The matchmaking system is so awful... WTF
If you cant defeat them , join them
If you cant defeat them , join them
I think you will find most have taken the better option of simply playing something else.
long time ago people complained there was no solo queue…
then a net implemented solo queue…
then a net decided it would be better to take it out again because teams are having too long queue times…
now people are complaining there is no solo queue… AGAIN…
gg wp anet
then a net decided it would be better to take it out again because teams are having too long queue times…
Come on now. I can understand a little bit of nostalgia. But this is just plain wrong: solo queue times could be over 10-15 minutes, and I was under rank 80 back then! Most solo players were playing in teamq, because there were fewer 4v5s, shorter queue times, better rotations. There were threads about the joke soloq was.
You can be in favor of soloq because the idea appeals to you. You don’t need to reinvent the history of this game to make a point. Or do you?
I played 5 ranked queue games this morning. Two of them were with a friend and three were solo.
in 4 of the games, one team had multiple premades while the other team had 0. To make matters worse, so-called “esports” duo queues were getting an additional premade to be on their team.
I really don’t understand how the matchmaking system works. It’s so bad. How could there ever be situations in which TWO two-man premades are on one team, and the other team has 0? I get it if some kitteners are four-manning or five-manning, but this just makes 0 sense to me.
I love the combat in this game but every time I solo queue ranked I remember why it’s unbearable. I don’t want to 5-queue but the kittenty matchmaking system pushes me to think that’s the only way to enjoyably play.
And please, for the love of god, do not try to tell me it’s balanced because of how points are allocated after you win or lose based on whether you were favored to win. The ranking system is just as useless as the matchmaking system itself, but that’s another story. It’s hilarious how so many games from 5-10 years ago have wildly better matchmaking and ranking systems than this one.
I guess I’m back to WvW/GvG … At least I can rationalize the shortcomings of those game modes because of how little dev attention they get compared to PvP.
the matchmaking pre december SPVP patch (a disaster patch) was a lot better… but why not put a new beta crap mm , worst leaderboard ever , class stacking , bad daily after 2 year… well:
nobody care if after 2 year , the spvp players are used like betatester (or alphatester maybe) every day
then a net decided it would be better to take it out again because teams are having too long queue times…
Come on now. I can understand a little bit of nostalgia. But this is just plain wrong: solo queue times could be over 10-15 minutes, and I was under rank 80 back then! Most solo players were playing in teamq, because there were fewer 4v5s, shorter queue times, better rotations. There were threads about the joke soloq was.
You can be in favor of soloq because the idea appeals to you. You don’t need to reinvent the history of this game to make a point. Or do you?
You’re both correct. TeamQ died when soloQ was introduced because teams had been feeding on the pugs. Eventually lower ranked players played teamQ because it gave more glory/rank points, didn’t have skyhammer and was less likely to have 4v5s. These lower ranked pugs rarely fought the teams and higher ranked players would sit in the queue forever. TeamQ also didn’t suffer from the horrendous “syncing” where high level players could join soloQ at the same time and get onto the same team. You were more likely to play teams or partials in soloQ because it joined high ranks together and then searched for a match- if one wasn’t found it matched against a low rank party. This has been fixed/changed.
So how can Anet reasonably fix these current issues? It seems to be stemming from a declining player base, not blatant errors in the matching system. If we had enough players then soloQ, teamQ, unranked and any other queue is feasible. I have my own ideas but I don’t think changing the matching system is going to be the stone that nailed 2 or 3 birds.
then a net decided it would be better to take it out again because teams are having too long queue times…
Come on now. I can understand a little bit of nostalgia. But this is just plain wrong: solo queue times could be over 10-15 minutes, and I was under rank 80 back then! Most solo players were playing in teamq, because there were fewer 4v5s, shorter queue times, better rotations. There were threads about the joke soloq was.
You can be in favor of soloq because the idea appeals to you. You don’t need to reinvent the history of this game to make a point. Or do you?
this dude knows his gw2 pvp history. ok im guilty of being a solo queuer that queued for team. i will admit the ppl that solo queued back then were better than some of ppl i encounter now but if you wanted higher quality matches, you’d queue for team.
the best matches i’ve ever had were pugging for team queue.
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard
it has taken them so long to do anything about this. at this point i don’t even want to come back even if they do ever address it. they may have done things here and there about matchmaking since the game came out, but it sure doesn’t feel or look like it.
I don’t understand why people are whining about the matchmaking. It’s the players doing it. There is a team with 5 players who need someone to fight and matchmaking correctly puts them with the best challenge available within about 10 minutes.
Complain about solo queue vs team queue for sure, but shut up about the matchmaking.
then a net decided it would be better to take it out again because teams are having too long queue times…
Come on now. I can understand a little bit of nostalgia. But this is just plain wrong: solo queue times could be over 10-15 minutes, and I was under rank 80 back then! Most solo players were playing in teamq, because there were fewer 4v5s, shorter queue times, better rotations. There were threads about the joke soloq was.
You can be in favor of soloq because the idea appeals to you. You don’t need to reinvent the history of this game to make a point. Or do you?
i was doing a lot of solo queue back then and never had problems with queue times not even in higher MMR brackets (i was in top 1k, nr 18 on the LB top). However i only played untill mid december 2013 so no idea how it was later on
However 4vs5 were a huge problem
Regardless, not having a solo queue is a huge problem atm atleast for me as i play spvp rather casually so i dont have a team. I can only hope that with HoT and the increased playerbase there will be a solo queue option again.
I don’t understand why people are whining about the matchmaking. It’s the players doing it. There is a team with 5 players who need someone to fight and matchmaking correctly puts them with the best challenge available within about 10 minutes.
Complain about solo queue vs team queue for sure, but shut up about the matchmaking.
wut? how hard is it to make the 2 best teams fight each other? The best challenge to a 5 man is another 5 man. Anet wants to limit que time for esport teams so they don’t quit by feed them solo quers, that’s is ALL matchmaking’s fault.
wut? how hard is it to make the 2 best teams fight each other? The best challenge to a 5 man is another 5 man. Anet wants to limit que time for esport teams so they don’t quit by feed them solo quers, that’s is ALL matchmaking’s fault.
I think your misinterpreting what I’m saying. Matchingmaking already does the best job it can based on what’s available. What people whine about is that they’re up against a 5 man when they’re solo. So bring back solo/team queues is a legit argument. “Don’t put me up against a 5 man” is not a legit argument because the matchmaking has no other choice other than to not let the 5 man team play at all.
wut? how hard is it to make the 2 best teams fight each other? The best challenge to a 5 man is another 5 man. Anet wants to limit que time for esport teams so they don’t quit by feed them solo quers, that’s is ALL matchmaking’s fault.
I think your misinterpreting what I’m saying. Matchingmaking already does the best job it can based on what’s available. What people whine about is that they’re up against a 5 man when they’re solo. So bring back solo/team queues is a legit argument. “Don’t put me up against a 5 man” is not a legit argument because the matchmaking has no other choice other than to not let the 5 man team play at all.
that would only be true if there are only 1 team of 5 playing at any given time. I highly doubt that all these people are running into the SAME 5 man. If there are more than 1 team of 5 and match making still CHOOSE to pair solos vs premade then matchmaking should at least make sure the matches are fair and not blowouts.