Out of all the issues this meta currently has, Grenade bug abusers, Mesmers (lol really? People have problems with fighting mesmers?) Warriors hitting 10k damage with Rampage (WTT my 3 second delay Tornado trash for Rampage).
No matter what your opinion is on what is broken, bugged or balanced, it all has ONE thing in common.
Guild Wars 2 PvP is a newcomers nightmare.
I should not tell any of my friends who are interested in PvP, “oh, you might practicing against a guy with 3,000 games on his Mesmer.”
That is not okay. Unbalanced builds and classes be dammed, the real issue with unbalanced is the player skill level.
There needs to be a lot of changes to modes and I’m not just talking about unranked and ranked.
- Make a Practice Mode, a REAL practice mode.
PvP rewards for practice should reward players trying new classes. Win or lose, you need to reward players trying different classes, reward exploring your PvP system. I should get 500 points for practicing my warrior, I have 50 games on him. Why am I getting 500 points for ‘practicing’ on my Elementalist? I have 4,000 games on him, I should be getting less!
- Make a Beginner, Intermediate, Expert and Competitive Hotjoin modes.
Want to play a quick match with your Elementalist that has 4,000 games? This is the place. 500 if you win, 200 if you lose. Simple. Breaking the tiers into rank. To reward healthy playing, if you are rank 80 and going into beginner, you should get little reward for playing. Reward the community for playing at their level. Unlike practice mode, the hotjoin modes should limit what maps the play is experiencing.
-Mode Breakdown-
Beginner: Rank 1-20, Maps: Battle of Kyhlo, Forest of Niflhel, Legacy of the Foefire.
Intermediate: Rank 20-40, Maps: All above plus Temple of the Silent Storm, Courtyard.
Expert: Rank 40-60, Maps: All above plus Skyhammer, Spirit Watch.
Competitive: Rank 60-80, Maps: All maps available.
And more importantly, Spectate is LOCKED for the hotjoin modes.
- Make Random Arenas (GW1 style).
Get rid of unranked. For those that doesn’t know, Guild Wars 1 had a mode called Random Arenas, you are given a team and you play until you lose.
This is where PvP friendships are made and bonded. A single match with random people is not enough, especially the very next round you could play against each other. You want to reward your community for playing together, something GW2 PvP really lacks. Although, the amount of points to win needs to be toned down, preferably to 300 to win.
- Do NOT give everything at the start.
This sounds great on paper, but you want to ease people into PvP. Reward them for getting ranks, allowing them to play with more options as they go on. Allowing a rank 1 Warrior to go full berserker glass is toxic, the only thing he will learn is his downed state. Allow players to feel for their class and build. Start with easy to use Trinkets, Sigils and Runes. As their rank goes up, give them more options and eventually (probably around rank 20) they’ll have everything they’ll need to build whatever they want.
Lastly, get rid of using gold to unlock items, who the kitten thought that was a good idea?! Can I have his job? I promise you I can do better than that!
Guild Wars 2 combat has changed greatly, and some might disagree, it changed for the better. It’s fast, fun and exciting, however, the PvP modes needs to reflect the new combat. Guild Wars 2 combat has evolved past beta, the game modes however, are still 3 years behind.
(edited by Nova Stiker.8396)