The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: puggernaut.5348


HAMIFLE build link

Description: Born out of a curious and peculiar desire to make the Warrior rifle viable, I present to everyone, the HAMIFLE! The HAMIFLE follows in the footsteps of the decap engi and hambow as a point-assaulter, a node bunker, and group chain CC’er. In minor exchange of the lethality of Hambow and CC of a decap engi, the HAMIFLE offers improved and consistent sustain. Short cooldowns with on-demand stun breaks + condition clears, give it a viable, winning edge in 1on1 node fights.

The Engines

1. Shout Engine: Tactics II, VII, XII, IV + Soldier Runes

  • Conditions cleared and 1600 HP per shout with two shouts on 20 sec timers and a passive “Shake It Off!” also on a 20 sec timer. This is key to get back on nodes if cripple and immobilize are applied.
  • “Shake It Off!” is also a 20 second stun break. Crucial timing of it and “Fear Me” will determine whether you win node battles even against decap engis. Use it mid-flight to keep crucial node ticks in your favor!

2. Heal Engine: Heal Signet + Shouts + Adrenal Health + Doggged March

  • You will heal a lot. Coupled with almost 30k HP and 1900 toughness, dying 1on1 will be extremely rare.
  • Keep adrenaline at full unless Earthshaker is needed for max passive regen.
  • Use “For Great Justice!” actively to clear conditions and gain might while saving “Shake It Off!” for more dangerous conditions and stun break situations.

3. CC Engine: Hammer + Rifle spec’ed with Arms IV, Crack Shot

  • With Crack Shot, Rifle Butt will be on a 12 second cooldown and it pierces, meaning it can push back multiple targets. Use this as much as possible.
  • Follow up with Aimed Shot to cripple your opponent and win node ticks.
  • Hammer, as usual, is one of the best Warrior weapons and continues to provide one of the best AoE CC and damage solutions.
  • Between all the CCs on short cooldowns, you will be a beast at node decap and group fight CC. Keep the CC pressure on (a good offense is a good defense)!

4. Swap and Might engine: Fast Hands + on-swap sigils x4

  • Swap… all the time, for maximum abuse of your sigils.
  • No problem generating 15-25 stacks over the course of a fight with “For Great Justice!”, Signet of Rage, and Sigil of Battle.


  • This build has a nasty CC Chain. Wait for the enemy to be low on health and without Stun breaks. Rifle Butt -> Earthshaker -> Hits x2 -> Hammer 4 -> Hammer 5 -> Swap -> Fear me! -> Hit -> Rifle Butt (repeat). The extended CC chain with Rifle Butt and “Fear Me!” makes it even more of a fearsome CC finisher compared to Hambow.
  • Alternative considerations: Lung Capacity -> Leg Specialist, Signet of Rage -> Juggernaut, any sigil -> Sigil of Intelligence (offers occasional delight with “Kill Shot”)

For my final thoughts, I’ve had a lot of fun and objective success with HAMIFLE this past week at Rank 200-800. This includes winning a couple of 4v5s and having a hard time thinking of of a lost 1on1 decap fight vs. the whole spectrum of node fights GW2 has to offer. Whether this prove to be a winning build or a sub-optimal build, I think it is definitely a viable way to play rifle warrior and I hope the community can come up with ideas to improve it!

Build, remember to pose, and enjoy your HAMIFLEs today


(edited by puggernaut.5348)

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


looks funny and hard to kill in 1vs1.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: JinDaVikk.7291


Well I knew this would happen… people saw decap engi and would try and make other professions do it… but it won’t work.

You have no boon strip. At low tier.. sure this may work. At high tier… once they know what your running or even if they don’t… Welcome to organized long stability on backpoint.

Say hello to 20s stab warrior, 20s stab engi 20s stab necro 20s stab ranger etc etc etc.

RAO, rampage, tornado, lich, plauge, Elix X, etc etc…

But give warriors boon rip and you have a problem.

Elephantitas (the NA decap engi)

Team Radioactive
Crysis, Lil Damage, Ovi, Jindavikk, Guard
Causing cancer all day.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Eiland.1405


^ Sigil of Nullification?

OP you forgot the most importnant trait for decap: ‘leg specialist’ (immob on cripple). Take it instead of ‘shrug it off’.
You got 2 ranged cripple skill on 8sec and 12sec. so yeah it’s a must.

Dry Leaves

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Ruru.1302


why not run stomp instead of fgj

[Mada] Apocryfia

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Dancing Face.4695

Dancing Face.4695

Not good as a decapper, hammer 4 has a low range knockback and rifle knockback is easly detectable, especially when with a rifle you try to melee.

I would have gone to phisical skills like “kick” and “stomp” , “fear me” shout. mace and shield instead of hammer to have survivability.


The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Doubt it can beat a pure decap engi for decapping. An engi can even strip stability with ease. With overcharged shot, flame thrower knockback, toolbox pull, and thumper turret double knockbacks, there’s no question of even comparing the two…

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


What kind of sick mind would combine a decap clown and hambot? :P

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU)

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Wow, you went with hamifle instead of RifleHam ?
Sounds like this build can’t be good since it’s got such a weak name.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I’d just go for full troll mode. Kick, Stomp, Fear me, and Rampage.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: zone.1073


Everyone seems to always forget about the ugly step child: Banner of Defense. AoE knockback every 10 seconds, and can be used by teammates on separate cooldowns…

Might even give you greater survivability with the Inspiring Banners traits instead of shouts, because then you can remove your shout utilities in favor of more knockback utilities, and still get tons of healing from your banner.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: puggernaut.5348


^ Sigil of Nullification?

