The Competitive PvP Blog Post

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


When is it coming? Does Arenanet even care about this aspect of the game? TPvP wasn’t available until multiple days into headstart. Then the entire reward system of TPvP was FUBAR for a long time period with nearly 0 information from Arenanet that they were working on it. Then when they released their original “fix” they managed to break tournaments entirely for the first non-headstart weekend of release.

TPvPers were told they would not be reimbursed anything for their lost rewards.

While their were some complaints, the TPvP community was overall muted on the issue because a lot of people love the game and don’t care about cosmetic rewards, as long as they are able to play the game and enjoy good competition.

The problem is that it is exceedingly difficult to enjoy good competition in this game. Tournament PvP for competitive guilds involves waiting and smashing pugs as 80% if not more of their gaming experience. Smashing pugs doesn’t really increase our personal abilities and I am sure that the opposition doesn’t like being kept to under 50pts and being essentially spawn camped when it was a few friends that wanted to play together.

We need information and we need it soon. I believe it has been over 10 days since the initial post detailing an in the works blog post which was only going to detail what was on the horizon not something that was going to be imminently released. I understand that Jon Peters probably has many responsibilities he must uphold for Arenanet but I for one am sick of being treated like the red-headed stepchild of this game and answers are needed.
This post might come across as a bit whiny but it is only because I see a game with huge potential yet has made continual missteps since release and the positive opinions of Arenanet in the TPvP community are beginning to sour.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Fosco.1948


“I see a game with huge potential yet has made continual missteps since release and the positive opinions of Arenanet in the TPvP community are beginning to sour.”


The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Seether, I can only imagine they are busy. I doubt they are ignoring us. They are working on the game as we speak (type?).

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


i think we will have everything we need in max 8 days.
trust me

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Judges.4527


I would feel more reassure if I hadn’t just seen this…

They apparently care more about giving us IMMEDIATE info icons that look too similar, but nothing on A WHOLE ENTIRE PORTION OF THE GAME.
I am extremely disappointed with ANET right now.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


they’ve already answered to the “pvp whiners” call.

Patiance to wait is up to us.

The blogpost will come: what i’m REALLY hoping to come is a big balance patch, in order to nerf those ridicolous mesmers/guardians: because till balance is like this, a ranking system is kinda useless, since “competitive” teams wil simply play a triple guardian/mesmer – double guardian/mesmer team and roflstomp anything.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: WhiteCrow.5310


I’ve got plenty of hopes for the coming update on the 24th, as it sounds like it may be a chunky one. Hopefully we’ll see a lot of issues addressed tomorrow.

Concerns about HoT pre-order? Check here!

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


Where does it say it will be a chunky update tomorrow?

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


2 weeks to write a blog post is funny, watch it end up being just short bullet points too about stuff we already know.

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


Guess the chunky update was just a speculation then, dont fool the anticipating pvp community like that =)

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


I read somewhere here that jon peters went to tpvp with some randoms. Before that he was in the Mists talking about the upcoming additions and future of spvp.

Umm..what? Why do you have time to go to some random server to talk about these things and not put em up here?

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Celeras.4980


This game hasn’t even been out a month. The blog post was mentioned last week at the earliest. And yet, here you are. Complaining about how long you’ve been ignored and how obviously, doesn’t care.

That doesn’t seem a bit ridiculous to you?

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


The blog post was mentioned last week at the earliest. And yet, here you are.

You are totally wrong, and yet here you are. Doesnt that seem a bit ridiculous to you?

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

They’ve got wvw players kittening about this and that. PvE bugs to fix, and structured pvp things to fix.

I’m sure they are trying to even out their resources so they aren’t focusing on just one thing.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Spaghetti.3862


This game hasn’t even been out a month. The blog post was mentioned last week at the earliest. And yet, here you are. Complaining about how long you’ve been ignored and how obviously, doesn’t care.

That doesn’t seem a bit ridiculous to you?

Games materialize from thin air upon release, and there isn’t years of dev time before it. So you’re totally spot on and we’re all wrong, and we thank you for clearing it up.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Irishbrewed.6537


Patience would be good to have with such a massive game. Tpvp is just one of the cogs in the wheel. You can’t expect immediate changes for a theme park mmo. So be patient.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


they’ve already answered to the “pvp whiners” call.

Patiance to wait is up to us.

The blogpost will come: what i’m REALLY hoping to come is a big balance patch, in order to nerf those ridicolous mesmers/guardians: because till balance is like this, a ranking system is kinda useless, since “competitive” teams wil simply play a triple guardian/mesmer – double guardian/mesmer team and roflstomp anything.

I think its pretty funny you said they already answered the “pvp whiners call” which is a request for competitive game systems and then you make your own giant whine. Patience is fine, I just know that making a blog post doesn’t take over 10 days to create especially when it is likely just an overview of what they have been working on for some time.

PS: You should really learn how classes work together, while mesmer phantasms need a slight adjustment, guardians are nowhere near the impervious class people make them out to be, people just aren’t building comps to counter them easily. I personally love to see a double mesmer and double guardian team because I know they will absolutely blow in group fights.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Zin.6170


The time it is taking is an eternity during a release with other major titles coming out very soon.

I’ve already seen a good number of people leaving the game. The good thing though is it doesn’t have a subscription base. I’m sure they can’t be excited about lost cash shop income though.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


The game is still less than a month old. They are still ironing out bugs before they release any new features, which is smart. Someone said that they are just fixing some scalability issues with the paid tournaments right now. I’m sure they will be out soon.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Prince.3682


I keep seeing people who act like they have some inside information saying things are around the corner but that’s pretty bothersome. Some big secret that we lowly mortals are not privy too.

The things we’re talking about most people feel like they should have been included in the launch and we just keep hearing either ‘when it’s done’, ‘things are coming soon’, ‘things are planned’, or most recently; ’we’re writing a blog post to tell you about the things we’re planning to have done when they are done’. Or even more commonly, nothing at all.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Dashel.8056


I would feel more reassure if I hadn’t just seen this…

They apparently care more about giving us IMMEDIATE info icons that look too similar, but nothing on A WHOLE ENTIRE PORTION OF THE GAME.
I am extremely disappointed with ANET right now.

I think that’s the biggest issue in game personally! But really it is a simple fix and shouldnt impact other changes completion time.

As for the OP I agree with Seether they need to be a bit better at managing expectations. The post telling us something is in the works was good, but the impression was that it would be very soon. People just need to be reminded their concerns are being looked at and that it’s a priority (if in fact it is). ANet knows players get passionate about this stuff, people play this stuff for hours every day. Just give us an ETA.