Temp Def, One w/ Air, Anet dsn't seem 2 care

Temp Def, One w/ Air, Anet dsn't seem 2 care

in PvP

Posted by: ryston.7640


Just a couple cherry piked examples of wtf?

Why woud we want to burn the internal cool down on Tempest Defense to a fear? More importantly, why WOULDN’T we want it to burn on immobilize, the least balanced of the CC methods.

One with Air looks like relic from when Anet promised move speed buffs would stack. They don’t anymore but still we have this really terrible trait.

Why do your classes all have differing and uneven amounts of polish? Warrior is well polished and do great PvE damage, everyone else you just sorta… launched. Remember how many Necro bugs there were at launch? How many are there STILL?

Why? Just Why? Why did you do this to the sequel of such a great game. You took an innovator in te field of organized rpg PvP and followed up with… really beautiful environments and a well written world… but stepped back everywhere else.

Temp Def, One w/ Air, Anet dsn't seem 2 care

in PvP

Posted by: Jax.5261


I really hope you’re trolling.

  • Immobilize is not a disable (doesn’t disable skills)
  • Stacking a 25% speed buff on 33% speed buff is unbalanced
  • Theres a bug with One with Air which keeps your speed buff if you use a transformation
  • Warrior is not polished, it’s underpowered and currently badly designed

(edited by Jax.5261)

Temp Def, One w/ Air, Anet dsn't seem 2 care

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Why do your classes all have differing and uneven amounts of polish? Warrior is well polished and do great PvE damage, everyone else you just sorta… launched.

‘looks at which tabs this is under in forums.’