The one change...

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


Most of the changes are as expected. Kudos for fixing the pet names issue at long last. That was one reason I never took ranger seriously.

The one change though: “Matchmaking rules are configured so that teams are intended to have even odds of victory. This matches the behavior of Unranked Arena and Ranked Arena before leagues.”

Thank you ANET, this won’t bring back many players that have bled away in S2 and S3 but it may staunch the wounds some. The voice of reason has been heard at last. I hope this carries into S4.

Mesmerising Girl

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


I really admire your ability to willfully misunderstand the things Anet posts.

Read it again. More carefully this time.

Just in case you still don’t understand, they simply brought back the old ranked pre-leagues for off-season only. S4 is going to be very similar to S3 because they don’t want 50/50 forced matchmaking because it’s counter-intuitive to a competitive ranking system.

(edited by Vicky.4563)

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I don’t agree. Competition presupposes a level playing field. In fact, having an uneven game going in is “counter-intuitive” to competition generally.

We don’t make (European) football “competitive” by building a field tilted 15 degrees and taking the lowest team in the league and putting them on the low side, Highest team on the high side.

That’s not competition, it’s a setup.

Mesmerising Girl

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


I don’t agree. Competition presupposes a level playing field. In fact, having an uneven game going in is “counter-intuitive” to competition generally.

We don’t make (European) football “competitive” by building a field tilted 15 degrees and taking the lowest team in the league and putting them on the low side, Highest team on the high side.

That’s not competition, it’s a setup.

I’m pretty sure they don’t shuffle team members between the teams before a match (in sports).

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: OriOri.8724


I really admire your ability to willfully misunderstand the things Anet posts.

Read it again. More carefully this time.

Just in case you still don’t understand, they simply brought back the old ranked pre-leagues for off-season only. S4 is going to be very similar to S3 because they don’t want 50/50 forced matchmaking because it’s counter-intuitive to a competitive ranking system.

Wow just wow. So you are saying that a matchmaking system that stacks the teams before the match starts to predetermine the outcome is healthy for a competitive mode, yet a system that tries to actually match teams fairly so that the team that plays better wins is bad? This is incredible

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


Players of similar skill level are put together. They are then pitted again a random group of players (who were also lumped together based on their skill level) that are in the same pip range as them.

The players who have a higher skill level move up. The lower ones go down.

That’s a ranking system. It’s more fair than splitting up all the good players and forcing them to carry lesser skilled players.

It only seems rigged to you if you’re in the bottom 10% of skill level. Because then 90% of the players you face are better than you.

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: SlimChance.6593


If you want to “stack a team”, then go ahead and do it the old fashioned way. Don’t let the MM do it for you.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


So, you do support pre-setting the winning team. Further You claim that this is a “more fair” than a match in which both sides have an equal chance.

I can’t see how that position can be supported logically.

To return to the topic; I hope that S4 continues even matchmaking.

Mesmerising Girl

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


So, you do support pre-setting the winning team. Further You claim that this is a “more fair” than a match in which both sides have an equal chance.

I can’t see how that position can be supported logically.

To return to the topic; I hope that S4 continues even matchmaking.

No, I support teams being composed of players with homogeneous skill levels. I think that is very fair. That is the most fair thing ever.

It’s think it’s very unfair and selfish to ask a few player to shoulder the extra burden of carrying teammates who aren’t up to their level. It makes a very unfun experience for one guy to constantly have to babysit their teammates.

I can’t see how it’s logical to expect one player to put in all the work while his remaining teammates skill click, walk into DH traps and stand there, or waste decoys to generate extra clones for no reason. I suppose if you were the player getting carried it might seem like a good deal, but it’s a very selfish viewpoint.

Either way, thankfully the devs have already commented that S4 will not see any significant changes from S3. Good thing they listen to the majority of the playerbase instead of the very vocal minority.

(edited by Vicky.4563)

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I would contend that in fact, when the odds are relatively even everyone is able to do there part.

It’s a bit far fetched to think any one “good” player can carry a team, as Season 3 amply demonstrated. The argument that “good” players are burdened by even teams isn’t supported by the experience of the past two seasons.

I think, on the contrary, that it’s a very selfish viewpoint to want to be placed on teams pre-chosen to win. It’s also not much of an accomplishment to win when you were chosen and set up to win.

Mesmerising Girl

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


Don’t bother trying to convince people who get free wins cuz they get put on the better teams and versus the weaker teams that there’s something wrong with that because they only think of themselves and don’t give 2 kitten’s about anyone else and NEVER will want things to be fair cuz then they’d have to actually try and who wants that…. It’s a waste of energy really, talking to brick walls.

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


I would contend that in fact, when the odds are relatively even everyone is able to do there part.

It’s a bit far fetched to think any one “good” player can carry a team, as Season 3 amply demonstrated. The argument that “good” players are burdened by even teams isn’t supported by the experience of the past two seasons.

I think, on the contrary, that it’s a very selfish viewpoint to want to be placed on teams pre-chosen to win. It’s also not much of an accomplishment to win when you were chosen and set up to win.

