The future of PvP

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


This is what we will see in the PvP of Guild Wars 2

Full of mesmer/thieves everywhere!


The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


This is what we will see in the PvP of Guild Wars 2

The chat box flooded with your whinging?


*And before you say it, yes I am playing a Mesmer in TPvP nowadays because the whole style of the game is to take the path of least resistance to victory. That’s the methodology of the whole “esport” thing. Since my preferred class is crap in tourneys and ANet apparently likes where it’s at, it was time to roll a class that is viable and performs exceptionally well vs everything in every situation. Win rate skyrocketed, tickets and new gear filled my bank and all was right with the world.

In other words, just roll with it man. BTW, you’re playing an engi which is completely useful and wanted in tourneys so you can’t really complain that much. Also your mechanics are engaging and fun to play while giving you versatility. You should be having more fun than you appear to be.*

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


The point is, there are so many Mesmer/Thieves because is easy to kill with it.
You dont need a high skill to do something like a Engineer or Ranger

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Pimpslapper.2047


I can best that one
Yes, my points suck in that screenshot. The thieves harassed me all game lol.


The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: jule.3289


When I see that arenanet is thinking about I believe before thinking about esport they should improve the spvp.
Because who would pay, who would be interested participating these matches with all the bad stuffs we can all see in spvp.
First of all the movement of the camera is just awfull. without saying the fireworks happening on my screen with all the effects coming from gardian, mesmer, elem : it’s just so much happening : who is able to know what player are you targeting?
Classes are not equal in pvp : see what I usually have with my print screen.


The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kykeon.8572


I’m struggling to see any future in this,sadly.Chain CC,Treb Mesmer Camper,HS & PW spamming Thiefs,unkillable Guardians (i play a Guardian myself,the Spirit Weapon spec is stupidly OP).I’m only still playing because i don’t have to pay monthly,but i see it less seriously by the day.It’s a matter of time until a new game pops in and then goodbye.

(edited by Kykeon.8572)

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


maybe this screenshots can give ANet a clue about PvP

PS: jule.3289, that screenshot remember me a lot of WoW BG’s with Twinks (ALL ROGUE’s)

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Puru.4217


Nah, the futur will be engineer, mesmer and ele in all match with a touch of guardian, thief will probably disappear naturally (venom share being a rare exception) when people actually become decent at the game and realize they actually pretty much suck (of course i don’t mean they need to be buffed, i mean they need to be rebuilt almost entirely).

See you in 2 months.

It’s not my fault if S/P is not popular !!!

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


with that high comunity of Thief+Mesmer… i dont know what to think about it…

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I been running f. tournaments all this week. I seen a huge lot of guardians, way too many for my liking as well as way too many mesmers. Thief I don’t see a huge load but when one comes a bunch other follow. Hell at one point my team was Me: Warrior, 3 Guardians and a mes. Vs a team of guardians with a mes. Oh mind you they took their time to tell me I should bring my guardian instead. Despise this whole Q_Q bullcrap, I still ranked #1 in all matches proving skill > class. Ironically the only person who really provided a challenge 1v1 wise was an engineer. Honestly I take my hat off for that guy.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Webley.1295


This is what we will see in the PvP of Guild Wars 2

Full of mesmer/thieves everywhere!

Did anyone notice that in this screen shot, the team that won was the team without the thieves and mesmers?

Fail post.

Anyway people like to try new classes in sPvP.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Scarlett.1549


Did anyone notice that in this screen shot, the team that won was the team without the thieves and mesmers?

Fail post.

Anyway people like to try new classes in sPvP.

He is just showing what a lot of teams are made up of now. Not that one side is more overpowered then the other. Why assume it’s a fail post.

More screeny’s of this type of thing will show ANet what is happening. That doesn’t make it a fail post.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: buttski.6135


This is what we will see in the PvP of Guild Wars 2

Full of mesmer/thieves everywhere!

lol @chatbox. i love it when kitten post screenies

A day without blood is a day without sunshine.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: silencer.5028


Pretty much the only utility of drop-ins in sPvP is some mindless fun/ganking/getting glory. People tend to do that with classes that are “easy”, especially against noobs.

