Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


So, I read in this patch you fixed the bug and now you can’t teleport through the wall BUT now i can’t use my phase retreat (mesmer staff #2) to go UP a lot of platform where i could teleport before.

To teleport UP this platform, Blink, Thief’s Shortbow, Lightning Flash etc WORK WELL but Phase Retreat not.

So i think there is a problem with Phase retreat (maybe to go up this platform you need to go through this platform for the system?)

Is it a bug? does it work as intended? Can you fix this pls?

It’s very important for mesmer staff.

I posted here because is a problem linked to spvp map.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


I’m pretty sure that is a fix since all those skills you mention are ground targeted teleports and phase retreat always felt like it shoud be an horizontal blink skill.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Dunno, description doesn’t say “horizontal teleport” but only “teleport” like other teleport skill. It’s true, it’s not GT, but there is not the point if is GT or not, point is if phase retreat is a teleport that needs to work like the other teleport. It has a very short range so if you want to use it to teleport UP a platform, you need to know the exact position where using phase retreat.

BTW there are too few platforms where you can teleport up.

I’d like to see a dev answer about this.

IMHO all teleport need to work in the same say, if teleport skills can let to teleport up platforms, phase retreat needs to work in the same way.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Siva Mira.3546

Siva Mira.3546

He can blink every 6sec and now he want to blink everywhere too. As always, a mesmer player usually asked to improve his imbalanced skills. And it is very important for them.

All is vain.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

Myrmidian Eudoros.4671

He can blink every 6sec and now he want to blink everywhere too. As always, a mesmer player usually asked to improve his imbalanced skills. And it is very important for them.

Take it easy on the guy. It is something that has been in game for awhile and now it has changed. He is asking if he can get it back. No harm no foul.

I am guessing this is intended change, but not to worry Mesmer still has better z-axis mobility than the majority of classes that have none at all and you still get a free quasi-stunbreak out of phase retreat.

Still wouldn’t be shocked if this gets reverted for Mesmer though. Could go either way.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Wizzy.7910


It still required some sort of skill to do those teleport with phase retreat and is doable alot easier by teleport…all spots don’t even work with phase retreat that do work with skills like blink.
Atm its just ridiculous where u get stuck with phase retreat, its basicly if u can’t walk that path(no jumping) phase retreat won’t work. like on my human mesmer..if the platform is about as high as knee on my character, phase retreat won’t work.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


No Wizzy

it doesnt “required some skill”, the only thing it required was to KNOW where the map is bugged and you can EXPLOIT the skill

Was rly insane how supcutie(and other mesmers) in tournier was exploiting this on all maps with devs in chat and the moderators called this skill. When He/She was nearly dead in front of clocktower and would be dead with 5% hp left but just portet up to the node in clocktower or from there higher.
Sry but this should be hotfixed ages ago and im happy they did it now.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


To be fair, it was stated back even before launch that teleports were not suppose to work on the Z axis so whether it was intended or not it probably shouldn’t be fixed and if devs are smart and want to improve PR, it won’t be. At least not until they fix other larger concerns related to balance.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


To be fair, it was stated back even before launch that teleports were not suppose to work on the Z axis so whether it was intended or not it probably shouldn’t be fixed and if devs are smart and want to improve PR, it won’t be. At least not until they fix other larger concerns related to balance.

If ALL teleport are designed to not work on Z axis is ok, not problem, but if other teleport work on Z-Axis i don’t know why phase retreat don’t need to work.

It’s not easy to use to teleport on platforms, you need to know the exact position to do this, is not easy like a GTaoe spell and its range is very short.

So i’d like to see a dev answer about it. I think this spell deserve the same status like the other teleport, about Z-axis (like it was before).

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


To be fair, it was stated back even before launch that teleports were not suppose to work on the Z axis so whether it was intended or not it probably shouldn’t be fixed and if devs are smart and want to improve PR, it won’t be. At least not until they fix other larger concerns related to balance.

If ALL teleport are designed to not work on Z axis is ok, not problem, but if other teleport work on Z-Axis i don’t know why phase retreat don’t need to work.

It’s not easy to use to teleport on platforms, you need to know the exact position to do this, is not easy like a GTaoe spell and its range is very short.

So i’d like to see a dev answer about it. I think this spell deserve the same status like the other teleport, about Z-axis (like it was before).

All teleports ARE designed to not work on the Z axis. That’s why it isn’t easy and you need to exploit certain locations.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


To be fair, it was stated back even before launch that teleports were not suppose to work on the Z axis so whether it was intended or not it probably shouldn’t be fixed and if devs are smart and want to improve PR, it won’t be. At least not until they fix other larger concerns related to balance.

