Hello GW2 PvP Forum,
New Patch Callout at the bottom for your viewing pleasure.
I have been away from this game for a while and have only been keeping up with the game through the forums and will come back to this game in next week’s patch to put together a team and sign up for any tournaments.
I have come to the realization that all that we can control and do as players of this or any other competitive game is to look for advantages, overcome disadvantages, and to win or lose the games we play. I am directing this post to all class balance QQers, GvG scrubs, new gamemode QQers, and anybody who, like I have been in this game before, someone low or medium ranked who thinks they know what they’re talking about.
There are no style points for running a “high skill cap” build. You don’t get a handicap of 100 points for running hard builds. You don’t get anything for running inferior builds, no matter how risk / reward they are. Nobody cares if you do that if you lose, and make no mistake, if you run something suboptimal that is harder to run than an easy and effective build you will lose more than you win.
I highly recommend reading “Playing to Win” by David Sirlin, which is free to read on sirlin.net. You will probably get mad if you read this and you are not winning consistently against skilled players, ranked highly in solo queue or tPvP, etc. I sure as hell did. I had to realize that I was, in fact, objectively, without a shadow of a doubt a scrub.
Scrubs make mental obstacles for themselves through any number of imaginary rules and “ethics” in a constructed reality that does not reward that behavior in any way unless it allows them to win consistently over the majority of their opponents. The book goes over the advantages of winning in more detail, but the short way to say it is, if you’re not winning you’ll never have as much fun or appreciate a game for what it truly is.
Class balance is not your problem. It is Arenanet’s problem. They have to decide what is good or bad for the game and all they are ever going to do is take your opinions into whatever degree of consideration they feel is appropriate. You can complain all you want about stunlock warriors, condispam necros, afk2win rangers, and every other “OP” crap under the sun.
It doesn’t matter.
Game modes are also not your problem. If you don’t like conquest, and don’t want to compete in the game mode then what do you play this game’s PvP for? You obviously want to play it or you wouldn’t post on this forum or go to Heart of the Mists. You can also complain about “sPvE,” it’s “boring,” it’s “not fun,” it’s “cheesy,” blah blah blah.
It doesn’t matter.
All that matters, and all that ever will matter in a competitive game is who wins and who loses. If you want to appreciate PvP in Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, SWTOR, Dota, League of Legends, or any competitive game for what it really is then you have to win. Until then, you are just a scrub.
Do you want to be a scrub?
I sure as hell don’t.
I’ll see you all in game on Tuesday. Until then, ask yourself if you want to win in this game or just be some whiny scrub who tries to tell people who built a gaming experience from the ground up how to handle itself.
TLDR: Quit whining, start winning, enjoy the game, laugh at the scrubs once you evolve past their pathetic existence.
New Patch Update:
This is the most hilarious reaction to a patch I’ve seen in a long time. You guys are really taking the cake on how to do a textbook version of asinine freakouts.
I mean, immob stacking and the NERF PLOX not being caved in to by Anet has your emotional entitlement to what you want cranked up to 11 out of 10.
Get a grip, grab a big drink of cold water, pour it on your face, sit in a corner and stare at the wall until you figure out how pathetic you’ve been acting.
Once you’ve realized that you have been acting you need diapers and a bib, get over it, and move on, you start objectively working on a way to take advantage of immob stacking, prevent it from being done to you, and start asking yourself decision making based questions while you practice or do hotjoins.
Can I 1v1 a Warrior? If not, then why am I trying to? Wouldn’t it make more sense to kill his teammates while he stands on the point with his banner?
Can I break out of immobs? If not, why am I begging to be put in a position where I can’t dodge?
(edited by jmatb.6307)