The fact that a solid majority of casual PvP players (for whom the drop ins are intended) go with the least like of opposition and build FOTM characters is nothing new to MMOs. This will shift in tourneys if/when classes are balanced as much as possible and experimenting with the trait tree/abilties/weapons works as intended. Then again, the “hardcore” PvPers tend to stick to “tried” builds, but thats as much a question of an established team make-up/dynamic as it is the nature of PvP communities to extend certain builds believed to be “optimal” to a pedestal and ostracizing anything else (sometimes for good reason).

In short, casual/lazy PvPers “farming” glory via noob-unfriendly / percieved as OP characters is nothing new and I am fairly certain anet has better tools to gauge PvP game statistics then random screen-shots.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


As Braxxus said, people are going to play what gives them the highest chance of victory. In more competitive gaming, you can refer to it as “playing to win”, and in doing so, the game evolves.

You know what happens when more people play Thief/Mesmer? More other people get experience vs. Thief/Mesmer, and people start to figure Thief/Mesmer out. If enough time passes and no one figures it out for competitive play, ANet will make changes. If something seems a little too silly off the top, ANet will make changes.

Meanwhile, people don’t seem to know what to do when my Warrior doesn’t use Frenzy.

Further, hot-joins are serious.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I’m not sure about if this game really has a future … well it will have one but probably not a good one.

I’m about to quit this game after my rank 40 which is in 2 more ranks. The game is out for almost 2 Months now and PvP still is as it has been in BWE2 … some changes have
been made to several professions that didn’t even help a little and they did add a horrible annoying map (Raid on the Capricorn) to the pool and that’s it.

I thought this game would be mostly PvP focused but I can’t see anything that does focus on PvP (and NO I’m not talking about the WvWvW which only is fun if you like 50vs50 zergs) … we have to go to a separated area into the Mists where we can get skins that we can’t wear outside the Mists … we can’t even have our own colors in the PvP Maps.

there will be no eSports future for this game since we just got rick rolled … I mean, how should a game witch such a horrible balance EVER reach eSports?

Not to mention there is no ranking system yet … there is no system which doesn’t allow to premade Groups to stomp pugs in Tournaments … there is no competition at all right now… all you can do is join Free Tournaments with friends or alone where you get the same rewards again and again and again or you can join the 8vs8 zergfest to farm Glory for hours until you get bored and leave,

I guess this was just another example of a new game which got hyped and didn’t offer nearly anything the people thought it would… just like Aion, AoC, Rift and so on … should just show the future of the game if it keeps going this way.

I know this statistic is not all about PvP or the whole Community but about GW2 in general.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


I’ve been seeing an increase in multiple thieves in sPVP, in tPVP on the other hand, there’s more guardians than anything else. Thieves goes after the casual or noobs in sPVP which is why they queue there, in tPVP guardians bunker down and wastes the other team’s time to fight them. Either way, it’s not much fun anymore.

Yes reminds me of TBC era WoW when rogues and hunters ran amuk. Before Anet gets into these paid tournament/arenas, there needs to be something done.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Bassi.3627


There is no future.

As of right now, less than a fifth of the pvp rooms actually have players in them. Around 50 out of 300 rooms. Players have realized it’s an absolute joke.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


@Umwelt: You really don’t enjoy playing, but you’re going to grind another 2 ranks to hit 40 so you can… I don’t know. I tried to come up with something, but I have absolutely no ideas.

Also, this juxtaposition:

we can’t even have our own colors in the PvP Maps.
there will be no eSports future for this game since we just got rick rolled

Correct. We can’t wear our own colors, and therefore, there will be no e-sports future. As far as the hyperbole regarding balance, you make it sound like you’re looking for an excuse to explain why you lose.

There are a slew of reasons why the game is unprepared for e-sports right now. I honestly think colors and balance are extremely low on the list (see: anyone can roll any class in a matter of moments, so even if mirror matches are all that happen, the game will still be balanced from a competitive stand-point. Your class just might not be in the current meta).

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


i think… ANet is waiting join in ESL, then ANet will do a lot of changes

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


The game itself is pretty healthy … it is another story about the people playing it. More than thieves/mesmers, I am really tired of team-mates gladly receiving help in the form of CC, but when the 2 thieves decide to go for me, there is no backup (strange how the thieves got tired of being feared, blinded and dotted up, isn’t it). The result is more or less what we see: Builds/professions with a lot of self-reliance.

Balance is not really the problem; bad players with tunnelvision are. Now … that is a hard one to cure.

