custom arena this system would not be allotted if not that will support of advantage balancings automatic)
Solo Arena: 0 to 50 silver (depends on the final score)
Team Arena: 0 to 75 silver (depends on the final score)

Daily max gold rewards:

Custom Arena: 5 gold (this kind of arena does not deserve modification on the limit)
Solo and Team Arena: A fusion of the 2 limits to make only one of them only, therefore a maximum of 30 gold per day.

A) As I specified above Team Effort Gold Rewards, would leave on a basis 500 for the victory, some is the situation.

  • 1.5 gold by victory for a team arena

B) For the losing team, indeed this system would be good, the basic reward will leave on 50% the price the victory and would be variable according to the score.

  • 0 silver with 75 silver per defeat for a team arena

Team Effort Gold Rewards

in PvP

Posted by: Quincy.2198


Wow, I actually didn’t know that there was a limit of gold that you can reach in sPvP… xD
You can reach 35g daily by doing some PvP! Insane ! You just have to win 50 games in TA, 100 in soloQ and 50 in custom arenas. You actually could do it, if a day had 40 hours.

The funny thing with the last patch and this PvP reward track thing… They said you would be able to get legendary weapons, by doing something you love. Liars. You will never get one, if you only do sPvP.

Let’s say, if you can reach the daily limit of 15g, by doing TA, 4 games per hour. It will take you 12-14hours (so your life will be like, sleep; PvP, eat, PvP, sleep,PvP). And let’s say a legendary is around 2500g, 2500/15=167 days = 6 months of PvP-ing 14hour per day… No one ever will do this…
I think the purpose of this patch isn’t getting PvE players into PvP, but PvP players into PvE. I have been able to easily get my warrior lv80, and he was already “half stuffed already” (2 armor, 3 weapons). I don’t see the point at all doing PvE if it isn’t for Legendaries. I understood that I’ll never get any Legendary weapon (thought, I just want the skin, or some real cool skins for weapons) by doing PvP. I don’t know how much you really earn per hour in PvE, but I heard something like 5-10g per hour. I’ve been told that you are able to get one legendary in a month if you are farming well. And I’ve seen a guy who got 1 legendary per char…
Eh.. yeah and if you are coming from PvP into PvE/WvW, be warned that every thing cost really much, and the golds you got from PvP? it’s nothing.
The purple crafts items you get from PvP rewards chests that you are stack by pile of 250, because there’s too much of them? You want to use them? You can, you just need a lot of golds (been told : around 50-100g). It’s like these purple things are infact for PvE players, so they can get them easily; while farming easily golds in pve.
I never thought about doing a legendary, it was no use for *s*PvP. I was happy about this reward track and specially when I read that will be the way for PvP players to get one, and that there will be PvP special track/reward. Imagine my disappointment when I discover ,the lie, that you have no chance to get one by doing PvP.

I just don’t really feel getting real/useful rewards doing PvP, it’s just some PvE stuffs/skins (that I’ve unlocked already, almost). I don’t feel getting any closer to an Legendary, or PvP unique skin (that doesn’t exist, if you consider the backitem is easy to get).

yes, please increase at least the amount of money rewards so we can afford some cool skins from PvE.

Anyway, I never said these changes were bad for PvP players. In fact, it is cool for us, who were never getting any gold.
But once, you looked at the reality of PvE and think about crafting a legendary… /cry
Don’t forget the trade post farming… you won’t really know which items to trade, etc… And probably don’t have enough money to start doing this.

Exactly. We don’t get PvP legendaries that were promised.

Ninov Is Strng
Ninov Ftw