The monstrous meta the devs made

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: slsharpshooter.5631


Doing my rank points for the day short story for people who have time.

Note these events have trully happaned.

Warm up at soloq as an ele:
So you join a random game where you brawl at mid in an 8v8. Happily bursting down people with fresh air build before getting agroed by the d/d spieces. You get bombarded with heart seekers. Quick! Obsidian flesh! 222222… Stun! 22222… Respawn there is nothing you can do as an ele when facing the braindead thief players.

Hmm guess its not my day for playing eles, so I reroll to an engineer. Join solo queue .
My team had necro, guardian and a thief. Enemy had a ranger, 2 warriors, an ele and a necro. Wait. 4v5? Should I even try? Maybe I can get a few points out of it. So on temple, I go for mid while spamming beacons on map to indicate to my team mid point is important. I ended up going alone against a hammer longbow warrior while the 3 others capped close at the same time -_-. So as I fight the warrior, I get cced to hell with no stunbreakers but managed to down him with my bombs. Then the second warrior came and in the end got downed 2v1. Respawned and encountered the spirit ranger at farm. Had cced the ranger constantly but yet ended up stomped by deer rank withour leaving a scratch on the spirit. Then I see a staff ele, jumping about, laughing away and that was it. I had 10 points for decap and the rest of my team had 0 whilst enemy had at least 100 points each. Might aswell call it farm or be farmed.

I really wanted a win for the day at least, so I went bunker guardian joined my friend and went team queue. Had 5v5 this time. Felt I was deffinetely going to win. I went mid with my friend who was a dps guardian whislt others split between far and close. Luckily for me I had my shout build and cleansed all the conditions, from myself and my friend. We ended up winning the upper hand at mid with a 2v2 but then realised both far and close have been captured. This is legacy of the foefire by the way. So then mid became a 4v2. My team had lost their duels. People kept respawn without rallying or listening to others. And obviously sent themselves to the firing squad… What can a bunker guardian bunker if people can’t capture points? Ended up losing with our lord dead. Turns out we had 2 rank 1 on our team.

I did not pvp again for a while.


So basically newbies can outplay the experienced players. Therefore rewarding low skill over high skill. (Similar trend in wvw)
How do you get 4v5 from start to finish? Are you telling me dishonored is broken and you cannot get stable games for us to enjoy?
In solo q the rules are, you will either annihilate the enemy team or you will get wiped. So tough ****.
You get rank 1 playing tpvp. Seriously what the ****. Put a rank minimum like 10 for people to learn the basics first.

There is no balance.

No skill < skill
Condi < physical
Minion < no minions
Spirit Ranger < God

Anet Dev:
Oh yeah lets reward skilled players, WITH DEATH MUAHAHAH!!!

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Amaterasu.6280


You get bombarded with heart seekers. Quick! Obsidian flesh! 222222… Stun! 22222… Respawn there is nothing you can do as an ele when facing the braindead thief players.

I stopped reading after that. If you can’t even kill these so called “brain dead” thieves who spam 2, then you’re doing something very wrong with your ele. Seems more than a l2p issue.

If you want anet to reward skill, then at least learn to kill heartseeker spamming thieves first before considering yourself skilled.

Kuro – Thief – NA
Undercoverism [UC]

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


good troll bro
meta sucks but you talked nothing about it in your thread. all i saw is complain about heartseeker spamming thieves (trololol) and that you get bad teammates, when you are likely as bad as/worse than them.

(edited by ahuba.6430)

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


@ the OP a pro tip , kill glass first , simples

[WM]give us in game ladder

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


decrypter, your sig says you want gvg, is that wvw style or gw1 style

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: kirito.4138


This is an awesome light novel. When is chapter 2 being released? Hope a manga adaption will be made!
The only exclusive skyhammer stream

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


Although it is really annoying to die to heartseeker spamming thieves, they are not as annoying as they were a few eons back before the nerfs. There are a lot of other frustrating classes and builds to play against right now and heartseeker thieves is not one of them for me. And I play an ele too.

And about the 4v5 thiingy, yeah, matchmaking leaderboards and ranking are TOTALLY BROKEN right now and there’s nothing we can do about it, really. The devs said they have plans of improving these things. Let’s just pray for more patience for now.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Demonts.4593


ele is very strong. just have to learn

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Glass burst Ele complaining about being burst down by a glass HS spamming Thief? O lawd.

all is vain

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


decrypter, your sig says you want gvg, is that wvw style or gw1 style

I’m going to guess what wvw players call 15v15 gvg which is really zerg v zerg

The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: AtoBoss.2906


Lol no offence OP, but you seem very bad yourself. Who even dies to a spamming thief in spvp nowadays? Even as an ele, by spamming aoes and combos, the newb thief should never put a dent in you. (when you’re not expecting it, yes maybe they can sneak that lucky crit and kill you).
And fine, I understand the complaints when you play an ele, but really? as an engi or guard?
But one thing I agree with is that pvers or bads going for the daily should gtfo out of tpvp. The minimal rank of about 15-20 is a good idea.


The monstrous meta the devs made

in PvP

Posted by: Bsgapollo.5364


You get bombarded with heart seekers. Quick! Obsidian flesh! 222222… Stun! 22222… Respawn there is nothing you can do as an ele when facing the braindead thief players.

I stopped reading after that. If you can’t even kill these so called “brain dead” thieves who spam 2, then you’re doing something very wrong with your ele. Seems more than a l2p issue.

If you want anet to reward skill, then at least learn to kill heartseeker spamming thieves first before considering yourself skilled.

Hearthseeker shouldn’t indeed be that big of an issue for a ele. But a S/D thief spamming 3 is a different story. Getting 3k autoattacks, having every single burst skill of yours evaded ain’t fun. Even if you try to time it right there’s very little you can do as an elementalist against a S/D thief.

Level 80 Elementalist, experienced player in pvp, trying out pve for now.