The future of PvP in this game is what we make it.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: VictorTroska.3725


There wont be esports.

I see problem within players and devs. Too much l2p, l2 dodge, from “pro” players who seem to be fine with casual sPvP swarming with thieves and mesmers as “none cares”. But casuals do care, casuals like myself who started this game in hope of experiencing good PvP with equal gear. But when you fight against nonestop hordes of thieves and mesmers game gets boring. If you make class that has all pro’s and no cons in newbie PvP then you lose a lot of casual PvPers and thus interest in your esports. Who are you going to fill halls with? 10 pro players or 100 casuals?

Developers who seem to be doing totally bizare decisions like adding sPvP 8 vs 8 by turning it into zergfest. Devs that claim that some classes like necro need to “master” Death Shroud to be effective yet we see same dev dying and using Shroud just like any newbie would use.

Devs said there will be ranking and all that stuff but when? GW2 Hype is gone. When hype was highest and if you had already installed proper esport “need to be” stuff, we would be watching streams and tournaments right this very moment. Devs had so much time to make this game, and THIS is what they offer us in sPvP? I am sorry, it is joke. Its just too late. Tonns of people moved on already.

(edited by VictorTroska.3725)

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dabu.1258


I hope one day ANet think a better way to PvP and think about the players :/

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shukran.4851


8v8 is a joke, the future of pvp in gw2 will be ladder, elo or mmr and a lot of seriuos tournaments.
i can wait for it.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: NeoO.2960


Let see for Tournaments. Also, take more time, thief might be easy at the beginning, but later on others might find out how to deal with it.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Raging Bull.5048

Raging Bull.5048

The WHAT of PvP? O.o

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Thieves are a faceroll for a warrior honestly when met in 1v1 and we don’t even have condition advantage to nuke them down. Love the “tanky” unicorn or backstab build players the most. Mesmers are a really tough fight, but nothing unbeatable. Shatter build with daze spamming is scary. I suggest rolling a mesmer and playing it for a while to learn more about that class. If you feel more experienced, jump back to your preferred class and kitten away at them.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


The future of PVP in GW2 looked bright… until everyone rolled a thief and flooded the server matches with them, and Anet’s announcement of arenas. It’s already looking bleak, there aren’t that many packed servers on the sPVP browser (most matches I get into are 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5, almost never 8 vs 8 ) and there’s no one standing around the tournament NPC anymore.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sabbathius.1465


The future of PVP in GW2 looked bright… until everyone rolled a thief and flooded the server matches with them, and Anet’s announcement of arenas. It’s already looking bleak, there aren’t that many packed servers on the sPVP browser (most matches I get into are 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5, almost never 8 vs 8 ) and there’s no one standing around the tournament NPC anymore.

I call it the “recon syndrome”.

When Battlefield: Bad Company 2 came out, on many servers at least 3/4 of the team went Recon (BFBC2 equivalent of Thief) and gameplay became SUPREMELY boring. Fortunately some servers simply implemented “no recons” rule, or “1 recon per team” rule, and things became a little bit better.

Sadly so far in GW2 that’s not the case, and people are just getting burnt out with the tedium and repetitiveness of it all. I myself am pretty much moving on. Leveled two chars to 80, did a bunch of sPvP and WvW, but at this point it’s like “why bother”? When most hotjoins are 3/4 thieves + 1/4 mesmers, it just gets boring. And WvW is still a massive zergfest. Could roll another char, but frankly with so many broken or half-broken classes, it’s just not fun any more.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


First of all, there will always be classes that are played more then others, simply because PvP is about winning, and so naturally players will choose the classes that are the most popular, or have the best track record. Of curse the game will change eventually, just like every other PvP game does. Saying that what is happening now is also the future, is just ignorant. As long as the game gets patched, the metagame will change eventually. The only problem here is patience.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: KungPaow.5847


how about this one?


The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Teknobug.3782


The future of PVP in GW2 looked bright… until everyone rolled a thief and flooded the server matches with them, and Anet’s announcement of arenas. It’s already looking bleak, there aren’t that many packed servers on the sPVP browser (most matches I get into are 4 vs 4 or 5 vs 5, almost never 8 vs 8 ) and there’s no one standing around the tournament NPC anymore.

I call it the “recon syndrome”.

