The current paid meta

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


Dreamteam compositions please.


1. Engineer —> bunker
2. Guardian --> Bunker
3. Theif —> backstab
4 Theif --> backstab
5. Elementalist —> Staff ele support/bunker

Got massive nuke and great sustain for team and holding points alone against several opponents.

Anything I can imagine swapping any of these for would just make the team weaker, as the other classes bring nothing new to the table these ones allready sport.

What is you dream team?


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Yukishiro.8792


Not having a mesmer on khylo is sorta /wrists. Or did they fix the portal repair? Haven’t PVPed since the patch.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


With staff ele you can deny the other team use of their treb, meaning you are free to leave yours for the wolves.


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


What does a bunker engineer offer that a bunker/support mesmer doesn’t plus more? The mesmer can assist between two points easily while bringing allies.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Arc.9374


A ton of knockback to bounce people around clocktower and make uncapping it ridonculously difficult.


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


What does a bunker engineer offer that a bunker/support mesmer doesn’t plus more? The mesmer can assist between two points easily while bringing allies.

Oh….over 1k health/s from elixir gun +elixir infused bombs, significant AoE damage and control through bombkit and rifle or p/s, the abillity to self-rez and aoe rez teammates, 100% uptime for 100% endurance regen, and the ability to dodge ~5 times in a row? Oh…and the ability to kill off all the mesmers clones in 1-2 aoe attacks.

A ton of knockback to bounce people around clocktower and make uncapping it ridonculously difficult.

Also what he said.

You know, just like we discussed in the engineer forums the other day =P.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


There was a time when I would defend any build and class I liked, but it reaches a point where you stop liking the class and stare jellously at the other kid’s toy. It reaches a point of self loathing; “Why wont I just roll the class instead of my lame good-for-conditions-only ranger?”


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Peechez.4195


needs a necro somewhere

Canada / Sneaky / Undead Meese
Mesmer / Thief / Necromancer

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


5 thieves.

Team Never Die cause of stealth and Team Kill You Instantly cause of backstabs.

According to forum logic, you could never beat a team of 5 thieves. You would die before you’d get a chance to react.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


5 thieves.

Team Never Die cause of stealth and Team Kill You Instantly cause of backstabs.

According to forum logic, you could never beat a team of 5 thieves. You would die before you’d get a chance to react.

Thieves weren’t mentioned in this thread any more than bunkers. Thieves may or may not necessitate bunkers, but no one mentioned going a team of 5 thieves any more than 5 bunkers.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Daays.4317


Pretty sure the OP asked “What’s your dream team”

Just giving you the forum dream team champion line up!
5 thieves, 5 warriors, 5 guardians, or 5 mesmers.

All good choices.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


I prefer a bit offensive team and a fairly balanced one.

bunker Guardian as middle defender
Shatter mesmer on side point
1 condition spece char = preferably necro or pistol engi
Bacstab Thief roamer ( NPC kill stealer)
D/D elementalist / roamer (aura share)

its kind of agressive build where ele dosnt have that much burst but still is fast and in team fights provide aura sharing which is great.
Thief as hit and run burst class is great and mesmer on side point with portal can do awesome trick – especiatelly on Khylo.

2 power builds
1 condition spec
1 ballanced buffer / roamer
1 tank

yea, we are not the best ones, and bunkers are annoying but as long as we maintain our mobility and fat hit and run tactic – its working well..

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


I will say this; I love the necro mechanics, and play necro as much as I do with my guardian. But necro and ranger (my other condition specced char) have one immense problem atm: we get dumped on by any BS theif. Its not a matter of me beeing an “utter noob”, its a simple stated fact:

1. Press CnD, let animation start = 6k dmg 2. Press steal before CnD animation ends = 5kdmg
3. Press Backstab === 10k dmg

And that takes my 18k hp to the ground without me beeing able do respond to it in the space of 1.5s. Because I am slow? Mayhaps, but what can I do against that? Spectral form does not agree with my build, and my stunbreakers are valuable spells for my build (not like lightning reflexes on ranger) with long CD’s.

If you pick necro or ranger to go against a theif, the theif should win that encounter 9 out of 10 times unless he is going something off.


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Lumines.3916


I actually don’t have as much of a problem with backstab thieves, shatter mesmers if anything completely roll over my necro.

