The importance of the "downed battle"

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

After playing quite a bit of tournaments over the past months I’ve come to realize the importance of the “downed battle” in tPvP.

With downed-battle I mean the choices that are made in group fights about when to go for a stomp, who to revive and who can Rally.

In fact I’ve come to conclude that a winning the “downed battle” is arguably the most decisive part in GW2 combat. I’d even go so far as to say that is almost doesn’t matter how well or skilled you play as a team while “alive” if you cannot successfully win the “downed battle”.

The fact that a single stomp at the right time can rally your allies/opponents and completely turn the tide of a fight is a huge factor in team fights.

And honestly I’m thinking it’s too decisive.

GW2’s entire combat concept is designed around how you play while alive. The downed-state is only a small part of GW2’s overall combat design. And yet it plays such an incredibly crucial role in combat success.

I really believe that how you play while alive should dictate the outcome of most battles and not how well you can delay or secure a stomp. ANet needs to shift focus from downed-state back to “active combat” because that is certainly the focal point of the game (and the funnest part).

For starters it would help if only one person could rally for every successful defeat. It would still make the “downed battle” and important part of the game without making it so incredibly decisive.

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


Honestly I would make it so that you couldn’t rally at all.

And the downed states between classes have been so imbalanced for so long, it is starting to get silly.

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Sand Beagle.9867

Sand Beagle.9867

I’ve always found down states to be full kitten but apparently the majority of the top-tier disagrees. I’ve always felt that if you’re down, you’re down. I dont have a problem with being down in itself, i like the idea of being able to “battle-rez,” and i think it adds to the teamplay factor.

However, for example, say my whole team just 5v1 sodomized you in every way imaginable, full gang kitten prison style, and instead of being knocked the kitten out and unable to sit for a week, you fall on your kitten and start throwing 2k rocks at me and spamming invis/teleports and turn this into cirque de soleil online while we run about trying to once again kill a guy we just killed.

Obv this has been exaggerated, but the point remains that once you get downed, you should be down (ie unable to fight).

When rocky got knocked the kitten out by Mr T did he instantly wake up, regain all his stamina, and start ferociously kicking T’s shins for 2k dps? No. When arnie was downed by the T-1000 and got impaled in the back in T2, did he mistform to negate the impaling damage and start shooting electricity out of his hands at the T-1000? No. When Leonidas got barrage shotted by a bunch of kitten longbow rangers, did he fall to the ground, throw a KD hammer at Xerxes, wait ~8 seconds, stand up, and start 100bing everyone around him, get a random vengeance kill, then sword rush away at 20mph alive? NO. etc

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Dagins.5163


On-kill rally also pisses me off. It’s not fun, nor realistic, it’s just annoying.

Signed, level 1 alt

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Wreckdum.8367


/signed Downed state needs to go from PvP. Maybe make out of combat rezzes faster in PvP only.

Rex Smashington – 80 Norn Warrior <Tyrians United Retard Division> Yak’s Bend
“That big kitten Norn with The Juggernaut”

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Skyro.3108


Well you need some form of downed state overwise all strategy will devolve into spike comps. However I’m not sure what ANet was thinking allowing classes to still do substantial damage while downed, having completely unbalanced CCs/escape options amonst the classes and the whole point of rallying off kills.

Downed state should be a crippled state where you can’t move (or use abilities to move) and have a weak damage attack. You can add a weak CC for flavor or whatever but outside of that keep it simple. Downed players also should be able to contest points. Eles mistforming onto points to contest them is just bad game design.

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


They could at least balance the downed state.

The unbalance in between them is horrible.

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


i dont agree with removing of downed state… but i do agree with reworking of rally, its annoying as hell when in 5v5 you down 3 guys, they down you 2 mates, its 3v2 with a bit of help from downed ppl now, then some thief do invis-quickness-stomp in 2sec and whoah its 5v3… thats not fair…

i would add limit only 1 rally for 1 stomp or make rally working only when last player around die… or something like that just change it please!

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Vgman.4019


or they could just outright remove rally from player kills exclusively. Personally I would be very iritated to never be brought up in a team fight because the game simply didn’t pick me and effectively die because of RNG.

So yea leave downed state in but remove rally on player kill.

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: OneManArmy.5617


They need to homogenise downstates, because at the moment some classes such as eles,mesmers and thieves have a huge advantage with their downstate.
Basically you have to dps to kill them, especially the thief otherwise it takes three tries to stomp him.
Compare that to a guardian,ranger or a necro downstate. They get one interrupt that can be countered by invurnerability(ex. mist form stomp),blind,stability,block,stealth and what not.

Surrender is not an option!

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


I think the best option is to make it so that your cooldowns don’t tick down while you’re downed. Removing rallies would be too strong.

The main reason why getting rallied is so strong is because people can instantly heal back up or pop a variety of defensive cooldowns (shield stance, elites etc etc). If being downed prevented your CDs from coming up you can become a very easy target because of the lack of heals/defensive CDs.

And downed states do need a bit of a touch up. Some classes have unnecessarily strong ones. The worst is when a warrior vengeances and doesn’t actually rally anyone when he dies. I’m pretty sure that’s a bug, but it’s terrible.

There should at least be some sort of parity. The squishiest of classes obviously get the most escapes while downed, but it’s still odd how rangers get a far better downed state than engineers and it’s still odd how some classes get insta-gibbed while stealth stomped/blinded but others don’t. There isn’t any coherence at all. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Bhawb.7408


There should be a rework to downed states, definitely. The difference between downed state-strength is far too much. I’m all fine with trying to work the classes “flavor” into the downed state (necros life steal, mesmers clone, etc.), but some classes have far too much ability to escape or be a nuisance, or in warriors case just straight stand up and roflstomp you, while others sit there ready to revive, since there is 0% chance of getting up unless they just walk away.

But of Corpse – Watch us on YouTube
My PvP Minion Build

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Kline.9561


Lower downed health a smidg say 10% or 15%. balance downed state ability’s nerf strong ones or just buff the weak ones, take a look at the rally system for what it is then ask is it too strong or just fine? should it be there at all? or just toned down. then pvp should be a bit better

And before says my build doesn’t work, when Ele’s get nerfed it will be -Schwahrheit

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: lothefallen.7081


Remove it completely from all aspects of the game because really, it’s a system’s design cop-out anyway. Put monks back in for expansion content so that the combat can stop being an absolutely ridiculous button-mash zerg. All the design flaws for long term are going to be apparent as remnants of what they had to design without using trinity roles.

The Ardent Aegis

The importance of the "downed battle"

in PvP

Posted by: Psybunny.8906


Remove the ability to selfrez for some professions from downed state and it’s all good. Downstate adds some more tactical play to bigger teamfights and I actually love it, since eles downstate is fixed I have no complaints about it. As MaXi said, if you’d remove the downstate completely it would be only spike comps left. 5 thief teams noty. Current downstate battles add extra level of tactics to fights.