The complex gear choices in PvP

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


So I have been really trying to figure out the math of full dire gear with runes of scav. and sigels of bursting higher conditions damage vs full rabid with undead and sigel of earth or a mix of rabid and dire. Its looking leading to build change choices and some good results testing duels by the windmill…. ohhh wait this is the ‘PvP’ forum never has a forum been so incorrectly labeled as ‘PvP’

Yeah ‘PvP’ rabid amulet is the only choice for over a year and the only build changes that come are because Anet buffed or nerfed something.

PvP where the options are limited the meta is controlled by nerfs and buffs and the gameplay is boring.

Cant make the easier to balance claim because the limited amulet and stat choices leads to is min/maxing with a stale dead meta…. cancel that there is NO meta in this games PvP other then what anet is creating by nerfs and buffs and thats not a meta.

Larger pool of choices leads to real community driven meta, WvW stats lets near any class make a build and gear setup to handle and fill almost anyroll.

The GvG and dueling going on by the windmill is so much more competitive then PvP. Viable and strong builds that can be made in PvP along with better player skill level then in PvP.

Of course Anet is going to kill the only competitive format in this game with Orbs. Its comical how much more competitive and diverse WvW duels and GvGs are. Anet is going to kill this community larger then the PvP community and growing doing the only legit fighting in this game.

PvP conquest + amulet only stats is a simplistic joke that you will never balance anet, or get people in it. Put your egos aside Anet and really look at why PvP is failing ITS NOT CLASS BALANCE its boring and limited gameplay.

You can’t give huge gear and build choices in the main game mode then give us the kitten that is PvP conquest and expect people to downgrade their gameplay.

Get with the program Anet your community doing GvG and duels in WvW is doing it right and its a large community. Dont kill it on a whim it would be a mistake the legit players are not doing PvP I meet former wow deadly glads everynight dueling by the windmill and doing small scale GvG.

Great gameplay and engineer behind GW2….. however terrible path for PvP from the start and out of pure spite killing the GvG community with orbs its unreal.

And before some hot join hero insults WvW/GvG calling me a zerger, you dont know how much better these players are then anyone doing PvP. All the good players quit the game, stopped/never did PvP and are doing GvGs….


Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kultas Sunstrider.9218

Kultas Sunstrider.9218

omg you are rank 49 on solo Q ladder, please teach me

Kultas / Thief / Desolation [EU]
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


Oh my god everyone this guy is rank 49 on the solo Q leaderboards, everything he says must be true! Quick, let’s ask him the meaning of life!


The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Fenrir.3609



/15 chars

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


Hilarious posts as always xom; calling out hotjoin heros for being bad when you’ve declined to scrim

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Better players? Challenge accepted.

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


omg you are rank 49 on solo Q ladder, please teach me

I’m got to 200 something on Tpvp also doing solo joins before solo queue. This pic was just to point out Im fighting the best this game PvP has to offer and its all poor quality foes. Much better players in WvW GvG/duel side of the game.

I just get annoyed when commenting on PvP some low rated kid calls WvW all zergers when in reality WvW population is so much larger then PvP that a sub culture GvG community is full of better players then PvP.

PvP conquest is fail its a dead game mode it will never be esport EVER, but Anet still tries to revive it and is killing the other game mode GvG in a bid to pull players back into PvP. Not going to happen.. Even deathmatch with PvP amulet only stats would be too little it would die out in a few months due to limited options.

@Eurantien, come to a server that fights ET this week DR or SF send me and we can line up a ton of fights with people you never heard of that never did PvP and get to how see good they are. Even better bring some friends and lets do some small scale GvGs. I could also point you in the direction of good GvG guilds and players from other servers that would love to face the best Spvp folks on our favorite map the Windmill behind southcamp.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kultas Sunstrider.9218

Kultas Sunstrider.9218

omg you are rank 49 on solo Q ladder, please teach me

I’m got to 200 something on Tpvp also doing solo joins before solo queue. This pic was just to point out Im fighting the best this game PvP has to offer and its all poor quality foes. Much better players in WvW GvG/duel side of the game.

I just get annoyed when commenting on PvP some low rated kid calls WvW all zergers when in reality WvW population is so much larger then PvP that a sub culture GvG community is full of better players then PvP.

