Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Sudden.8729



I think this is a pretty straight forward question;

The live stream today mentioned that 2-5 people can “Team Queue” in the new August 6th patch. What happens if you have a team of 4 and you Team Queue? Will it pull someone from the Solo Queue to fill the spot?

Vandallias – Champion Hunter Too Seksi – Guardian – Random sPVP/WvW

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Tyler Bearce

Tyler Bearce

Game Designer


This situation, as you have surmised, is probably going to be the hardest to fill. It will be filled by any players who queued solo for Team Arena, presumably because they want to climb both the Solo and the Team Arena leaderboards, despite not having a team. It’s not clear yet how many of these types of players there will be, relative to the number of 4 player teams queuing. So we’ll have to see how feasible this is long term and make adjustments if needed.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


Solo players can queue in the team queue too but I’d not count on it. There’s NO way it’ll take a player from the solo queue though.

You are already 4, don’t be lazy and wait for the game to find you a 5th, ask in the Mists :p

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Sudden.8729


Solo players can queue in the team queue too but I’d not count on it. :p

As stated by the A-Net live stream today 2-5 players can queue in team queue. So, they never state that a single person can enter team queue. One could yell for a player in the mist, but if no one joins are you stuck until you find your own fifth?

We can all assume an answer, but was curious what the correct answer is.

Vandallias – Champion Hunter Too Seksi – Guardian – Random sPVP/WvW

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: JoopFOX.9510


Yes I was wondering the same thing as well. Even if you could, I don’t see a reason why any solo player would use Team Arena and not Solo.

Professor James – Mesmer

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


The solo queue and team queue are completely separate, along with their own leaderboards. Team queue does not siphon players from the solo queue if you team queue partially.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


This situation, as you have surmised, is probably going to be the hardest to fill. It will be filled by any players who queued solo for Team Arena, presumably because they want to climb both the Solo and the Team Arena leaderboards, despite not having a team. It’s not clear yet how many of these types of players there will be, relative to the number of 4 player teams queuing. So we’ll have to see how feasible this is long term and make adjustments if needed.

Sounds like a good reason to add an unranked queue someday!

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Sudden.8729


Thanks for the response Tyler. Much appreciated.

Vandallias – Champion Hunter Too Seksi – Guardian – Random sPVP/WvW

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: DevO.9854


This situation, as you have surmised, is probably going to be the hardest to fill. It will be filled by any players who queued solo for Team Arena, presumably because they want to climb both the Solo and the Team Arena leaderboards, despite not having a team. It’s not clear yet how many of these types of players there will be, relative to the number of 4 player teams queuing. So we’ll have to see how feasible this is long term and make adjustments if needed.

Sounds like a good reason to add an unranked queue someday!

No that is just another reason not to have unranked, why divide players more.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Are you out of your mind? Do you even hear how the “filled by any players who queued -solo- for -Team- Arena” sound?
Another thing implemented, deeply relying on sheer luck/randomness. Whether you are paired with a good team or not, depends on your result.
Common sense tells me, that someone joining a team arena all by himself, will be unexperienced and lacking in so many ways, he’ll be a burden.

Then what’s the point of allowing such a bad design. Whom does it behoove? The team? Sure not. The single joiner? Apart from that, he gets into a game (which can he find in hotjoin) not at all.

Let it be either 2, 3 or 5 man team, simplify the math and make it proper TEAM arena.

Dear anet, stop presuming, start thinking of consequences before its too late.
(cough necro cough)

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


So now you don’t like the fact that a 4 man premade can join the team arena and get a random person, and you would rather see that a 4 man premade can’t even join the TA?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but that’s how I understand what’s written above…

And if I understand correctly, blaming Anet for that is simply silly. If someone wants to join TA with a 4 man team, they will be aware of their chances of getting an inexperienced player, hence from that moment on it’s their decision they want to do it that way.

And I’m pretty sure this particular scenario won’t even be a problem. A team of 4 will always find the 5th player in the Mists if they desire a well organised team, and if they don’t look for one, well then they just don’t care enough to be bothered by a random noob anyway…

Leave the options open, it’s up to players how they use those options…

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


It’s about the single person, who will be trying to get carried. It’s about people willing to participate, without making sure they are either commited or skilled enough not to be a burden.
It’s about low ambitious people, who’ll want to get easy glory/wins%/whatever by taking a chance of akitten through the match that 4-man premade will win.

Force these people to go solo-que or find the kitten team, each way benefits both him (getting good) and the community that gets more people into the teamplay, possibly causing more TEAMS to form and compete.