OP you forgot the most importnant trait for decap: ‘leg specialist’ (immob on cripple). Take it instead of ‘shrug it off’.
You got 2 ranged cripple skill on 8sec and 12sec. so yeah it’s a must.

Yes you’re right and I did mention leg specialist as an alternative trait. I tried both but found that the shout engine with all three traits is key to making this build succeed. “Shrug It Off” often triggers in the best situations and adds a consistent heal, condi clear, and occasional stun break. The likely replaced trait would be Lung Capacity.

Not good as a decapper, hammer 4 has a low range knockback and rifle knockback is easly detectable, especially when with a rifle you try to melee.

I would have gone to phisical skills like “kick” and “stomp” , “fear me” shout. mace and shield instead of hammer to have survivability.

I anticipated this as a common response, where only the offensive side of CC is analyzed. There are two sides to CC, offensive CC and CC recovery. The Shout Engine is what makes the build a good 1v1 node capper (see below).

I will also respond back that Rifle Butt and Fear Me! are still instants and nearly unpreventable when timed correctly.

Doubt it can beat a pure decap engi for decapping. An engi can even strip stability with ease. With overcharged shot, flame thrower knockback, toolbox pull, and thumper turret double knockbacks, there’s no question of even comparing the two…

This is the big part players will fail to analyze. The part where HAMIFLE has an advantage isn’t in offensive CC (although the build CC is still extremely strong).

It’s in CC recovery. The strength of the build is in its ability to get CC’ed and immediately (mid-CC) stun break or condi clear on an active 20-sec timer and a passive 20-sec timer. This hasn’t even taken into consideration Dogged March, two more shouts, sigils, and slowing the opponent down in counter CC chains.

Compare it with an engi in a decap fight. The engi may gain ticks because of having more offensive CC options, but it will likely have at most zero to one stunbreak on a long timer and healing turret (a condi clear that is not instant). The Shout Engine will win back ticks in the battle of CC recovery. Furthermore, HAMIFLE has clear advantages in the areas of pure sustain and survivability vs. ranged attackers or high damage.

The naysayers responses have been fast and “top of the head”. My response – try out the build first and come back with operational feedback. I’m also willing to have test node duels with anyone in game; feel free to message me. In my experiences, decap engis have not been the issue; rather, consistent condi/bunker hybrids are the most effective counter.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Chaith.8256


Drop the ‘I’ in Hamifle. Ham-eye-ful? More like earfull.

Hamfle. Ham-ful.

You’re welcome.

Forum Lord Chaith
New Twitter: @chaithhh

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Sars.8792


Hamiphile, lover of ham.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


Winning back ticks is a losing game because it’s far quicker to decap a point than to take it back. 4 seconds to 12 seconds if I’m not mistaken. And yes, I’ve met warriors with lots of stun breaks. But given the number of insta-cast CC options the engi has on lower CDs, they just can’t keep up.

So if a decapper wants to take the point from you, they only need to push you out for 4 seconds. Dead easy, especially with net shot and maybe supply create for extra immob.

With that said, if the engi is not running mines, then a stability warrior can hold out the longest against a decapper. Even longer than a guardian with hallowed ground (could be a close one due to a guardian’s blocks, etc). But if he has mine field, it’s pretty much hasta la vista as far as pure decapping a point goes.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Realist.5812


Should of been named Rimmer.

(Loads into map) “Did anyone order a Rimmer?”

“Oh kittens! He’s giving me a Rimmer!”

“Come here MM Necro, I’m gonna give you a right good Rimmering.”

“I’m the number 1 Rimmer in GW2!”

Back in the days of warrior being the worst SPvP class, I mucked around in hotjoin with zerk hammer/rifle, it absolutely dominated thieves. Fear Me -> Volley was goodnight for a 50% hp thief.

I got tore apart by the overpowered no skill required condition meta.

I never tried it in tourneys for good reason (lol warrior in pvp), and I never tried it as decap.

But maybe it is slightly viable these days:
- 4 sigils instead of 2… and 4x swap sigils
- Healing Signet buffed (and subsequent nerf)
- Adrenal Health buffed
- Shout Heals buffed
- Cleansing Ire

I wish you well in your endeavour to make rifle semi-viable!

PvP modes are the “endgame” in every MMO.
Stop failing at PvE, start fixing PvP/WvW. Thank you.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


HamRiff. Hard Riff on Ham!

Tbh, I’d love to see “THIS IS SPARTA!” kick Warriors

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Simon.3794


i personally have already made decap warrior back then, but i stopped using it

you need leg specialist so you can rifle 5 and 2 to immo them out of node.

and i used mace/shield instead of hammer for projectil reflect.

and i also used rampage.

but it was for skyham

The Shouting HAMIFLE (decap warrior)

in PvP

Posted by: Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

Doctor Orderly MD PhD DDS.7625

I’d prefer the name Rammer