PvP conquest is fail its a dead game mode it will never be esport EVER, but Anet still tries to revive it and is killing the other game mode GvG in a bid to pull players back into PvP. Not going to happen.. Even deathmatch with PvP amulet only stats would be too little it would die out in a few months due to limited options.


Kultas / Thief / Desolation [EU]
“Don’t criticize what you can’t understand”

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


There are a ton of better players doing GvGs. When Anet kills GvG and you have your little kitten with a pvp population of 40 people remember that even the best of you are worst then an average GvGer.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


I like this guy ^^

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Hilarious posts as always xom; calling out hotjoin heros for being bad when you’ve declined to scrim

To me more clear, I tried to meet you half way. You declined. Also I must point out you called me PvE/WvW zerger in the other thread and forced me to pull leader board rank on you.

Dont go down this path, the GvG side its another game mode you are not ready for. You step into the GvGs your low skill spam gimmicks will get exposed by real team work and crazy builds that work due to WvW stat choices.

There are no spirit rangers in GvG no pure stun lock wars no troll thiefs also no bunkers like you know them, not even the same kind of necros builds. Mesmers have a place so do eles and even engineers in top teams its actually rangers that are not viable in GvGs. Its another world with another very complex meta and counter meta.

You could not hang without much practice and research.

I proved a GvGer can hang in low skill cap land called conquest there are other GvGers top 100 on the solo queue on my friends list. You think your good only because the pool of good players doing TPvP is 40 tops. When in reality GvGers are casually farming PvP leader boards and mocking all of you clowns that fooled yourself into thinking your playing the competitive game mode..

This GvG vs PvP thing is pointless. Deathmatch always wins without fail its draws more people and larger populations when both deathmatch and conquest are offered.

Anyway I do hope Anet fixes PvP so its brings in good players just seems they are clueless over why PvP is failing no matter how clear it is to others. The growth of GvG should be a huge red flag that so many top players are rejecting their PvP and made a deathmatch game mode all their own, but naw anet just wants it dead and gone.

GvG streams are pulling in as many views as PAX why is that? And why is Anet going to kill GvGs?

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

(edited by Xom.9264)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

What does a brainless zerg deathmatch fight has to do with GvG? Honestly, deathmatch would result in nothing else than a zerg vs. zerg. Play hotjoin if you want this, thats pretty much pure deathmatch without any tactic.

If you want to compare GvG with GW2 gamemodes, conquest is much more similar to GvG, at least if you ever played a split. What you call GvG is more like the tombs of GW1, beat up till one team drops. But even tombs needed at least a minimum of tactic.

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


What do you get for being high on the leaderboards? nothing? Oh sweet i’ll go back to doing tpvp drunk out of my mind with my friends not caring if we win or lose.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Hilarious posts as always xom; calling out hotjoin heros for being bad when you’ve declined to scrim

To me more clear, I tried to meet you half way. You declined. Also I must point out you called me PvE/WvW zerger in the other thread and forced me to pull leader board rank on you.

Dont go down this path, the GvG side its another game mode you are not ready for. You step into the GvGs your low skill spam gimmicks will get exposed by real team work and crazy builds that work due to WvW stat choices.

There are no spirit rangers in GvG no pure stun lock wars no troll thiefs also no bunkers like you know them, not even the same kind of necros builds. Mesmers have a place so do eles and even engineers in top teams its actually rangers that are not viable in GvGs. Its another world with another very complex meta and counter meta.

You could not hang without much practice and research.

I proved a GvGer can hang in low skill cap land called conquest there are other GvGers top 100 on the solo queue on my friends list. You think your good only because the pool of good players doing TPvP is 40 tops. When in reality GvGers are casually farming PvP leader boards and mocking all of you clowns that fooled yourself into thinking your playing the competitive game mode..

This GvG vs PvP thing is pointless. Deathmatch always wins without fail its draws more people and larger populations when both deathmatch and conquest are offered.

Anyway I do hope Anet fixes PvP so its brings in good players just seems they are clueless over why PvP is failing no matter how clear it is to others. The growth of GvG should be a huge red flag that so many top players are rejecting their PvP and made a deathmatch game mode all their own, but naw anet just wants it dead and gone.

GvG streams are pulling in as many views as PAX why is that? And why is Anet going to kill GvGs?

