Team Fight based fix to condi meta

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Look we all hate the condition spam meta atm and people complain about retaliation, lack of condition removal, and lack of team play.

Why not make light fields/blast/leap finishers remove conditions instead of giving retaliation?

This would allow team play/positioning to help go against the condition spam. And instead of nerfing condition damage this gives counter play not changes to professions.

Also power based builds are countered by protection/weakness. Condition builds generally have access to these. Why not give a team the ability to cleanse better than firing projectiles at your own team mates?(thru a light field)

This wouldn’t affect game play unless people actually knew how to use it preventing people who stink at the game or refuse to play as a team to do well.

What do people think of this?

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Of this I approve it would also get rid of the insane uptime of retal some classes get while giving better group condition clear

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Can anyone think of a downside to this?

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Tracker.6483


This doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all actually.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291



kitten solo q whiners clogging the forums.

Lets get this discussion rolling :P

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Void.4239


wouldn’t that make guards to hard to kill ?

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


wouldn’t that make guards to hard to kill ?

Nope. Guardians have very few blast finishers. This would instead make Engies harder to kill.

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Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Retaliation is a “counter” to AoE? Maybe but it fails to do that job in sPvP cause all the AoE condition cleave spam. So I guess light fields are meant to counter the current meta in part, so I guess making them cure conditions would fit, no?

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Evocatus Rex.6857

Evocatus Rex.6857

wouldn’t that make guards to hard to kill ?

Nope. Guardians have very few blast finishers. This would instead make Engies harder to kill.

Well if a guard is running a hammer, the third auto attack is a light field and #2 is a blast finisher with a 5 sec CD. Not op, but not to be discounted.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: The Boz.2038

The Boz.2038

This would make hammer guardian bunkers perfect. They’d literally fear no power or condition damage.
Not a bad idea by itself, but it needs a LOT of work.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Conan.8046


Would benefit some classes more than others and forced certain setups people may not want to use.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: YuiRS.8129


wouldn’t that make guards to hard to kill ?

Nope. Guardians have very few blast finishers. This would instead make Engies harder to kill.

Guardian has the best Blast finisher in the game. Mighty Blow. And it’s on a bunker weapon too.

So, no. Bad idea.

Condition duration reduction needs to be more prevalent as a stat imo.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


This would make hammer guardian bunkers perfect. They’d literally fear no power or condition damage.
Not a bad idea by itself, but it needs a LOT of work.

The auto-attack is really slow so in the time it takes to create a light field you’d have eaten a crazy amount of condis. The best combo people would be able to do is Mace 2 then hammer 2 and that’s only possible every 16 seconds.

If someone else creates a light field though, then it becomes something worth noting.

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Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


The Hammer autoattack chain can only create a field if it cycles through the stages, which require a target in melee range. The current “meta” is heavily based on 1200-1500 range AoE condition spam. Won’t guardian have to leave the point to create those hammer combo fields?

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Guardians with hammer yes have a nice CD blast finisher. I also didn’t say remove all condis. I was thinking 1-2 aoe and leap to be 1 more than the blast. Not ruining any condition based damage but allows extra cleanse.

Guardians being spammed from distance would ahve to weapon swap if no one is on point when they wield hammer. For example staff or whatever light field then hammer swap blast. Also I think the radius would be large to make up for only 1-2 cleanses.

Any thoughts on this?

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


I like it. It would add a depth to play and require better team communication. But it would make classes with the most blast finishers more prevalent. A good step would be to even out some blasts. But this is over all a great idea.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Guardians and Engineers are basically the only ones with access to light fields. Maybe give other professions access as well to even it out.

Mesmer and Ranger are the only ones with very limited blast finishers.

The ranger is fine with condition removal but maybe give mesmers access to both. On weapon skills.

That will possibly give mesmers more usefulness against condi spam.

Edit: Leap finishers too. Not just blast as that on team scenarios can get a little overboard.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


When it comes to leaps a mesmer can do two or three while a light field is out which isn’t bad. However maybe have the leap effect match the blast effect that way even if a class doesn’t have access to blast finishers they have good access to the removal through a good variety of leaps (mes/rangers have good access to leaps)

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: kito.1827


isn’t light field + projectile/whirl a condiremoval?

why not trying to get whirl finishers in your team-setup?

Karl Otik
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”

Team Fight based fix to condi meta

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Whirl + projectile have to hit the ally. Yes I want to use those but whirl in very short range and who shoots their own ally? More beneficial to hurt enemy over taking time to target ally.

But yea that’s why I think they should be single removals so as not to counter condition builds.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.