The New grandmaster traits

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Well cool they finally turned on a small small small night light so we don’t constantly run into a wall trying to “find the light” (idk if that was good or not but I thought it was funny)
Remember each profession gets 5 and they have only shown us 1.

Elementalist: will increase all healing to allies by a percentage without affecting the character doing the healing. Aquatic Benevolence has the highest of all outgoing healing effects currently in the game, sitting at a solid 25% healing power bonus when supporting allies.

Ele staff bunker srs buff? Sorry guardians lol.
Engineer: spawns a new turret, that turret receives a defensive bubble that reflects projectiles for four seconds. This works with all turrets, including the Supply Crate.

Hopefully turrets will never be viable and get replaced.
Guardian: trait that grants three hundred extra vitality when slotted (which amounts to three thousand health at level 80 from this trait alone). The result is a guardian that is much more durable when facing conditions and physical attacks.

cool…. I guess this may help with build diversity.
Necro: heal your health pool while Death Shroud is active. Unholy Sanctuary allows you to turtle in your Death Shroud and slowly heal yourself, granting you additional survivability in situations that might otherwise spell certain death. The healing rate of Unholy Sanctuary is the same as the regeneration boon and will be affected by healing power.

Hmm more healing while in ds…
Only reasons necro complained about ds was they were all condi builds. Power builds have so so so much DS gain.. I have no clue what this will help/harm.
Mesmer: Power Block will be introduced to the Domination line and will change the recharge of an interrupted skill from 5 seconds to 10 seconds. This will not affect skills that have no recharge, but I’d imagine that stopping a necromancer from consuming conditions would surely put a nail in their coffin.

STILL doesnt help them versus thiefs. LOLOL
Ranger: With Marksmanship’s new Read the Wind, your longbow arrows will fire at twice their base velocity, allowing for supreme accuracy at long range.

are any of the longbow skills telegraphed? Cause if they were they are now un-dodgable. lol at counter-play
Thief: Five percent of damage from your critical attacks will now be returned to you as healing. With this trait, you’ll be able to sustain yourself in scenarios where your base healing just isn’t enough.

5 percent from 2k-4k hits… (its 150 hp for a 3k hit)

Interesting… Sigh, more sustain to S/D and p/w.
Warrior: This trait will increase your attack speed by ten percent when wielding an off-hand axe, mace, or sword.

Still hambow OP no one will use. (Possible usage for m/s gs may help land mace f1 and that trait was free choice anyways.)
What do you guys think? Cause I am still laughing. Lets add mroe stuff instead of fixing what already needs work.

Some Closing thoughts…

New gm traits… Which ones are getting replaced/moved/deleted….

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

(edited by JinDaVikk.7291)

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


Thief = more sustain on glass specs when it needs WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY LESS.

Ranger = more unstoppable 1 spam. Please never buff longbow auto attack. Getting pinged by rapid missles from 1500 ranger is NOT fun.

Mesmer = Makes mesmer even more dominant vs things it dominates already and does nothing vs specs it struggles vs. TBH though everyone struggles vs thieves. Being a necro in a team fight vs pistol whip is just gg

Engineer = ai buff. Why???

Ele = seems interesting. Please don’t make staff ele a thing though. My granny could play it. Spam 8 aoe’s on a point! Skill!! NO

Guardian = Nobody will play this ever

Warrior = Maybe in the condi spec. Would need testing.

Necro = Could be useful. That line being reworked should help necros survive better

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Some more thought into this (as I main engi)

Wonder if that turret trait is a staying bubble… Wouldn’t we all love 2 see engis with healign turret get new reflect buubles when we heal? LOL. 4 second reflect on 15s cd. Will be hilarious.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


feels like these new traits were built for PVE players and shoe horned to fit for PVP
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Acrisor.8097


Yeah… let’s make Elementalist a healer with 25% more healing and only 2 healing spells (with cooldown 20 and 45) for Staff.
Awsome choice and great imagination.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Forestgreen.7981


Yeah… let’s make Elementalist a healer with 25% more healing and only 2 healing spells (with cooldown 20 and 45) for Staff.
Awsome choice and great imagination.

Or you know evasive arcana that’s on a 10s CD.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


I wouldn’t be surprised if NCSoft forced Anet to push PvE to make Wildstar look better.