Whenever i see people talking about wvw all i think about is foodbuffs lawl.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


GvG people are starting to annoy me. It would be a fun game mode, but two questions:

1. Why do some nutjobs spam GvG questions in every developer stream? Yeah, like the lady who is showing us the new crafting will know about that.
2. Why do they post GvG comments here? I will laugh when GvG becomes a PvP gamemode and you get stuck with the lame PvP gear choices.

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


GvG people are starting to annoy me. It would be a fun game mode, but two questions:

1. Why do some nutjobs spam GvG questions in every developer stream? Yeah, like the lady who is showing us the new crafting will know about that.
2. Why do they post GvG comments here? I will laugh when GvG becomes a PvP gamemode and you get stuck with the lame PvP gear choices.

I think you answered your own questions; They’re nut jobs, there’s no sanity behind what they do… There’s like 5 people who do it all the time, these people need to be banned from participating in sPVP forums AT LEAST.

Also Xom; 5v5? No? okay.. keep bragging about your meaningless solo que rank….
Why is it that you won’t fight me and 4 other noobs? :/

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


@Darnis, you keep ducking and refusing deathmatch format because you know you are not good at the game you play gimmicks only useful in conquest mode. You wont deathmatch and GvGers dont conquest so whats the point of your chest thumping when you have zero intention of ever meeting us halfway?

Dont really care if GvGers annoying you Anet has it in their head that GvG is pulling people/population from PvP… its not. People that like deathmatch 2v2 – 5v5 format in WvW are not doing PvP conquest mode, they despise it and will get behind it.

Yes WvW 2v2 -5v5 is a thing because its deathmatch with build options. The PvPers already quit or moved on to WvW, you’re all the leftovers that think you are good at something.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


@Darnis, you keep ducking and refusing deathmatch format because you know you are not good at the game you play gimmicks only useful in conquest mode. You wont deathmatch and GvGers dont conquest so whats the point of your chest thumping when you have zero intention of ever meeting us halfway?

Dont really care if GvGers annoying you Anet has it in their head that GvG is pulling people/population from PvP… its not. People that like deathmatch 2v2 – 5v5 format in WvW are not doing PvP conquest mode, they despise it and will get behind it.

Yes WvW 2v2 -5v5 is a thing because its deathmatch with build options. The PvPers already quit or moved on to WvW, you’re all the leftovers that think you are good at something.

Meet you half way? 8v8 hotjoin?… Where’s the skill in that?
I’m not going to play 8v8.. it’s silly, you’re the one making the claim that we’re all baddies and need to l2p, YOU are obligated to back it up, oh wait you don’t want to?..

“The PvPers already quit or moved on to WvW” I keep seeing you make this completely unfounded/unfathomable claim

Why would anyone who PvPs who’s good go to wvwvw?
It’s like a pro boxer going to preschool for the good fights.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


A single elim death match would be pretty lackluster
Not because Conquest is great or something, I don’t feel it is. However the length of time team any 5v5 or 8v8 team fight actually goes on for is rather small.
Annihilation might work but thats a big “might”.

Anyways I think you are under an illusion Xom. It’s one that frankly a lot of MMO’s have that just because there is choice that it’s meaningful choice. They could relax on the restrictions for gear however then again the specs would be min-maxed regardless.

I don’t know why you feel compelled to advertise WvW here. Everyone bought the game already if they want to play WvW they will if not they will not. If not for food buffs WvW is pretty much the same at it’s core once you gear up, it’s large scale conquest and you’ll find good and bad players on either side. “The most competitive players in WvW” is hyperbole and you can continue to preach it if you want but you’re discrediting yourself.

Puma you are talking to a wall.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


A single elim death match would be pretty lackluster
Not because Conquest is great or something, I don’t feel it is. However the length of time team any 5v5 or 8v8 team fight actually goes on for is rather small.
Annihilation might work but thats a big “might”.

Anyways I think you are under an illusion Xom. It’s one that frankly a lot of MMO’s have that just because there is choice that it’s meaningful choice. They could relax on the restrictions for gear however then again the specs would be min-maxed regardless.

I don’t know why you feel compelled to advertise WvW here. Everyone bought the game already if they want to play WvW they will if not they will not. If not for food buffs WvW is pretty much the same at it’s core once you gear up, it’s large scale conquest and you’ll find good and bad players on either side. “The most competitive players in WvW” is hyperbole and you can continue to preach it if you want but you’re discrediting yourself.

