The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.

A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.

They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.

I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.

Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.

Keep up the good work!

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


To some degree I second this, cele amulet was cancer.

The dev team is opening up another can of worms, having to take a look at a lot of ele healing and dmg scaling/base if this goes south and the community erupts.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: zinkz.7045


As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.

A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.

They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.

I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.

Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.

Keep up the good work!

Your fresh air ele will probably be thief food, and as for skillful game, don’t make me laugh, this game has become less and less skillful as time as gone on, and if you think adding brainless, passive crap like putting boon strip on necro autoattack, or hand-holding bad thieves who spam attacks into blocks by adding unblockable on bally venom , etc are skillful improvements then well…

(edited by zinkz.7045)

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Avador.8934


I am glad too. As an ele playing FA (before the power creep)/marauder staff I am ok with these changes. No more cele means more build diversity because almost every 3rd person in pvp is running cele now. Meta needs some fresh air.

Anyway, to that rumor ele’s defense will be nothing, it just needs to try sometimes different things than just looking at metabattle. I recently found out that earth shield is pretty nice defensive tool, if used in the right way. Summon a shield + overload + pull is nice combo. And that 3 sec invuln is also nice.

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Schtizzel.5497


3 sec more invuln is gimmicky at best. necros will just wait in death shroud and then burst you to death, the same with other classes. They have better survivalbility than an ele.

Only cele amulet got ele into a viable state and when you take that away from them, eles will be gone till the next balance patch or pushed into ranked queue-able 1shot gimmicky fresh air builds. They got to the top with it but at the same time it hindered eles from getting good balance patches which would ascend them away from only being viable with 1 amulet.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Schurge.5194


Yeah, no. This patch caters to bad players and continues to dumb down the game.

The thing stopping Fresh Air from being viable isn’t the fact that other builds are better, it is that you can fart on a Fresh Air elementalist and kill it.

I look forward to being the most survivable thing on the battle field though as a Marauder Powermancer.

Champion Phantom
We are not friends.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Sorel.4870


I look forward to being the most survivable thing on the battle field though as a Marauder Powermancer.

I think Paladin will become the best amulet for Powermancer, but I could be wrong.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: TainoFuerte.8136


Meh. Buffing thieves/warriors when they are taking a patch to nerf all the stupid bunkers while also removing bunker amulets might not be a good idea… but whatever. Wait and see.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


3 sec more invuln is gimmicky at best. necros will just wait in death shroud and then burst you to death, the same with other classes. They have better survivalbility than an ele.

Only cele amulet got ele into a viable state and when you take that away from them, eles will be gone till the next balance patch or pushed into ranked queue-able 1shot gimmicky fresh air builds. They got to the top with it but at the same time it hindered eles from getting good balance patches which would ascend them away from only being viable with 1 amulet.

Keep in mind we’re getting more amulets and mender’s looks good for a support ele.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Avador.8934


3 sec more invuln is gimmicky at best. necros will just wait in death shroud and then burst you to death, the same with other classes. They have better survivalbility than an ele.

Only cele amulet got ele into a viable state and when you take that away from them, eles will be gone till the next balance patch or pushed into ranked queue-able 1shot gimmicky fresh air builds. They got to the top with it but at the same time it hindered eles from getting good balance patches which would ascend them away from only being viable with 1 amulet.

If you say so. But I am doing pretty well with marauder staff tempest. Sure, surviving is harder than with cele, but if you know how to play it then its ok. Its long range skills are devastating in teamfights, and I am still able to 1v1 many builds. If you think cele is the only viable thing for ele, then keep it thinking, while I’ll be running around and having fun.

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Schtizzel.5497


@Agemnon: Then you have basicly no toughness while rolling a class with the lowest starting toughness. Some useless precision because your crits will hit like a wet noodle without ferocity. In the end you’re dealing way to less damage while not being tanky enough for all the condi AND direct damage flying around.

@Avador: If you’re a good player nearly every build can work and net a decent winrate. That was never the point. Next time you wanna show me that condi ele is viable because you don’t get kitten d in amber queue or what?

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


Yeah, no. This patch caters to bad players and continues to dumb down the game.

The thing stopping Fresh Air from being viable isn’t the fact that other builds are better, it is that you can fart on a Fresh Air elementalist and kill it.

I look forward to being the most survivable thing on the battle field though as a Marauder Powermancer.

Removing Celestial and other the most tanky amulets = catering to bad players?


[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Dommmmmmmmmm.6984


I agree man, too many people whining about nonsense. The removal of the amulets is massive in the right direction. That alone will change builds and playstyles. So many complaining about one or two traits on their class and think it’s game over, yet this is the only thread I saw concerning the amulets and this is by far the biggest change for all classes.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: AegisFLCL.7623


@Agemnon: Then you have basicly no toughness while rolling a class with the lowest starting toughness. Some useless precision because your crits will hit like a wet noodle without ferocity. In the end you’re dealing way to less damage while not being tanky enough for all the condi AND direct damage flying around.

@Avador: If you’re a good player nearly every build can work and net a decent winrate. That was never the point. Next time you wanna show me that condi ele is viable because you don’t get kitten d in amber queue or what?

I’d just like to point this out, it made me laugh. How do you think warriors and thieves feel in teamfights right now.

Cele amulet needed to go plain and simple, it discourages build diversity and also promotes brain dead specs that can stack might and roll their faces over their keyboard.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Meh. Buffing thieves/warriors when they are taking a patch to nerf all the stupid bunkers while also removing bunker amulets might not be a good idea… but whatever. Wait and see.


I only play Thief and Warrior, and I’ve frankly been starving, but at the same time as yanking all the tanky from the players that rely on it seems a bit like being served way too much food at once.

You appreciate the effort, of course, but at the same time that’s more than you’re going to eat.