When Battlefield: Bad Company 2 came out, on many servers at least 3/4 of the team went Recon (BFBC2 equivalent of Thief) and gameplay became SUPREMELY boring. Fortunately some servers simply implemented “no recons” rule, or “1 recon per team” rule, and things became a little bit better.

Sadly so far in GW2 that’s not the case, and people are just getting burnt out with the tedium and repetitiveness of it all. I myself am pretty much moving on. Leveled two chars to 80, did a bunch of sPvP and WvW, but at this point it’s like “why bother”? When most hotjoins are 3/4 thieves + 1/4 mesmers, it just gets boring. And WvW is still a massive zergfest. Could roll another char, but frankly with so many broken or half-broken classes, it’s just not fun any more.

Oh god, I remember that. But I <3 BC2, it’s still a better game than BF3 is and ever will be. In BF3 everyone’s either in Metrotown or sitting in a tank sniping on a hill.

Yak’s Bend WvWvW’er [Mount Phoenix Imperials]
Intel i7 3770K @ 4.5GHz | 8GB G.Skill DDR3 1600 ram | Gigabyte R9 280X 3GB (14.2)
Win 8 Pro 64bit

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


@KungPaow: Look at that Ranger representation. Clearly Rangers are fine as well.

Looks like Guardians, Engineers, Elementalists, Necromancers, and Warriors all need heavy buffs.

Judging by that one hot-join match, anyway.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: KungPaow.5847


Yeah, because this one hot-join match was the only one where these classes are over-represented, right? Don’t live in denial, atleast in Spvp thiefes and mesmers are OP.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


@KungPaow: Look at that Ranger representation. Clearly Rangers are fine as well.

Lol; not by a long shot.

You don’t really see that many Rangers on one team that often, but it is becoming more common I think. I’m not sure why though, most Rangers I’ve faced have either been decent or horrible—I’ve never been beaten by another Ranger 1v1 and rarely have I been in a 2v2 and lost simply because I will always focus the Ranger first. We have very few ways of escaping each other and even less ways of escaping other professions UNLESS we spec directly into escapes in which case we lack burst and/or the ability to 1v1/2v2 effectively.

It may be that people think Ranger is just as spammie as Thief since SB has given us a bad name; but it really isn’t. Maybe easier to pick up, but harder to play imo since you have to account for a kitten pet AI to get maximum effectiveness.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


Yeah, because this one hot-join match was the only one where these classes are over-represented, right? Don’t live in denial, atleast in Spvp thiefes and mesmers are OP.

If anything illustrates the fact that the majority of people on these forums jump to conclusions about things based on very little data, it’s your reaction to my post.

Prove to me that hot-joiners flocking to what they hear is easy in sPvP is an indication that Thieves/Mesmers are OP instead of it being an indication that players are simply bad and want an easy to way to kill people for glory?

Everyone wants to be a carry. That doesn’t mean carries are necessarily imbalanced.

Do Thieves/Mesmers need tweaks? Probably. I’ve heard some interesting arguments with actual rotation information based on experience that suggest there are combinations that are too powerful that can be performed too frequently. I’ve personally commented to my girlfriend that I feel as though my window of opportunity to actually do damage to a Mesmer, for example, is exceedingly short. I also had a 2-3 minute 1v1 on a point in sPvP with a Thief because he would engage, I’d get him low, and he’d disappear for what felt like forever. I was focusing more on maintaining control of the point than killing him, but again, the window of opportunity where I could confidently engage him felt tiny, so killing him was going to be an issue regardless.

Perhaps small windows of opportunity are how the classes are designed, but could they be too small? Is it more that the damage they relative to the window size is too large given the degree of their glass cannon spec coupled with the survivability provided by disjointing stealths/utilities?

It’s an interesting discussion, and I feel like threads like this one sell the interesting part way, way short.

Hence, my previous post.

EDIT – Of course I don’t think Rangers are fine based on that screenshot. The whole thing was facetious to serve a point. I actually don’t have an opinion on Rangers, because I don’t have enough personal experience with/against them, and I don’t know any personally. If I can’t form an educated opinion, I don’t like to take a stance.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

(edited by Cogbyrn.7283)

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

This is what we will see in the PvP of Guild Wars 2

Full of mesmer/thieves everywhere!

Did anyone notice that in this screen shot, the team that won was the team without the thieves and mesmers?