I mean, I don’t think a dev team that cares could kitten up this bad this constantly, otherwise.
It’s almost funny… for their half? year in progress PvP patch… their crowning spoilers are more PvE focused than anything…

Like I said in the other thread, ele healing is the closest to something PvP needs, but still very far away. The engi turret reflect is like nothing better than diamond skin, except it’s blatantly, uncounterably OP against projectile specs…

(edited by garethh.3518)

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

@Rickster Your grandmother could play staff? Really? You have clearly never used the staff in PvP. Try it, then come back to this thread and apologize. You are more likely to die fighting any class/weapon combo with staff ele than anything else. Those AoEs are mad easy to dodge, even impossible to hit with unless you have a very fast cpu…

Sure you hit lots in WvW, but that’s just because you can’t miss when assuming at a 20+ zerg army. If you don’t agree, meet me in PvP mists, you choose my class and weapon set, you take staff ele, we see how it goes.


The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Rickster.8752


@Rickster Your grandmother could play staff? Really? You have clearly never used the staff in PvP. Try it, then come back to this thread and apologize. You are more likely to die fighting any class/weapon combo with staff ele than anything else. Those AoEs are mad easy to dodge, even impossible to hit with unless you have a very fast cpu…

Sure you hit lots in WvW, but that’s just because you can’t miss when assuming at a 20+ zerg army. If you don’t agree, meet me in PvP mists, you choose my class and weapon set, you take staff ele, we see how it goes.


I can’t really be bothered proving myself to lowbies sorry. It is mindless. Just like HGH. Just like power necro (wells and 1 spam). Just like any mass aoe spec in this game mode.

Official winner of solo queue MMR leaderboards – EU

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


^ele staff is the highest skill cap ele weapon..
Though if they think this ele trait is gonna make a new ele healer build that will be needed they are mistaken..half the ele heal wont even heal teammates due to the games combat nature and constant movement, and the lack of ally targeted spells.
I bet ricksters granny can aim that geyser perfectly healing those headless chickens running in circles just fine..but i am a noob and i usually miss half the spell

Not to mention those terrible,terrible 8 aoes that you spam on node and they hit kitten (cause they arent necro marks ..)kitten theres no justice in this world

(edited by Avead.5760)

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


If this is their idea of balance, they need a few fire and hire for their team. Guess it is time to start rolling thief.

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Vash Past.4385

Vash Past.4385

Lol Rickster basically ’can’t be bothered to back up his own claims’ even when doing so would take ten minutes of his time. Rotfl Amurika!

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Was kind of excited to see some changes, kind of sad to see a decap engi buff though.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


Yeah… let’s make Elementalist a healer with 25% more healing and only 2 healing spells (with cooldown 20 and 45) for Staff.
Awsome choice and great imagination.

Or you know evasive arcana that’s on a 10s CD.

And blast finishers.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Klinch.2964


Thief = more sustain on glass specs when it needs WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY LESS.

Keep in mind for thieves that if they want this more survivability, they will be getting rid of 20% damage increase trait below 50% health. That is sacrificing a lot of damage for probably a little healing. I’d maybe only use this trait in dungeons personally.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Eura – This isnt a buff to decap engis specifically. The buff to turrets giving 4 sec reflect MAY last after turrets are destroyed in which case it buffs every single engi with that trait.
Being said though a 0/0/30/30/0 (last 10 whatever) may use it for supply crate but that’s a 4s buff. Cool… he lives for 4 seconds longer….

I would mostly just be concerned about the other elites and the possiblility for 4s buff after destroying a turret. I hope Anet saw this possiblility (how could they not?)

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Ya, didn’t see it was in inventions.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


Thief trait is completely worthless since Assassin’s Reward does the same thing but better and doesn’t scale off damage. New Thief trait will at least take the place of the worst healing trait in the game that Assassin’s Reward already currently held.

Also on the turrets.
It will be super broken if the 4 second reflect lasts after pick up. You can have 50% reflect up time just by cycling Healing Turret and Rifle Turret pick ups while still having Magnetic Shield with Reinforced Shield and 2 utilities.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


It is interesting they mentioned which line some traits where in but not the others.

Which traits will they remove/change?
Obviously wonder what the other traits are?
How long will it take to balance these?
What pve crap do we have to do to “unlock” them? Seems like soon we won’t have free pvp but level up system pve does….

Seems like pvp is becoming pve mini game. I hope not.

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Whit.2385


It is interesting they mentioned which line some traits where in but not the others.

Which traits will they remove/change?
Obviously wonder what the other traits are?
How long will it take to balance these?
What pve crap do we have to do to “unlock” them? Seems like soon we won’t have free pvp but level up system pve does….

Seems like pvp is becoming pve mini game. I hope not.

Pvp is already a mini-game.

