Terrible Matchmaking

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Sceletonx.7481


I am playing gw2 for more than 2 years now… for all that time I have been trying to jump into PvP multiple times… but it’s just not possible…


Why are you even trying to balance classes? Why are you trying to support tournaments? WHy even start season with this kitten, ranks will mean nothing with current random bullkitten you call matchmaking? Just why? CORE OF GOOD PVP ENTERTAINENMENT IS GOOD MATCHMAKING… right now 9 out of 10 games are UNFUN AND TERRIBLY ONE SIDED!!!!!!!!

FOCUS ON MOST IMPORTANT THING FINALLY!!!, its same for more 2 years and its killing pvp in so great degree you cant even imagine it, this game will NEVER be popular in competitve pvp with so kittenty matchmaking

and its not matter of my MMR, I dont even believe there is a thing like MMR in this game… 1 game i got roflstomped by 5man team with meta setup and everything when they just resskill us and we cant do anything, than game iimedietly after i play agains enemy who cant even run and can be kited without being slow because running is so hard for them

(edited by Sceletonx.7481)

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: nacario.9417


Lets see what happens once pips r introduced. Hopefully at some point ull be matched with equals once past the first 3 leagues. After that ull hit a brick wall facing premades as a soloq in league 4 5.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Sceletonx.7481


season wont fix anything because its still based on non working matchmaking… you will just have some ranks which just show how lucky you’re in their RNG system of matching people

in everygame I played I had no problem to get to top 10% of ladder, or even higher… but not here, because I never had the mtivation to learn this game… everytime I jump into pvp I have to quit after few hours and don’t play this kitten for months again… I just cant believe how BAD anet is with matchmaking… like cmon… its almost over of 2015 and you cant still figure out thing that others (even much smaller companies) had more than 5year ago?….

and stopping stupid excuses like “playerbase is too small for good matchmaking” would be great kittening start!!! PLAYERBASE WILL NEVER BE LARGER if you cant even split team and solo join

(edited by Sceletonx.7481)

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Raven.9603


season wont fix anything because its still based on non working matchmaking… you will just have some ranks which just show how lucky you’re in their RNG system of matching people

in everygame I played I had no problem to get to top 10% of ladder, or even higher… but not here, because I never had the mtivation to learn this game… everytime I jump into pvp I have to quit after few hours and don’t play this kitten for months again… I just cant believe how BAD anet is with matchmaking… like cmon… its almost over of 2015 and you cant still figure out thing that others (even much smaller companies) had more than 5year ago?….

and stopping stupid excuses like “playerbase is too small for good matchmaking” would be great kittening start!!! PLAYERBASE WILL NEVER BE LARGER if you cant even split team and solo join

The matchmaking system is actually really good, its just temporarily turned off.
So there are 3 options for PvP:

Hot Join: Just random maps, rolling people coming and going, no filter on skill or staying on the same team or even in the match. Dont pvp here unless you literally dont care about winning or losing and just want some fights, or unless you are just doing one of the daily maps. There is no matchmaking mechanism.

Ranked Arena: Players vote on what map they fight in. Only “Balanced” maps are allowed (eg you will not be offered Skyhammer, Spirit Watch, or Courtyard). You are locked into the team you are on and you can’t quit the match short of quitting the entire game for the duration of the match. Players are matched up by a combination of the size of their group (pairs more likely to fight pairs, premades more likely to fight premades) AND by their MMR, which is a score of those player’s win/loss ratio in Ranked Arena games. Because of HoT, this mode is temporarily disabled into class balance and meta is sorted out.

Unranked Arena: Players vote on what map they fight in. Usually all maps are allowed but I haven’t seen Courtyard offered since HoT (maybe disabled because Ranked is turned off). Players are matched up by the size of their group (pairs more likely to fight pairs, premades more likely to fight premades) but MMR is not a factor.

So, because Ranked Arena is disabled and Unranked doesnt filter matchups by MMR, right now all the really good players are fighting all the bads and normals and it creates very one sided matchups, especially because the very good players tend to group up. So if 2 high ranked dudes group up and 2 basic dudes group up, you end up on a team with a basic pair while the other team has the e-sports pair and you get wrecked.

If you are curious about whether people on your map are grouped, before the match starts you can right click everyones name to see if there are pairs or triplets or whatever. After the game is over, give the scoreboard a second and it will show you in brackets who was grouped on both teams. You will find that more often than not, you have some grouped players on your team and youre some fighting grouped players on the other team.

As someone who always groups, only 1/3 of my matchups are against non-grouped teams and that is likely a fault of how many groups are available to fight in the pool and not the match making system.

TL:DR; wait for Ranked Arena to open back up and the good players who are killing you will leave.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Salamander.2504


Unranked Arena: …but MMR is not a factor.

Unranked does use MMR for matchmaking, but it’s separate from your ranked MMR.

Terrible Matchmaking

in PvP

Posted by: Sceletonx.7481


The matchmaking system is actually really good, its just temporarily turned off.
So there are 3 options for PvP:

I know about all those options, I also know that by anet’s own words unranked matchmaking use matchmaking rating (same system, but your current MMR might be different than the ranked one)

I am not new player, I have played plenty of games and I know that IN PRAXIS that system DOESN’T WORK, EVEN in ranked!!

1 out of the 10 games is actually somehow balanced and fun for both side… that is kinda terrible statistic for system “that is really good”

9 of 10 games look like this:

1) 1team full meta setup, full premade, communicating coordinating, they win first fights, then pick rest of the enemies 1by1 and win 500-100 or even more because enemies are bunch of randoms who have never met each other

2) 1team of randoms, with decent builds, general knowledge of the game, legendaries, dragon finishers etc (i know thats not important, but it it least show that those players are very experienced) and the second team filled with low level characters, non sense builds, people who have no idea how to play character they re on (or the game generally) for most of them its less then 5game played on those char (if they have good builds, they have never played it and have no idea what they are doing)… game ends 500-100 or even more

3) some combination of those where 1 team ends up playing 3v5 in 30-60sec since the game started because 2 people get stomped and leave (which is kinda not surprising with this matchmaking, games are anything but fun)

All of this is happening EVEN in ranked (its not any better there, even with the leavers), from all my games more than 70% is in ranked mode.

And I have average MMR, I am not on top and I am not on the bottom of the MMR scale where imbalanced in matches are kinda expected… I am on the middle ground where most players are playing, and therefore bullkittens like this should happen in less than 10% of games like in every other games with matchmaking THAT WORKS! (and dont blame low pop, I have played plenty of non mainstream games with way lower playerbase than gw and matchmaking was MUCH MUCH better.