Puma you are talking to a wall.

My Testimony :/
I can’t agree with wvwvw being balanced outside of even gear grind/food here’s a copy pasta of something I wrote earlier;

WvW is inherently imbalanced; you use pve versions of skills not pvp versions of skills; You have 15(?) broken pve only skills, broken food buffs, broken Stat allocations, broken Sigils, Broken Runes, Broken pve bundle items, imbalanced gear(Ascended legendaries etc).


Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


The PvE versions aren’t necessarily an issue 1) Due to the large amount of players
2) due to the large amount of NPC’s.
3) Doors.
WvW isn’t balanced but neither is Spvp outside of Food buffs things aren’t that far out of proportion given the scale.

Zerging exists in spvp as well just the reality and to that extent the same ideology for dealing with it in Spvp transfers.

I think for WvW focusing on whether it’s balanced or not is the wrong way to look at it. It doesn’t “have” to be. The main point is that players of notable individual and group skill exist on both sides of the table and it be silly to dismiss either.

However WvW is straight up less organized and Xom is frequently bringing up things not even related to WvW itself in his GvG discussion. It’s pretty much the same as talking about players in duel rooms/ CA as members of Spvp when they may or may not actually indulge in Conquest.

Anyone who wants to death match can grab a CA, and if it’s a big enough group even that doesn’t need a CA as there are enough empty servers to dogpile into one.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Achilles.2197


Why is this still an argument. Lol. The part that tickled me most was “crazy builds that aren’t limited by spvp”

Its the same builds haha. Most zerg builds are watered down, overly simple, and generally weaker. Lollll food buffs

Âchillæs – Jade Quarry – GvG’ing before you knew what it was

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Flamfloz.6732


@Darnis, you keep ducking and refusing deathmatch format because you know you are not good at the game you play gimmicks only useful in conquest mode.

How does deathmatch promote build diversity?
I would imagine it’s all about DPS because the winning objective is: killing the opponent (death + match).
Are people actually playing anything else than thiefs in this game mode?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


4 vs. 4 Teamfights in sPvP are already terrible to play and watch. GvG with its 20 vs. 20 is so much worse. I have tried, emphasis on tried, to watch GvG live at the windmill and on twitch streams. Nobody can honestly tell whats going on with thousands of skill effects. Random dodging and mindless spamming is more prevalent than in sPvP. ANet designed the game around 5 vs. 5 and not zerg vs zerg. AE-Spells can hit five targets and the combofields have limited charges. Without dedicated healers and the lack of protection spells, individuals cannot survive focus damage by many players, because they have to rely on their own heals with long cooldowns. Downed state and rally? These two mechanics do not fit into large scale battles as they lead to absurd results.

Calling the mindless WvW clusterkitten “GvG” is hilarious for everyone that played GvG in the first GuildWars.

Tz tz

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Calling the mindless WvW clusterkitten “GvG” is hilarious for everyone that played GvG in the first GuildWars.

Aaand there’s our first GW1 comparison for the thread! Thank you for pointing out something absolutely pointless that no one really cares about. It’s like comparing custom arenas to arenas in WoW – absolutely pointless as they have nothing in common. Using the same name means nearly nothing.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Most the fights by the windmill are small scale duels and 5v5s, ton of 3v3s (my favorite probably). Im getting the feeling we have alot of bads that know they cant hang in deathmatch format seen it before, conquest inflates egos because akittens core avoiding fights when you can take a circle is the best tactic.

Anyway you dont want to deathmatch you want to conquest saying its skill…. we are at an impasses I dont respect conquest I think its a bad game mode that promotes gimmicks and poor fights. You dont like deathmatch because…. I dont know why a good reason is never been given.

Its hopeless i guess the WvW dev has stated there is noting more fun then sitting in a tower using an arrow cart. Dude hates anything even numbers with even stats be it 1v1 or 20v20 he wants it out of his vision of WvW.

Then you have the winners on the PvP side saying spirit rangers take skill, and putting maps like skyhammer in the soloqueue rotation.

At what point do they look at the PvP numbers of views at PAX….. look at the views from large community driven GvG deathmatch fights and say…… Oh kitten we missed something big here?