Reaper’s Protection, just having a inch of life force to fear away, or Reaper’s marking where you are/Well of Darkness usually will let you survive the burst. If you don’t see it coming while busy engaging someone else, that’s a different story. If you don’t have any cool downs up and zilch life force, you’re also boned. In the event that you do survive backstab, thieves usually do not appreciate conditions at all which is the necro’s strong suit.

However, shatter mesmers.. condition based necros tend to be on the weak side of BAM AoEs that can pop their illusions or clones. You CAN’T fear them away while they’re channeling blurred frenzy because they’re invul. Even if you have full life force, their burst combo will drain all of it in one go and they’ll get you the next time. I’m already using Shaman’s Amulet so I really can’t get any more toughless, this will happen to you even with 2.9k total armor.

Unlike thieves who can only pull their shenanigans ~45s. The duelist > dodge roll > leap/swap > mindwrack/frenzy combo can be used every ~16s. That’s the CD of duelist if you’re waiting for that, Mindwrack with a shatter build is usually on a 12s CD. The burst isn’t in one huge hit, but between 4 Mind wracks (Illusionary Persona), blurred frenzy and whatever duelist shoots you for, it’s a LOT of burst that they can easily build momentum on.

If you LoS the Mesmer afterwards to try an cover yourself, they have the advantage of LoS while their illusions chase you. There’s also little you can do to peel yourself in their combo versus the backstab combo.

Bomb/Rifle Bunker Engi
Bunker Guard
Staff Evasive Arcana Ele
Shatter Mes
Venomshare/Backstab/any Thief

is what I’d go with.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Bong.6238


Double guardian + mesmer + anything + anything

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Knote.2904


5x Bunker Mesmer.

Come at me. =p

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127



You are saying

4. Ranger
5. Ranger

This lineup would whoop the floor?


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Gilgamesh.2561


Oh….over 1k health/s from elixir gun +elixir infused bombs, significant AoE damage and control through bombkit and rifle or p/s, the abillity to self-rez and aoe rez teammates, 100% uptime for 100% endurance regen, and the ability to dodge ~5 times in a row? Oh…and the ability to kill off all the mesmers clones in 1-2 aoe attacks.

lol, why do I feel like I’ve heard this line before? Oh right, because you spewed it in another thread.

Sorry, all of that pales in comparison to having a well coordinated team with a mesmer who can bring 1-2 people with to defend two points simultaneously.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


3 necros and 2 mesmers. Really.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Lunacy.5183


1. Healing Guardian bunker
2. Close Point Defense Mesmer
3. Ele Roam Aura Share/ Thief Roam Venom Share
4. Axe/mace+mace/shield Warrior for burst
5. Condition Support Necro

Oh look I made a balanced lineup…

A GW2 Player asked a wise man:
-What’s the way to win?
-Learn to play – he said.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: TehPenGu.6127


1. Healing Guardian bunker
2. Close Point Defense Mesmer
3. Ele Roam Aura Share/ Thief Roam Venom Share
4. Axe/mace+mace/shield Warrior for burst
5. Condition Support Necro

Oh look I made a balanced lineup…

Indeed, how horribly silly of you


The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: aphoxi.4378


Unlike thieves who can only pull their shenanigans ~45s. The duelist > dodge roll > leap/swap > mindwrack/frenzy combo can be used every ~16s. That’s the CD of duelist if you’re waiting for that, Mindwrack with a shatter build is usually on a 12s CD. The burst isn’t in one huge hit, but between 4 Mind wracks (Illusionary Persona), blurred frenzy and whatever duelist shoots you for, it’s a LOT of burst that they can easily build momentum on.

If you LoS the Mesmer afterwards to try an cover yourself, they have the advantage of LoS while their illusions chase you. There’s also little you can do to peel yourself in their combo versus the backstab combo.

And don’t forget that if you’re in a 1v1 the mesmer’s pistol 5 will lock you up prior to the leap combo to get on you. If the mesmer isn’t spec’d for fury for phantasms you may have a chance to kill the duelist, though I think most are so that they can actually see some use from phantasms before they’re killed by a strong fart.

And although it was rumored to be fixed on the 23rd, iBerserker is still not affected by LOS. It’s not strong enough to kill you on it’s own but if you’re trying to LOS to get some breathing room then its cripple and a follow-up Cry of Frustration could make that tough.

The current paid meta

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


Current Paid Meta:
2 Block bug guardians, who gives a kitten about the other 3.