If ALL teleport are designed to not work on Z axis is ok, not problem, but if other teleport work on Z-Axis i don’t know why phase retreat don’t need to work.

It’s not easy to use to teleport on platforms, you need to know the exact position to do this, is not easy like a GTaoe spell and its range is very short.

So i’d like to see a dev answer about it. I think this spell deserve the same status like the other teleport, about Z-axis (like it was before).

All teleports ARE designed to not work on the Z axis. That’s why it isn’t easy and you need to exploit certain locations.

In general teleports work where a character without teleports can reasonably walk.. Examples of this include thief shortbow on Cliffside fractal with the wind part, or the part where the mini explosions are. It is also possible on Temple in temple of the silent storm where the stairs are. Now idk why they aren’t supposed to work up the Z-axis (reality is different) but the current implementation of being required for a non-teleport to only take slightly more time is reasonable IMO.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Teleporting to different platforms is what I’m referring too. They aren’t meant to be able to do this, or weren’t as stated by devs in the betas ages ago mainly because they (for whatever reason) have a big issue with separating pve skills from pvp skills. So if they allowed these skills in their current nature to use the Z-axis to teleport to different platforms or heights WvW would be chaos with Thieves SBing/ShadowStepping onto keep walls. This happened once before and it was very unwelcome by the community.

Now you take the same thing to spvp, where you wuld have thieves/mesmers teleporting up onto, say.. the catwalk CT on Khylo to escape. For a utility skill I wouldn’t mind. But on a weaponskill it’s too much. I can say for that I would probably abuse it and I never abuse anything, but conisdering the CDs on these skills how could you not? I would also say that’s too much seeing as how the number of professions that can teleport and are considered OP or annoying to fight as it is go hand in hand.

It isn’t needed, imo, and isn’t intended for good reason. Just my thoughts. Not trying to sound harsh or anything.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Infiltrator’s arrow is a weapon skill and it works on Z-axis. And i use it A LOT on my thief.

For me this is a nosense, all teleport need to work in the same way, or Z-axis work for every teleport or not.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Infiltrator’s arrow is a weapon skill and it works on Z-axis. And i use it A LOT on my thief.

For me this is a nosense, all teleport need to work in the same way, or Z-axis work for every teleport or not.

U keep saying all the teleport should work on the same way. Then I dare you to approve that move Phase retreat to Ultility skill and give it 30s Cd like other Teleport skill, not every 6s. Plus Memser already has blink on its own already. I know it is not that easy to sudden change but demanding Phase Retreat to work as other teleport skill while it is a built in weapon skill, a free stun breaker every 6s, what else do u want?? I am happy that this exploit finally got fixed. Geezzz.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Infiltrator’s arrow is a weapon skill and it works on Z-axis. And i use it A LOT on my thief.

For me this is a nosense, all teleport need to work in the same way, or Z-axis work for every teleport or not.

Are you even reading the entirity of the responses or just stopping when you see that it doesn’t say what you want it to say? I understand that your english is bad but the point is the skill is behaving as it should have to start with and Infiltrators arrow should be “fixed” the same way imo. You want all teleports to work the same way? Fine, put 30s CDs on those weapon skills and we’ll talk.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Infiltrator’s arrow is a weapon skill and it works on Z-axis. And i use it A LOT on my thief.

For me this is a nosense, all teleport need to work in the same way, or Z-axis work for every teleport or not.

Are you even reading the entirity of the responses or just stopping when you see that it doesn’t say what you want it to say? I understand that your english is bad but the point is the skill is behaving as it should have to start with and Infiltrators arrow should be “fixed” the same way imo. You want all teleports to work the same way? Fine, put 30s CDs on those weapon skills and we’ll talk.

I read but your point is invalid because FOR NOW infiltrator’s arrow works on Z-axis. And it is a weapon skill spammable not an utility skill with 30s CD.

If Anet fix infiltrator’s arrow and make a distintion between weapon skill and utility skill about how they work on z-axis is fine for me.

But now is different.

So for me there is something wierd and i want to report it to the devs

I do not think is a bad thing.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Stealth.9324


Infiltrator’s arrow is a weapon skill and it works on Z-axis. And i use it A LOT on my thief.

For me this is a nosense, all teleport need to work in the same way, or Z-axis work for every teleport or not.

Are you even reading the entirity of the responses or just stopping when you see that it doesn’t say what you want it to say? I understand that your english is bad but the point is the skill is behaving as it should have to start with and Infiltrators arrow should be “fixed” the same way imo. You want all teleports to work the same way? Fine, put 30s CDs on those weapon skills and we’ll talk.