Fail post.

Anyway people like to try new classes in sPvP.

I thought I could top that screenie when I took this but mine isn’t as point imbalanced.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: KungPaow.5847


I reacted the way I did because I think it has been discussed enough that thiefs/mesmers are in need of some nerfs/tweaks. I also played the game enough to not draw my conclusion from this one game or the screen of it, but rather from my overall GW2 experience.
Whether it’s too small windows of opportunity, the fact that they can run glass-specs and still have enough defence because of stealth/clones and burst down people way too fast, or simply MOA, something definitely has to be changed.
Spvp simply isn’t fun at all to me right now, and since that’s what I am playing the game for, I’m trying to raise attention to this matter like other people by posting these screens. Judging by the devs’ posts so far, I don’t think they are fully aware how lame Spvp has become to a lot of us, so I really hope they are gonna look into these things and not lose more frustrated players.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


Yeah, because this one hot-join match was the only one where these classes are over-represented, right? Don’t live in denial, atleast in Spvp thiefes and mesmers are OP.

If anything illustrates the fact that the majority of people on these forums jump to conclusions about things based on very little data, it’s your reaction to my post.

Prove to me that hot-joiners flocking to what they hear is easy in sPvP is an indication that Thieves/Mesmers are OP instead of it being an indication that players are simply bad and want an easy to way to kill people for glory?

Everyone wants to be a carry. That doesn’t mean carries are necessarily imbalanced.

Do Thieves/Mesmers need tweaks? Probably. I’ve heard some interesting arguments with actual rotation information based on experience that suggest there are combinations that are too powerful that can be performed too frequently. I’ve personally commented to my girlfriend that I feel as though my window of opportunity to actually do damage to a Mesmer, for example, is exceedingly short. I also had a 2-3 minute 1v1 on a point in sPvP with a Thief because he would engage, I’d get him low, and he’d disappear for what felt like forever. I was focusing more on maintaining control of the point than killing him, but again, the window of opportunity where I could confidently engage him felt tiny, so killing him was going to be an issue regardless.

Perhaps small windows of opportunity are how the classes are designed, but could they be too small? Is it more that the damage they relative to the window size is too large given the degree of their glass cannon spec coupled with the survivability provided by disjointing stealths/utilities?

It’s an interesting discussion, and I feel like threads like this one sell the interesting part way, way short.

Hence, my previous post.

EDIT – Of course I don’t think Rangers are fine based on that screenshot. The whole thing was facetious to serve a point. I actually don’t have an opinion on Rangers, because I don’t have enough personal experience with/against them, and I don’t know any personally. If I can’t form an educated opinion, I don’t like to take a stance.

Probably the most thought out and comprehensive response I’ve seen on either GW2 forum I’ve been following so far.

I play Ranger pretty much religiously right now, and have tested various builds. I don’t claim to be an expert but anything you want to know I can either tell you or find out first hand through testing. So let me know either on here or in-game if you ever want info.

That being said, Rangers are in a sad state honestly, overall. We aren’t as bad off as Ele or Necro, but we’re pretty kitten close when it comes to traits and utility. Our weapon options are pretty limited as well when it comes to viability. Some people have off the wall success but it takes a very specific play style and from what I can tell, only does good against certain classes and while not under the pressures of 2v1 or focus fire in 2v2+. You pretty much have to leave them alone for it to work.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Zzod.5791


Yeah..and who cares? It doesn’t work where it matters.


The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dibrom.6408



No necros?

Arenanet: The paragon of truth.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


@Zzod – Lol at your screen. I’ve seen games like that before. Must’ve been nothing but spammers on the other team.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Varyag.3751


Yeah..and who cares? It doesn’t work where it matters.

I wish they’d just add a team deathmatch gametype. This way the non-capping non-rezzing thieves can go and backstab each other there, raising the quality of conquest matches overnight.

I play Warrior, Guardian, Elementalist and Thief.

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: imba.3620


Starting to get pretty sick of this mesmer/thief zergfest myself tbh.. Any moron can pick up a Thief and be doing 20k 2 second bursts within minutes. It’s completely broken and sucks all the enjoyment out of the sPvP for me at least. Mesmers are annoying as hell, but at least you can fight back or try to run away from those guys.

Cloak & Dagger + Steal + Backstab = profit