As for your questions: I suspect it will be one new GM trait per line, don’t think this means that they will remove traits (although it’s Anet, so who knows), and balance… lol – never! er, I mean soon.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Cush.4063


Guys, these trait changes may not make sense with the current meta but there is supposably a massive balance patch coming along with it so they will probably make a lot more sense with that in perspective.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: A Massive Headache.1879

A Massive Headache.1879

I just want to point out, I do believe they’re also changing some skills, like pistol whip, so I wouldn’t bother theory crafting too much yet, but actually doesn’t hurt I guess, thinking how the traits would work with current stuff.

What does trouble me is, at least the engi trait, I never use inventions at all, that trait looks nice, but the only time i ever use turrets is static discharge with the knockback on death, it’s fun, but I don’t think I’ll ever use a turret build.
Bunker necro sounds fun, but will need to see how the traits change, this very well could mean my current suboptimal bunker build wouldn’t work at all anymore anyways.
I’m excited a little bit, cuz I always have the pve.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


@Rickster Your grandmother could play staff? Really? You have clearly never used the staff in PvP. Try it, then come back to this thread and apologize. You are more likely to die fighting any class/weapon combo with staff ele than anything else. Those AoEs are mad easy to dodge, even impossible to hit with unless you have a very fast cpu…

Sure you hit lots in WvW, but that’s just because you can’t miss when assuming at a 20+ zerg army. If you don’t agree, meet me in PvP mists, you choose my class and weapon set, you take staff ele, we see how it goes.


you can probably argue with Zoose and Gronzy, two of the better eles then yourself.
since they are saying that staff ele is easier then hambow from what i remember.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


you can probably argue with Zoose and Gronzy, two of the better eles then yourself.
since they are saying that staff ele is easier then hambow from what i remember.

Just lol.. i didnt know zoose was still playing but i dont think he does if he actually thinks that. Anyway if you specify that the build must not be bunker, staff will be the harder set to do damage with the most complex combos and the most options for support and control. All that while being extremely vulnerable to a lot of things that are used these days.If that is easier or more shallow than hambow then..i dont even.

Theres aoe..and then theres aoe that has 3 sec delay,1-4 sec casting time,is entirely power based and its power actually comes at a price of survivability.
Pls..dont do that.They might hear you and then staff will never be a thing in spvp ..
Not only that but you cant possible expect people to play the same weaponset for 2 years :P

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


you can probably argue with Zoose and Gronzy, two of the better eles then yourself.
since they are saying that staff ele is easier then hambow from what i remember.

Just lol.. i didnt know zoose was still playing but i dont think he does if he actually thinks that. Anyway if you specify that the build must not be bunker, staff will be the harder set to do damage with the most complex combos and the most options for support and control. All that while being extremely vulnerable to a lot of things that are used these days.If that is easier or more shallow than hambow then..i dont even.

Theres aoe..and then theres aoe that has 3 sec delay,1-4 sec casting time,is entirely power based and its power actually comes at a price of survivability.
Pls..dont do that.They might hear you and then staff will never be a thing in spvp ..
Not only that but you cant possible expect people to play the same weaponset for 2 years :P

i dont know who told you that zoose does not play anymore, but zoose still plays everyday. they just discussed about staff ele like yesterday or before yesterday in guild.
don’t argue with me because i dont play a lot of ele, either do i play staff, but i trust zoose and gronzy since i know they are good eles.

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Its not like i dont trust zoose myself. And i was regurarly watching his stream a long long time ago.
Its just that i prefer to also think for myself. I would never suggest someone to play staff in pvp for example if he is starting with ele. Now if you mean that they ll buff it so much and in such a brainless way that all the things i define as “skill” on it ,dont matter anymore then yeah..
But then again thats true of any build

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


Also isnt anyone else finding the ranger trait..a joke??30 points to have your spells (that you cant aim) actually hit? Whats the point of implementing a projectile system that works by calculating enemy speed and direction and then throws the spell in a line..when you are forcing the player to use tab targetting anyway !!?..:S
And then force him to build in order to fix your designing mistake

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Ugruk.4069


Also isnt anyone else finding the ranger trait..a joke??30 points to have your spells (that you cant aim) actually hit? Whats the point of implementing a projectile system that works by calculating enemy speed and direction and then throws the spell in a line..when you are forcing the player to use tab targetting anyway !!?..:S
And then force him to build in order to fix your designing mistake

Hello you seem to be new here, welcome to the gw2 developers logic wonder land

The New grandmaster traits

in PvP

Posted by: Stand The Wall.6987

Stand The Wall.6987

Cant wait to see the other gm traits they have locked up.

Team Deathmatch for PvP – Raise the AoE cap for WvW – More unique events for PvE