I remember the posts at the start of the game saying its up the community to help build the games PvP….. well guess what community made a deathmatch format with its own leaderboards and competitive metas. Now anet is going to kill it on a whim because its not a game mode they support.


Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


You can’t give huge gear and build choices in the main game mode then give us the kitten that is PvP conquest and expect people to downgrade their gameplay.

I guess there’s some truth here. It’s fun to be OP, and in WvW there are ridiculously powerful combinations.

The “build choices” of GvG don’t really have anything to do with customization, it’s more of just a fact of having 10+ people making up for the weaknesses of your build. You can’t be a zerker staff ele in PvP because you’d die. Horribly. In GvG, you can roll zerker staff and rain fire all day, because you have eight warriors in front of you that have hammers, are nearly immune to conditions, and have 35000 hitpoints.

There’s nothing wrong with GvG. I don’t know what you want Anet to do, though. Right now GvG only happens when two guilds communicate with each other, pick a time and a place, and make it happen. Is Anet supposed to do that somehow? Or are you just suggesting allow more powerful stat combinations in PvP?

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


You might not know but Anet is adding crazy stat boosts to the whole WvW maps for those that control circles on the map…. so the server with the most people will be even stronger and as a side effect kills GvGs.

Change makes no sense, when asked if there could be an option to turn off the buffs here is Devons response.

“No. That is not a possibility at this time. The point of the buff is to affect the WvW game mode as a whole disabling it on your character would lessen the value of the buff to a server and completely invalidate the whole point.”

….. right coming from the same dude that said there is nothing more fun then using an arrow cart.

Said it before enjoy your dying game mode of conquest…. if you had hopes for other game modes you need to drop them Anet will not add something fun like deathmatch. Maybe the next tpvp map will have arrow carts to go with a huge cannon that can one shot you, thats the path Anet is taking.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: FirstBlood.7359


Aaand there’s our first GW1 comparison for the thread! Thank you for pointing out something absolutely pointless that no one really cares about. It’s like comparing custom arenas to arenas in WoW – absolutely pointless as they have nothing in common. Using the same name means nearly nothing.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment! Do you know that the meaning of words depends on their context? In most other games “GvG” could be the arbitrary label for any kind of group PvP. In Guild Wars, however, the use of GvG has a long history. ANet built the first game and its lore around the idea of GvG. In GuildWars2 players constantly demand an implementation of GvG. That being said, you cannot separate GvG from GuildWars.

In GuildWars2 the GvG played in WvW and the game mechanics do not fit together, making it a shallow deatchmatch without strategy.

Im getting the feeling we have alot of bads that know they cant hang in deathmatch format seen it before, conquest inflates egos because akittens core avoiding fights when you can take a circle is the best tactic

How many competitve successful games are played with 40 players? How many competitve successful games use deathmatch?

20 vs. 20 deathmatch is an enviroment where individual skill does not matter. Maybe, that’s why you like it.

Tz tz

(edited by FirstBlood.7359)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


welp anyway.. rank really dont mean jack in pvp right now at all.. so u cant pull the rank crap on anyone. uve played a little over 50 games ive played over 1k games and i can tell u as a full time pvper. that rank dont mean squat so dont come on here bragging about ur lucky wins in solo que.

Anyway lets move on. i rather they not add any of those gear choices in pvp simply because of how much more OP classes will get than they already are in pvp atm. the only thing they should even remotely be doing in pvp is balancing classes out and fixes class bugs. thats number 1 on the list or it should be number 1 because im tired of my main classes always getting kitten while others constantly receive buffs every single patch its ridiculous.

Deathmatch will just be hell tbh.. its not even worth thinking about.. i know some crazy kitten player will even put together of a 1 team class like say.. mesmers or a full team of warriors and just kitten .. so that little matchup isnt even on the radar.

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Aaand there’s our first GW1 comparison for the thread! Thank you for pointing out something absolutely pointless that no one really cares about. It’s like comparing custom arenas to arenas in WoW – absolutely pointless as they have nothing in common. Using the same name means nearly nothing.

Thanks for your thoughtful comment! Do you know that the meaning of words depends on their context? In most other games “GvG” could be the arbitrary label for any kind of group PvP. In Guild Wars, however, the use of GvG has a long history. ANet built the first game and its lore around the idea of GvG. In GuildWars2 players constantly demand an implementation of GvG. That being said, you cannot separate GvG from GuildWars.

