Team composition

Team composition

in PvP

Posted by: leungclj.4915


So last night tPVP, we got completely destroy by a team of 5 rangers.

there were traps everywhere, arrows raining from sky (literally in Temple of the silent storm in mid node) we didnt stand a chance. As a mesmer, i quickly equip myself with Mirror (Reflect projectiles and heal yourself. 2s) and Feedback (Create a dome around your foes that reflects projectiles), of course this will not work fullpower as I have no chance to redo my trait to counter them, lucky I do have Temporal Curtain with the traits that reflect projectile. But all of that is not enough….

anyway, is it us that was bad to not able to take a full team of rangers or full team of rangers with such crowd control and damage is really really good?

I almost had the same feeling back in GW1 where ranger spike were really popular, they were barraging us, everyone rapid firing at same target, faint @@

oh, by no mean this is a rage against ranger, I have no problem dealing with rangers 1v1, but this many was just… puke…

so… back on topic, is a team of all same profession really powerful? its almost like 5 guardian will mount up to a massive unkillable bunker, or 5 necro with minions over running the place (or marks everywhere), 5 mesmer huge shatter AoE or 10 iDuelist going pew pew pew, and the list goes on…

it almost feel like running balance team compo is not an option, dealing with 1 D/D ele is already annoying enough, imagine a team of 5… (I pray to the Spirits of the Wild, but they rarely answer…)

what do you think?

I think I am just a terrible player T^T

(edited by leungclj.4915)

Team composition

in PvP

Posted by: Lux.7169


It really just sounds like your team just couldn’t hold your own. From what you described you were fighting a mix of power longbow rangers and trap rangers or some bad hybrid in between. Regardless, rangers (trap or otherwise) should not be a problem. If you guys were getting destroyed then they just outplayed you and I honestly think it had nothing to do with rangers being overpowered. I wasn’t there so I don’t know what happened but if you were doing your part then you just got unlucky with your team because rangers have terrible mobility unless they spec to be a bit quicker with traits, utilities or weapons, and if they do that then they’re running a subpar bar or trait spec given the meta. If they were rocking you in the team fight then spread them. Pressure there point, collapse on yours. They have terrible mobility and would lose to any mesmer who knows their combos 1v1. You probably should have brought portal and tormented them from home and mid.


Team composition

in PvP

Posted by: Varonth.5830


Well, some classes can do really nasty things if you can stack them without any diminishing return. Traps is one of these things.
You can handle a trap ranger sitting on your point throwing traps on it?
How about 2?

Since it is AoE you cannot easily counter it by bringing more teammate aswell.

I don’t even want to imagine what a 5 MM necro team will do. Targeting would be a nightmare.

It is all about how well does it do on it’s own, and how does it stack.
Think about banners for example.
1 banner can really help your team.
Imagine, bannerbuffs from the same banner would stack. There would be 5 warrior banner teams all over the place…
Constantly playing with +850 Power, Toughness, Vit, Precision and Vitality. Oh and or course 75% bonus crit damage.

Most classes fill multiple roles anyway, so bringen more of them isn’t a problem.