The Ultimate PvP Poll!
I don’t know about the nerfs & buffs because I only play Thief, Warrior and currently am Lvling a Guardian. Thief revealed nerf was a pretty hard hit but was needed, don’t know what they did to warrior, don’t notice a difference. Guardian is too soon to determine since I’m only level 20 with that one.
I’ve seen a lot of people (pvp wise) that can dominate with the so-called underpowered classes like ranger and engi. But I gave a 1 for build variety since there’s so little of it, & what about bugs on traits and skills not operating as they should? Those deal a heavy blow to the effectiveness of classes and builds as well.
My biggest concern of pvp is the build variety (the lack of). Not necessarily buff/nerfs to certain classes, but buffing certain builds and I think the focus is to bring all builds to top tier level, instead of identifying OP/UP classes.
“Select all that apply about the Build Meta”
Is this asking what you want the meta to entail?
Or do you think the build meta currently has too many, too little, or just the right amount of X type of w/e. I think this question needs more explanation.
Also, I do realize people want more game type modes, however think through of the risk that is involved in this. If you release more game mode types (meaning more options) and you do not multiply your playerbase all you do is take your small sPvP player base and segment them across different game types which increase wait times making people much more likely to quit. The player base needs to MULTIPLY (ie double/triple/quadruple) in order to implement these ideas without potentially killing the game.
The results of this actually fall fairly well in line with my own thoughts.
New game modes and the removal of downed state are two of the biggest things for me. I’m glad at least a few others agree with me.
I don’t think spectator mode is needed at all to make SPvP in this game successful, so I would put that near the very bottom of their priority list.
Loving how the downstate results hit home quite nicely. Always thought that mechanic alone hurt the potential player base dramatically. Poll even shows this in a more biased part of the community. Maybe this will finally put some weight into getting it overhauled.
The only problem with this poll is that for the topic of downed state, there’s no “Keep the down state but nerf slightly” and “Keep the downed state but nerf it into oblivion” options. Having a straight yes/no answer simplifies the question WAY to much.
I voted keep it in the poll, but would have voted to nerf it into the ground if such an option was available.
why do more people think enginieer should need a buff in “Condition Damage including AoE Condition Damage” when they have the highest of all the classes. and why in hell does elementalist needs a nerf in condition damage? I think I have seen one condition dmg ele in 1000 hours of PvP.
biggest issue I have with the PvP will always be the downed state. I am really used to it now, and don’t think about it anymore when playing PvP but… everytime I see a question about it, I just realize how much more awesome it would be if downed state didn’t exist.
“Select all that apply about the Build Meta”
Is this asking what you want the meta to entail?
Or do you think the build meta currently has too many, too little, or just the right amount of X type of w/e. I think this question needs more explanation.Also, I do realize people want more game type modes, however think through of the risk that is involved in this. If you release more game mode types (meaning more options) and you do not multiply your playerbase all you do is take your small sPvP player base and segment them across different game types which increase wait times making people much more likely to quit. The player base needs to MULTIPLY (ie double/triple/quadruple) in order to implement these ideas without potentially killing the game.
With the build meta question I tried to look at all the most common builds and what their main function in battle is.
On the game mode question, I do agree with you that more game modes have a higher risk of spreading out the playerbase, but right now the playerbase isn’t doing so well. Every patch the PvP playerbase will go up some, then drop back down quite a lot. As the poll indicates, the two biggest issues are class balance and game modes. I’m sure if they worked on those three things along with some more build variety this game’s PvP could recover.
Thank you to everyone who is voting. I’m still going to try to keep it open for a bout a week. We’ve gotten an overwhelming amount of responses
The classes are pretty well balanced in pvp, but totally agree that’s only because there are so few viable builds.
For me to make spvp better I wish some visual effects were toned down on abilities, (this applies to pve in large groups too, but that isn’t much of an issue for me), because half of the time I am staring at the other player and I have no clue what they are doing, this is worst ofc with asuras.
Maybe this is down to me being bad, but maybe some others agree with me.
Took the survey, it would be interesting if the Dev’s took it upon themselves to answer these kinds of questions publically.
Top 100 Solo Q for a full minute
(edited by Stof.9584)
You basically just copied the last guy who posted a google docs poll, except his was done more professionally.
Couple things
Q:“Is the games combat in pvp too fast and/or spammy?”
A: It’s not too fast, but it is too spammy, so there’s no good way to answer that
About rangers buff/nerf: I was surprised to see most people say they need buffs. I guess most builds are seen as sub-par, but my regen ranger really feels like easy mode.
You basically just copied the last guy who posted a google docs poll, except his was done more professionally.
I’d love to see that poll. I may have seen the one you are talking about, and I wanted to hear the specifics on what people thought was unbalanced (they always say its not balanced or some class is overpowered, but never the specifics). Either way, having a few polls may further enforce that PvP would like some loving. Its been what, 6 or 7 months now? PvP hasn’t really had the attention it deserves.
Couple things
Q:“Is the games combat in pvp too fast and/or spammy?”
A: It’s not too fast, but it is too spammy, so there’s no good way to answer thatAbout rangers buff/nerf: I was surprised to see most people say they need buffs. I guess most builds are seen as sub-par, but my regen ranger really feels like easy mode.
I tired to format questions that are seen as common complains of people who stopped playing and/or people who are interested in playing. There are a few multi game groups who were interested in this game and I talked with them. This one of their concerns from seeing videos “It looks like people are just spamming stuff while running around”. There wasn’t any way I could word it better, but honestly I just wanted to show him that the Gw2 PvP community doesn’t think this.
Why is there even an option for codex arena? There is no build making in gw2 so placing constraints on build making doesn’t change anything.
JQ is the best candidate for transfer from gw1 (assuming no adjustments are made).
I fight people, sometimes they kill me, sometimes I kill them. Fun is had by all. [/quote]
(edited by mbh.8301)
Today is the last day for the poll. Ill be giving the results over to the people that requested them tonight, ill post the results tonight also.
Thank you to everyone who answered.
Why is there even an option for codex arena? There is no build making in gw2 so placing constraints on build making doesn’t change anything.
JQ is the best candidate for transfer from gw1 (assuming no adjustments are made).
JQ and FA were the competitive missions options. Two of the best game modes from gw1 for solo play.