So yeah, try leaving a loaded gun next to an insane person and see how he uses this option…

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Baldric.6781


You make it sound like this solo person will be wining something :P.
I think its a nonproblem, well it is for the 4 people that want to queue together, they will need to find someone, but who will be crazy enough to join solo in the team queue ?
I will probably try it, just for the lols of trying it and to see how long it will take to find a match .

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: Kwll.1468


I think they should make it that it pulls a person from solo q. I would much rather play with four people that are grouped together and coordinating then solo q even if it meant fighting a group. People will quickly learn that solo q is nothing but a random hair pull where the worst players still win about 40% of the time and the best of the best only win a bit more then half the time. How often would this happen anyway how many people queue with four lol. That is a rare occurance.

(edited by Kwll.1468)

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: stof.9341


I think they should make it that it pulls a person from solo q. I would much rather play with four people that are grouped together and coordinating then solo q even if it meant fighting a group. People will quickly learn that solo q is nothing but a random hair pull where the worst players still win about 40% of the time and the best of the best only win a bit more then half the time. How often would this happen anyway how many people queue with four lol. That is a rare occurance.

Just queue alone in TeamQ mode then. If for sure would NOT want to be pulled at random from SoloQ into premade hell.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


It’s about the single person, who will be trying to get carried. It’s about people willing to participate, without making sure they are either commited or skilled enough not to be a burden.
It’s about low ambitious people, who’ll want to get easy glory/wins%/whatever by taking a chance of akitten through the match that 4-man premade will win.

Force these people to go solo-que or find the kitten team, each way benefits both him (getting good) and the community that gets more people into the teamplay, possibly causing more TEAMS to form and compete.

So yeah, try leaving a loaded gun next to an insane person and see how he uses this option…

1. If there’s a single person that wants to get carried by a 4 man premade, there has to be a 4 man premade that decided they are OK with chances of getting that kind of a solo player, because they just queued up as a 4 man team…

2. Chances of that single person actually being carried to win by a 4-man team in team arena are very very slim, most of the time he would loose, and he would be much better of in solo arena…

So still, you’re making a HUUUGEEE problem out of something that isn’t a problem at all, and will never be a problem.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Conclusion is, TA, including its ladder is a joke – since you can just beat teams with soloquer who are meant to lose.
Great way to improve the level of competitive play, great Esport we’ve got there.

Like I said, this game requires way more Pvp modes, cause what we’ve got is bollocks.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


That’s your conclusion and it’s very short sighted, since you are still concluding based on a problem that doesn’t even exist.

You’re judging the whole ladder based on some theoretical 4+1 scenario that will hardly ever, EVER happen? AND it will only happen when there’s 4+1 people up for it! So it’s their choice they play that way, why do you even care how people decide to play their game?! Great objective and constructive criticism we’ve got here.

Seriously man, get real, chill out a bit.

Oh and by the way, I’m sure you want Team death match right?

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Problem doesn’t exist… let it be, but the general attitude is still far from willingness to deliver a serious format if you allow such deviations in ladder to happen in something that is supposed to be the most serious pvp format/game mode in game.

So instead promoting advanced competitive players, they are pleasing carebears.
How people decide to play this game? I, just like many others, decided to play competitively, where luck and randomness is minor factor and skill, abilities and persistence are what counts. There is no such thing.

There are many things that need fixing ASAP (vide profession balance, animations, visibility on field aka no more clusterkitten, observe mode for own past matches, skill templates, and the list goes on), and instead of that what competitive players demand, we’re getting the same thing under different name, as in Team Arena, and Solo Arena which is a joke.

And yes, I’d prefer TDM format instead of Random 5v5 on tournament rules, simply because it doesn’t work – its neither fun, nor rewarding. It doesn’t even let people learn since its too difficult for clueless muppets to catch on with the tactics – so yeah, I feel like newcomers would benefit more from simple manslaughter (as in, converging, targeting, positioning, protecting teammates, staying alive, stomping, resing, etc) than this.

Constructive enough?

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: dug.7368


totally agree with the above. I am disappointed with lack of choice when it comes to pvp. I usually like to play with my gf, and with the current system, i am essentially limited to play either by myself or with a 5-man team. There isn’t an actual in-between: Hotjoin is silly, queuing as a 2-man group for TeamArena has also proven to be on par with SoloArena’s haphazardness.

TDM-style play would allow for smaller organized groups to play: 2v2 and 3v3.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Well single players qing up for Team Arena won’t cause any deviations on ladder, I think there’s no doubt about that. The occurrence itself won’t hinder your serious competitive experience in tPvP either, I can assure you that too. I don’t consider allowing solo players to join TA is pleasing carebears at all. It’s merely allowing a 4 man team that queued up to play together in TA with another random player. All 5 of them are actually in a disadvantage by playing that way. As I said – solo player is much better off qing in SA than in TA, so I can’t see how 4+1 would affect anyone else but those involved.

