Defining roles for sPvP in GW.
There is a ton of terminology that gets passed around about builds roles etc. but there’s not a huge amount of information on what they mean. When we talk of roles in sPvP its interchangeable with a build and can be combined with other roles or builds so not a definite this or that it’s not just a build or not a in map function. So to take this at the very basic level you build your spec / build out of the roles you want to fulfill.
Role + role + role = build
Now in to the descriptions, keep in mind some of the terminology has been carried over from other competitive pvp games and some is unique to GW2. Also I am writing this on no sleep for a day or so but needed to get this info for a website / sPvP Roster web application I am programing.
Name: Bunker
Characteristics: Health and toughness, survivability.
Description: A Bunker is someone who can take a ton of damage and stay alive for quite some time under pressure. They may lack some CC’s and point control but they are made to literally sit somewhere and stay there. Typically most people use a bunker as a node defender. Another note is that a team’s bunker is the beefiest of the Defenders so they are typically assigned to the midpoint
Name: Node Defender
Characteristics: Heavy CC / Point Control, Survivability (not meaning heath / toughness can be healing / evasion etc.)
Description: A node defender goes hand and hand with a bunker usually, but they will typically sacrifice some defense / health to have massive CC & point control. Node defenders typically can last quite some time but not as long as a pure bunker.
Name: Backpoint Defender
Characteristics: Survivability, utility, self-sufficient
Description: The backpoint defender is usually a build / class with survivability and utility. They typically can dps or support. Good examples of standard classes for this are Trap tank rangers and Mesmer’s running portal. Their primary goal since the points close to the base is to keep it locked down as much as possible. They can and will unlike a bunker who stays there typically till death, the backpoint defender typically has some mobility so they can flee the fight / come back after being stomped and back cap it after they assault is finished and reclaim it.
Name: Farpoint Assaulter
Characteristics: Hybrid damage & survivability, mobility.
Description: a Farpoint Assaulter is a hybrid dps, they have survivability and can do some good damage. They are the ANTI backpoint defender, their job is to assault the far point and keep it contested and uncapped. To be successful they don’t have to fully cap as long as it’s not fully capped by the other team. They typically use tactics like downing the backpoint defender and leaving him downed by doing just enough damage to maximize his time out of play. So in a nutshell they kill the backpoint defender and then harass / stall the backpoint defender from recapping as long as they can.
Name: Support
Characteristics: healing, utility, buffing, debuffing, cleansing
Description: A Support role is typically paired with a defensive build, the supportive build has high team healing, they have boon sharing, they typically have protection for reviving allies and cleanses for conditions. Supports main job is kind of like a healer in the typical MMORPG trinity except for the fact that in gw2 this does not work due to lack or healing in abundance. This role is your help your team jack of all trades buff when you can swiftness on tap etc.