Thanks Brighthouse
Jake Demoni -Necromancer- “Please stop moa-ing me”
+1 I agree that if the game is won in the end, desertion shouldn’t be dished out.
you dont deserve a pip if you dc for long enough for it to count as a desertion. win or lose. you ruined the game for 9 other people. dont ragequit, fix your internet, or call up the company and complain enough that they fix it, whichever is applicable.
JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Friend of mine lost a pip because he tried to switch characters, the server DC’d him during switching and he was late into the match by about 1 minute or so. He played during the remaining ~10 minutes, we won but he still lost a pip for his “desertion.”
You shouldn’t lose a pip if you participated in the majority of the actual match time.