And why care so much about the godkitten ladder in the first place? I’m shocked at how seriously people here take this ladder. If Anet just removed it 95% of QQ-ing would stop and they would all live happily ever after.

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


Like I said somewhere, we lack couple of crucial game modes.
That includes:
- unranked 5v5 for people trying to get good as a team, or mentor friends/guildies through tournament mechanics/tactics, already mentioned by Phantaram in this board
-ranked premade 5v5 only, for most competitive players
-TDM slaughter, for both, people keen on killing and those trying to learn the combat mechanics with a chosen party size (2v2,3v3,5v5 whatever)

No 1v1 mode though – if this game even tries to be balanced for 1v1 matchups it will fail a big time.

@up I’d be the last person to care about the ladder, but ever since its the ONLY form of comparison, besides general consideration of someone being good/known/skilled/whatnot, I have to admit it slightly matters. Now if you let it be affected by random factors like beating 4+1’s it will mean even less.
And may I remind you, that most of people (I knew) decided to drop out from competitive format back in november/october 2012 due to no real goal in pvp (no ladder, no promised custom arenas to practise, just free tournaments and no ability to scrim, etc).

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]

(edited by sid.9870)

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Like I said somewhere, we lack couple of crucial game modes.
That includes:
- unranked 5v5 for people trying to get good as a team, or mentor friends/guildies through tournament mechanics/tactics, already mentioned by Phantaram in this board
-ranked premade 5v5 only, for most competitive players
-TDM slaughter, for both, people keen on killing and those trying to learn the combat mechanics with a chosen party size (2v2,3v3,5v5 whatever)

No 1v1 mode though – if this game even tries to be balanced for 1v1 matchups it will fail a big time.

@up I’d be the last person to care about the ladder, but ever since its the ONLY form of comparison, besides general consideration of someone being good/known/skilled/whatnot, I have to admit it slightly matters. Now if you let it be affected by random factors like beating 4+1’s it will mean even less.
And may I remind you, that most of people (I knew) decided to drop out from competitive format back in november/october 2012 due to no real goal in pvp (no ladder, no promised custom arenas to practise, just free tournaments and no ability to scrim, etc).

-your 1st bullet can be achieved in Custom Arenas. That is after all how top guilds do it. They get a sparing partner to play with in CA.

-TA will eventually become “competitive 5v5 only” even if it allows smaller teams to enter. Again I can’t see why care so much if smaller teams decide to enter, they are only putting themselves at a disadvantage, but it’s OK to give them an option to do that if so they decide.

And last but not least, tournaments is where real competitive team should shine. GW1 had monthly tournaments, and after those were introduced, no one really cared about the ladder anymore. I hope Anet still has plans on something like that in GW2.

-With some expansion of Custom Arena customization this too could be achieved.

The way I see it, Anet only has to expand the options in CA and start doing some automated monthly tournaments like in GW1 and everything would be covered.

Now don’t get me wrong I’m no GW2 fanboy that thinks everything is fine here. If you look at my posting history you’ll see I’ve done my share of ranting on these forums. But the way I see it here, a lot of people are crying about supposedly missing things, that aren’t actually missing anymore, or aren’t a real problem anymore…

P.S: If they added everything you mentioned above as it’s own independent pvp arena/format it would fracture the community even further, which would destroy the game, the queues for any arena would be just too long.

(edited by samo.1054)

Team Queue with 4 people, what happens?

in PvP

Posted by: sid.9870


I knew I forgot about something to mention above… AT’s/MAT’s.

That part about smaller teams… They have no real option, either compete in the same bucket with top tier players, lose ladder position and get laughed at by other people when they try to find a team…. or not compete at all.
This is why I find the need to implement unranked 5v5, for smaller teams to practise, casuals to play on regular basis, and leave the hermetic, highly competitive pvp for people who seek strong opponents, and strong opponents only.

Now we’re all put in the same place, probably due to lack of playerbase – but by doing nothing, or implementing other flawed designs (cough soloq cough) we will not enlarge it.
I personally cannot go into a 5v5 with guildmates that are fairly new to tournaments, simply because some people may moan about losing their ladder position and not giving a kitten about preparing new players, testing tactics or experimenting with builds. This also promotes rolling form/meta builds and in the end result, makes pvp worse.

Hi Im Sid,
Absolute Nonsense [prrr]