I read but your point is invalid because FOR NOW infiltrator’s arrow works on Z-axis. And it is a weapon skill spammable not an utility skill with 30s CD.

If Anet fix infiltrator’s arrow and make a distintion between weapon skill and utility skill about how they work on z-axis is fine for me.

But now is different.

So for me there is something wierd and i want to report it to the devs

I do not think is a bad thing.

Obviously you miss my post, and instead of asking for a bug fix on IA, you ask to revert Phrase retreat like IA, which is not intended to be used that way. If you want the distinction bw Ult and Weapon skill, why state Blink or Flash in your first thread? It is not a big change, it is a BUG FIX, so deal with it like the rest of us. And you know what, we have much worse than you.

Kaane Moka – Champion Magus. Loola Illuma – Champion Genius.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


I read your post, and make a distinction between utility skill and weapon skill teleport about how they work on z-axis could have a sense.

if weapon skill teleport aren’t design to teleport on Z-axis, change Infiltrator’s Arrow too.

Otherwise Phase retreat needs to teleport on z-axis.

I don’t see why Phase retreat and IA work differently now and btw with IA thief has not CD but initiative, more range and has more options where teleport himself.

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Deep Star.6541

Deep Star.6541

Gratz on making the game even less enjoyable to watch Anet.

I wouldn’t mind the fix to not teleport inside places but the Phase Retreat no Z-axis was to much in my opinion, you could actually use the terrain and was a good tool to kite, in a class that doesn’t have decent mobility in competitive play (take into consideration most damage is AoE anyway, so even if you phase retreat as a sort of stun break away from damage, u’ll still eat everything 0.5 sec afterwards since the nodes are usually small anyway), and now they are forced to use blink…

If you want to keep this change, then make thief shortbow number 5 also not able to go through Z-axis, if they want to teleport into ledges then they have to use shadowstep. If you do this, then i guess it is fair to keep the changes.

Riviére, Select Start, Cmnd Ctrl, Uninteresting Event @ Three Steps Ahead [Oz]

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Wizzy.7910


•Fixed a bug that let teleport skills teleport players through certain walls, most notably the clock tower’s walls in The Battle of Khylo.

Pretty sure Phase Retreat not working in any z-axis is bug, atleast according to patch notes? i mean im fine not being able to phase retreat my way into clocktower and few other spots but not being able to use phase retreat to any different platform is just annoying. ATM it even sucks like hell because when u use ´phase retreat and there’s like tiny ledge behind you, ur just gonna get stuck on it.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: jkough.7316


Seems funny to me that phase retreat is such a hit to Mesmer’s, as a thief I feel I am no longer more mobile than any other prof and lost 90% of survivability. I really, really enjoy thief and this tele fix sounds great even to me in text but I cant play thief anymore. They should make stealth kill the person using it aswell

Pancake Boy

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


They should give necro’s a one hit kill skill. We are the Masters of death after all.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169



It’s clear that the actual situation about teleport (not only phase retreat but utility skill too and thief weapon teleport skills) has some issues.

I’d like to see an official answer from Anet about this situation.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


I haven’t really noticed an issue. I played a few matches since the patch and my teleports seem to work just as well as they did before. Not sure what the issue is here.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


Z-axis teleport is more difficult now (almost impossible with mesmer), with phase retreat there are now only few spots to do this (very few) and with utility teleport there are some issues (some old points (before patch) to put gt now don’t work) and there are some issues with the thief teleport return skills (see jumper post)

(edited by MarkPhilips.5169)

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


II recorded a video to explain better the situation:

Here we have some spots where phase retreat works on z-axis (after the patch). As you can see sometimes spell works random, you stay in the same place after you used the spell, other times teleport works.

There are now very few spots (maybe two in foefire, 1 in khylo (sometimes it works at treb sometimes not) where you can use you phase retreat on z-axis.

BTW i think if Infintrator’s arrow allows you to teleport on z-axis, phase retreat must do the same thing.

Otherwise only utility spell must to teleport you on z-axis. But phase retreat if is not designed to work on z-axis, needs to work ALWAYS in horizontal line, it doesn’t make any sense you remain in the same place.

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Hmmm… of what i saw. everything seems to be working okay. As far as the foe fire goes. I think the reason it worked the first time is there was still a somewhat direct path that could be taken to walk there. The last one where you were on the other side. I think was more of a bug/exploit.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Teleport Wall fix - Phase retreat problem

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


I saw a video posted by Jumper not long ago that actually has me concerned about the way things are working after seeing how severe it is.

The times it failed on him were very odd. I’m not sure how I feel about it now, but I personally don’t use teleports so it doesn’t effect me at all really.