Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

in PvP

Posted by: Laserbolt.6731


Experienced PvP players: if you have a tempest on your team would you rather your Tempest act as a straight bunker, or follow the team fights instead?

Scrapper: “Frank from Research”

(edited by Laserbolt.6731)

Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


Focus fire on the bunker. That’s what everyone else is doing. Just find the tankiest opponent and don’t stop attacking them. No matter what.

Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

in PvP

Posted by: Sunshine.5014


Obviously teamfight. They have a lot of AoE support.

For 1v1, there are multiple classes including Scrapper and Druid that can kill them. In low MMR matches, Tempest can kill bad players 1v1, but it can’t kill any decent players with those wet noodle hits.

Only bunker 1v1 if you already have the point.

Gray out the HP for future condition damage
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.

Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

in PvP

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


as if the name auramancer wasn’t enough of a clue, yes they’re better teamfighters. earth overload alone can give your entire team 20 sec of prot plus reflect shield.

they’re more than capable of holding a point on their own though, in fact you’ll problably have more success roaming/decapping at lower rankings.

Tempest: Bunker alone or Team Support?

in PvP

Posted by: Random Weird Guy.3528

Random Weird Guy.3528

Teamfight, but it can hold a capped point 1v1 vs most things if it has to.

Random Engineering // Trixxti // Random Noises (worst thief eu)
Svanir Appreciation Society [SAS]