Right, GW2 needs to be a 100% copy of GW1 with better graphics.
Guess now we need to remove jumping, remake 90% of the game mechanics and put in everything that was in GW1.
It’s a different game. Get over it. Just because they share the same setting doesn’t mean that the games should be the same. The conquest-only sPvP should’ve made that clear by now but I guess it hasn’t.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Junkpile.7439


Real GvG would be 400 vs 400. That would be epic fight. More players means better and more epic fight. Real zerglings like William Wallace laugh sPvP at players.

Low quality trolling since launch
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch

(edited by Junkpile.7439)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


I play a lot of WvW and PvP. First thing is WvW is not balanced at all and never will be. Racial skills, food buffs, different levels of gear, WXP abilities giving you an extra +100 of a stat, and the list goes on. Anet even said before WvW isn’t supposed to be balanced.

Another thing is the quality of players is lower in WvW. Yes, I have ran into some people who are truly great and good in WvW. However for the most part this isn’t the case.

Which brings me to my next point on why I play PvP, mostly tpvp. I enjoy playing people equal to skill level, on an equal playing field. Yeah sure pvp doesn’t have the amounts of builds WvW has, but at least I know it’s somewhat balanced. If I lose a fight, it’s because I messed up or the person played better. Not because the person had better stats or a certain buff.

Also I don’t see how conquest is a dying mode. They’re adding it to WvW with the bloodlust update. If it was a bad mode they wouldn’t add it anymore.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


Also I don’t see how conquest is a dying mode. They’re adding it to WvW with the bloodlust update. If it was a bad mode they wouldn’t add it anymore.

Circular logic… are you an Anet dev because you would fit right in.

Anyway numbers and views really say nothing I guess my level or caring is about zero.

Let me just make this clear one last time, when the views of PAX are the same as popular GvG matches something is seriously and I talking seriously wrong here. 5v5 deathmatch or the 20v20 there is a greater and growing population then all of Tpvp and Soloqueue. Heck a ton of the solo queue are folks like me GvG/WvWers that think its a joke game mode.

Conquest was a good starting point… one year later still having only conquest mode thats a major problem.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Blimm.5028


GvG how you define it is not spectateable. Core issue is that commentators can’t comment pvp due to effect clusterkitten.

Think With Portals [TWP]: 4th of 16 at cup
Liane Frostfire – Elementalist [TWP] Ilona Frostfire – Mesmer [TWP]
Enya Frostfire – Mesmer [OMFG]

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


Also I don’t see how conquest is a dying mode. They’re adding it to WvW with the bloodlust update. If it was a bad mode they wouldn’t add it anymore.

Right, everyone absolutely loves conquest. I even have “CONQUEST!” posters in my room.
I’m pretty sure that a large part of my guild quit sPvP because it’s conquest(including me). Almost everyone I asked that quit sPvP mentioned that it’s extremely boring because of conquest/having only 1 game mode. Right now my guild does GvGs and WvW for training.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

(edited by Wryog.5073)

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


All I’m seeing is a rant. You are upset that Anet is killing off GvG in WvW, so you come here to vent your anger. You try to push your own agenda across with “deathmatch” so you can GvG in PvP, which you can do with custom arenas, but you don’t like the limited stat choices. Then you proceed to insult everyone here.

You think anyone here or Anet is going to take you seriously? No.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Wryog.5073


All I’m seeing is a rant. You are upset that Anet is killing off GvG in WvW, so you come here to vent your anger. You try to push your own agenda across with “deathmatch” so you can GvG in PvP, which you can do with custom arenas, but you don’t like the limited stat choices. Then you proceed to insult everyone here.

You think anyone here or Anet is going to take you seriously? No.

We CAN’T do it in custom arenas. You can’t set them to over 10 players/team. Stop posting that same argument over and over because it’s wrong.

Wryog [WBC] – elementalist
Gunnar’s Hold

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Yeah, WvW is so much fun…wait a sec while I oneshot people with my full berserker “insert burst class here”, then we can talk more about “balanced” and “fun builds”

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

The complex gear choices in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Xom finish eating your food buffs before you talk. Don’t know its rude to talk with your mouth full of food.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>