Like everything else, I’m going to test it out.

the nerf to scrapper gyro cd was necessary though, if nothing else. Take that.

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


But you’re potentially getting way more healing and more power. It may be an overall nerf but not as big a deal as people are making it out to be. All it does is make the ele easier to spike down.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Aktium.9506


I agree OP, I just woke up and had a gander at the balance preview livestream notes and I’m thoroughly satisfied if just for the Well of Precog nerf.

Well of Precognition – Gone from granting invulnerability to applying 3s of aegis every pulse.

Diamond Skin going from condition immunity to condition removal (1 condition removed on a 1s internal cooldown). Health Threshold is now 75% instead of 90%. So rapid conditions applications will spike you down.

Facet of Light – Initial activation of the facet will now have a cast time. This means that you can no longer use it as a stun breaker. We now want you to preemptively activate this and make a commitment to use this heal before you can use it.

We’re also removing the following amulets:

  • Soldier’s
  • Settler’s
  • Celestial
  • Sentinel

Absolutely SAVAGE.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


In the end you’re dealing way to less damage while not being tanky enough for all the condi AND direct damage flying around.

I disagree. The soon to be condi meta (mind you, not all classes will be efficient at it) will only promote a new team comp to counter such builds. Maybe a return of Shout Wars, or more emphasis on Sig Necros, or even Shout Guardians on a team. This only strengthens comp diversity – assuming we no longer have that 1 or 2 stackable OP classes that seem to appear after every huge Patch release.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Personally the only things i will probably have reall issues with are the thief and necro.

My current build is built for this patch. Thats all im gonna say about that.
Ive been running it in the current meta my s/f marauder, it underperforms obviously, but this patch will be exacly what i need. no bunkers.

Active uptime of kiting., high risk high reward.

Venomshare tho.. unblockable in my eyes is a bit too much tho.
But thats all im gonna say about that!

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfs Shadow.7234

Wolfs Shadow.7234

As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.

A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.

They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.

I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.

Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.

Keep up the good work!

While I will thank ANET for a balance patch.
I have to say this is one of the worst balance patches I’ve seen a very very very long time. It isn’t even based on the nerfs to my own class, but on the buffs of another.

Boon corruption on an auto attack? Are they serious?

Instead of asking for suggestions, taking suggestions into consideration or allowing for community feedback the next patch will hurt PVP immensely. I am really worried how many people will leave the game after the next patch.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Avador.8934


@Avador: If you’re a good player nearly every build can work and net a decent winrate. That was never the point. Next time you wanna show me that condi ele is viable because you don’t get kitten d in amber queue or what?

Actually I am in mid ruby right now. And no, condi ele is not a good idea.

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Removing celestial amulet without giving eles actual defensive options takes eles out of the game though.

Boons and stats were the only defense they had. Now necros rip boons every 2 seconds and stats are gone.

Eles HAVE NO ACTIVE DEFENSE that was there problems since the game released and ANET SEEMS TO IGNORE IT.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Avador.8934


Removing celestial amulet without giving eles actual defensive options takes eles out of the game though.

Boons and stats were the only defense they had. Now necros rip boons every 2 seconds and stats are gone.

Eles HAVE NO ACTIVE DEFENSE that was there problems since the game released and ANET SEEMS TO IGNORE IT.

Obsidian Flesh, Swirling Winds, tons of reflects (magnetic aura/wave), Earth Shield skills, Arcane Shield, Cantrips, etc.
Sure, our active defense may be weaker than some other classes. But saying we have no active defense is untrue. When cele will be removed, our playstyle will just be less forgiving.

I am lazy to write it over and over. So sorry for my English.

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Sorry but I can’t take you seriously when you think Earth Shield is usable.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Wait until you realize they didn’t touch engis at all, if not buffed them. Bow down to our engi overlords.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.

A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.

They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.

I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.

Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.

Keep up the good work!

Link to patch? everyone talking about it, no links, annoying as all kitten

The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


As a S/F fresh air elementalist main, ofcourse im extatic about the reveal.
But it goes beyond that.

A few days ago i had a talk with some people about bunker amulet, celestial.
They did it.

They not only buffed fresh air. But they removed the biggest blockades to a genuine skillfull game.

I thank you, guys at the balance desk for your hard work. This is utter brilliance.
I really am stoked and will be counting the days till it hits.

Thank you arenanet. To be frank i didnt think id ever write this. But this is literally, to me, the best thing that has ever happened with a patch in any game ive played so far.

Keep up the good work!

Link to patch? everyone talking about it, no links, annoying as all kitten

You have dulfy, and you have the Dev forum posts, but anyway…


The best patch ive ever seen. Seriously.

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Removing celestial amulet without giving eles actual defensive options takes eles out of the game though.

Boons and stats were the only defense they had. Now necros rip boons every 2 seconds and stats are gone.

Eles HAVE NO ACTIVE DEFENSE that was there problems since the game released and ANET SEEMS TO IGNORE IT.

Obsidian Flesh, Swirling Winds, tons of reflects (magnetic aura/wave), Earth Shield skills, Arcane Shield, Cantrips, etc.
Sure, our active defense may be weaker than some other classes. But saying we have no active defense is untrue. When cele will be removed, our playstyle will just be less forgiving.

Because having three blocks on 75 sec cd is something that will help you survive with all the unblockable stuff.
Earth shield is complete trash.
Cantrips are okay, but again high cooldowns and you don’t get that much out of it in terms of active defense. LF is obviously a must.
Reflect? For the buffed thief AA?
Obsidian flesh is good.

So it all comes down to suboptimal defensive skills and being forced to one offhand? Do people really think this buff to fresh air is suddenly gonna make burst ele viable? Cause I really doubt that.