The design of PvP is too "one-sided"
I’m a solo Gold-tier casual who plays for the daily.
The combat system is just overtuned, with a very short TTK compared to other MMOs (it feels more like a MOBA in terms of pace). It seems very difficult to balance to me.
Right now we are in a meta where survival is based on CDs and good dodging, which does require more skill than previous bunker metas where the defensive boon spamming and tank amulets can carry you more. Bunker meta bores players and this is why we are having a faster paced meta now.
Frankly I feel spike damage has been toned down noticibly, and is a lot more manageable. With the amulet changes though, the top end of tankiness has of course decreased.
Elite specs are just overall better specs and not a sidegrade, which limits the build diversity you can build for while still competing with other elite specs. We have given up and settled for overall representation/viability of a class over diversity.
For teamfights, the game has evolved to the point where cleave is immense and node-sitting simply isn’t an option a lot of the time. Along with amulet changes, this means more than ever defensive CD usage (or rather, conserving by positioning) is key.
I’ll admit the CDs are carrying me a bit (a lot), but I find the current meta ok – a bit fast for my taste, but nothing unplayable.
If you’re 100-0’ing and getting 100-0’d in turn, you would have to be playing something all-in like Power Mes. Getting +1’d without CDs up is another matter, and even then you’ll know what killed you.
Carrying enemy team since 2012
“Multiclass implies you can actually play the class” – a certain royalty
(edited by Ralkuth.1456)
6635261My main problem (and what I mean by “one-sided”) is that I feel that modern GW2 sPvP evolve around “dodge or explode” philosophy.
Pretty much yes. The game is balanced around temporary invulnerabilities, call them dodge, reflect, block what ever have you.
Thus the ever present balance train wreck this game has been.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
The whole match making is broken due to duo queue and an algorithm that would be more suitable for a chess game than 5vs5 gw2 pvp with multiple classes/builds.
(edited by Marxx.5021)
Whenever I take a short or long break and then come back to playing I feel this way, but then after getting demolished an embarrassingly large number of times it finally dawns on me I need to better utilize movement, positioning, and kiting techniques to help pad defenses and cooldowns. It is conquest, and it is easy to get too focused on staying on point for as long as possible, but this is often an unintuitive trap. Keeping this in mind may or may not help you to adapt.