Thank you for Stronghold
Yeah, totally agree, its an awesome game mode and lots of fun.
I actually really like Stronghold as a gametype as well. Sure PvP could use some more additions, but this map is more fun to play than conquest imo.
Phoenix Ascendant [ASH] | Rank 80
I much prefer it to conquest as well. No fighting over silly circles against unkillable tanks.
I do think a couple of improvements could be made.
I think a 10 second or so channeled recall would do a lot to help the game feel more like its MOBA inspiration and would also lead to less of the PvE feeling one sometimes gets when both teams of on offense. It would allow teams to actually group up and defend.
I also think scaling death timers (i.e. moving from 15 to 30 seconds as the game progresses) would help make the endgame a bit more strategic.