The most absurd PvP games
Wait, 4 Guardians lost on Skyhammer? Rut roh raggy.. :P
I should have screenshotted my team arena game where it matched my #ESPAHTS team versus rabbits and deer Not enough people team qing these days, sad times.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
Wait, 4 Guardians lost on Skyhammer? Rut roh raggy.. :P
You can guess, we were a pathetic view.
In the week I’ve been PvPing this has to be the most absurd game I’ve played.
In the week I’ve been PvPing this has to be the most absurd game I’ve played.
Something must have gone totally wrong :o
What? Unfair match-up? Who said that!?
Yes, insinuations and manipulations!
I can’t see anything unfair, average rank 3,6 for one of the teams vs 27, 6 for the other.
I should have screenshotted my team arena game where it matched my #ESPAHTS team versus rabbits and deer
Not enough people team qing these days, sad times.
Can’t really say nobody expected that.
The TPvP population is depressingly small… the reason Anet wants to split solo and group que is because they can’t create good enough match making for the small population…
Both of those things, bad matchmaking and a small population, are the very reasons a split que can’t work… team que will turn into a ghost town and few people are willing to play a game entirely solo…
I’ve been calling it, the game is going to be pretty much deserted, when it comes to PvP, by the end of the year.
Anet seems keen to drive away anyone who wants to like this game.
(edited by garethh.3518)
Had 4 games last night in solo q. No leavers. No ragers. No really felt unfair matchups. How absurd!
The most absurd game is played with our hopes for guildwars pvp.
The most absurd game is played with our hopes for guildwars pvp.
You made me exhale a little quicker than usual, +1.
still won but…. too much kitten
My last game, we started with 4, then 1 left in the middle of the match and we ended up with 3. We still would win if we had 4. If you can see the chat box they accused us of cheating :/
(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)
Balanced much…the one who left @ 400 was mercenary so..yeah…old (Like 3 months ago) but gold matchmaking at it’s finest, engi also crashed for 2 minutes lol…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
kitten I should have taken a pic of the match yesterday.
Team 1: 5 Theives and 1 Guardian
Team 2: 6 Mesmers
Team 2 lost. Badly. O.o
I’m done. I play for fun and it’s just… not fun. Okay?
Let me help you: their average rank is 31, 2 our is 13, 4.
For some reason they were grouped all 5 35 secs before the game starts, till we were only me and the other guard, lvl 1.