Description: Born out of a curious and peculiar desire to make the Warrior rifle viable, I present to everyone, the HAMIFLE! The HAMIFLE follows in the footsteps of the decap engi and hambow as a point-assaulter, a node bunker, and group chain CC’er. In minor exchange of the lethality of Hambow and CC of a decap engi, the HAMIFLE offers improved and consistent sustain. Short cooldowns with on-demand stun breaks + condition clears, give it a viable, winning edge in 1on1 node fights.
The Engines
1. Shout Engine: Tactics II, VII, XII, IV + Soldier Runes
- Conditions cleared and 1600 HP per shout with two shouts on 20 sec timers and a passive “Shake It Off!” also on a 20 sec timer. This is key to get back on nodes if cripple and immobilize are applied.
- “Shake It Off!” is also a 20 second stun break. Crucial timing of it and “Fear Me” will determine whether you win node battles even against decap engis. Use it mid-flight to keep crucial node ticks in your favor!
2. Heal Engine: Heal Signet + Shouts + Adrenal Health + Doggged March
- You will heal a lot. Coupled with almost 30k HP and 1900 toughness, dying 1on1 will be extremely rare.
- Keep adrenaline at full unless Earthshaker is needed for max passive regen.
- Use “For Great Justice!” actively to clear conditions and gain might while saving “Shake It Off!” for more dangerous conditions and stun break situations.
3. CC Engine: Hammer + Rifle spec’ed with Arms IV, Crack Shot
- With Crack Shot, Rifle Butt will be on a 12 second cooldown and it pierces, meaning it can push back multiple targets. Use this as much as possible.
- Follow up with Aimed Shot to cripple your opponent and win node ticks.
- Hammer, as usual, is one of the best Warrior weapons and continues to provide one of the best AoE CC and damage solutions.
- Between all the CCs on short cooldowns, you will be a beast at node decap and group fight CC. Keep the CC pressure on (a good offense is a good defense)!
4. Swap and Might engine: Fast Hands + on-swap sigils x4
- Swap… all the time, for maximum abuse of your sigils.
- No problem generating 15-25 stacks over the course of a fight with “For Great Justice!”, Signet of Rage, and Sigil of Battle.
- This build has a nasty CC Chain. Wait for the enemy to be low on health and without Stun breaks. Rifle Butt -> Earthshaker -> Hits x2 -> Hammer 4 -> Hammer 5 -> Swap -> Fear me! -> Hit -> Rifle Butt (repeat). The extended CC chain with Rifle Butt and “Fear Me!” makes it even more of a fearsome CC finisher compared to Hambow.
- Alternative considerations: Lung Capacity -> Leg Specialist, Signet of Rage -> Juggernaut, any sigil -> Sigil of Intelligence (offers occasional delight with “Kill Shot”)
For my final thoughts, I’ve had a lot of fun and objective success with HAMIFLE this past week at Rank 200-800. This includes winning a couple of 4v5s and having a hard time thinking of of a lost 1on1 decap fight vs. the whole spectrum of node fights GW2 has to offer. Whether this prove to be a winning build or a sub-optimal build, I think it is definitely a viable way to play rifle warrior and I hope the community can come up with ideas to improve it!
Build, remember to pose, and enjoy your HAMIFLEs today
(edited by puggernaut.5348)