It’s funny how you keep claiming they’re being pre-chosen when they’re facing random teams within a pip range. It’s hardly their fault that there aren’t 5 other players who are equally as good as them. The superior team will keep rising until they hit players equal or better than them, and the losing team will keep losing until they hit players who are equal or worse than them.

I myself started losing games when I hit legend. I don’t call those players pre-chosen to win. They were simply superior to me and I acknowledge that. I’ll make no excuses about being stuck with bad teammates or unfair matchmaking. I hit better players and sank down until I hit lower players and went back and forth between them.

My reaction you see, is not to demand those better players be split up between the two teams. I reaction is to try and improve myself and get closer to their level.

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Reveille.8397


I would love to know how it is balanced when I am playing RANKED as a solo, and I keep seeing this same trio of players that not only have the same similar user names, but also the same guild tag.

That should be enough to raise flags, but then I wondered why i keep seeing them on the opposing team…why am I never paired with this premade? Something is definitely wrong with this.

Why can’t groups play against other groups? Partial groups against partial groups even?

Even worse than that is the fact that you can literally be in first place, have an amazing score and yet it means nothing because the winning team will still get more and advance more. Please read the below:


Now even if this is because a player is new and thus stuck in a lower league, obviously the system is not balanced then because its like putting an NBA dream team against an Elementary School basketball team, and then telling them after they lose to “get good” if they want a different result. Any time you remove randomness, you will run into “stacked” matches and if you think that players don’t leave games because of this far more than any other reason…think again. This issue is far worse than class issues because changing a class is easy enough, but we have no choice as to this league matching…Now explain to me why leagues can’t be random or at least have a “Team League” and “Solo League” option???

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Reaper Alim.4176

Reaper Alim.4176

I really admire your ability to willfully misunderstand the things Anet posts.

Read it again. More carefully this time.

Just in case you still don’t understand, they simply brought back the old ranked pre-leagues for off-season only. S4 is going to be very similar to S3 because they don’t want 50/50 forced matchmaking because it’s counter-intuitive to a competitive ranking system.

Wow just wow. So you are saying that a matchmaking system that stacks the teams before the match starts to predetermine the outcome is healthy for a competitive mode, yet a system that tries to actually match teams fairly so that the team that plays better wins is bad? This is incredible

Yup I agree and “That Guy” is only one of the highly vocal people on these forums sprouting the same thing. “ANET FED ME EFFORTLESS WINS SO I FEEL GOOD!” This in it self is why GW2 Ranked Matches from season 1 to 3 are the big laughing stock of the whole Competitive PvP gaming community. That’s also why AFKers are so prevalent in this game more so then any other game I’ve played in the past and present. Tho it will be interesting to see how ANet handles the new report features…

I maybe a troll with class.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Vicky.4563


I really admire your ability to willfully misunderstand the things Anet posts.

Read it again. More carefully this time.

Just in case you still don’t understand, they simply brought back the old ranked pre-leagues for off-season only. S4 is going to be very similar to S3 because they don’t want 50/50 forced matchmaking because it’s counter-intuitive to a competitive ranking system.

Wow just wow. So you are saying that a matchmaking system that stacks the teams before the match starts to predetermine the outcome is healthy for a competitive mode, yet a system that tries to actually match teams fairly so that the team that plays better wins is bad? This is incredible

Yup I agree and “That Guy” is only one of the highly vocal people on these forums sprouting the same thing. “ANET FED ME EFFORTLESS WINS SO I FEEL GOOD!” This in it self is why GW2 Ranked Matches from season 1 to 3 are the big laughing stock of the whole Competitive PvP gaming community. That’s also why AFKers are so prevalent in this game more so then any other game I’ve played in the past and present. Tho it will be interesting to see how ANet handles the new report features…

S1 was the laughing stock? I thought players like yourself and OP adored S1 matchmaking because everyone and their grandma could get to Legendary by grinding 500 games because they’d never be matched against increasingly stronger players.

Sadly, I’m not the type of player who enjoys pointless grinds and knowing no matter how badly I do, I’ll always end up with a 50% chance of winning. If I’m a bad player, I want to be having 10% chance of winning. The better I get the higher my win rate becomes.

That’s the challenge I want. Not having a matchmaking system artificially adjust every games just so you feel like it’s “fair”. Not having some computer in the background thinking you won too much, so it’s time to stick some terrible players on your team. Or thinking you lost too much, so it’s time to stick some good players on your team to make up for your losses.

If you are bad, you do badly. If you are good, you do well. And if that means one day I’ll lose 300 games in a row because I’m the worst player in GW2 PvP history, I’ll be perfectly fine with that.

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Zynt.5769


Ranked can be a funny beast. I remember before the leagues were introduced, you’d go into Ranked when you wanted matches against skilled players that knew what they were doing.

These days you see people in ranked multi capping nodes, not defending points, rushing into a 3v1 over and over, using all their skills in succession instead of using them when they’re needed etc.

If all you’re after is wins to get the legendary backpiece, unless the player pool increases so that Anet will bring back solo q, all you can do is try to work with the system instead of against it i.e make a pre-made team with other players.

The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Trigr.6481


Please see below for my response to all this. Thank you.


The one change...

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Most of the changes are as expected. Kudos for fixing the pet names issue at long last. That was one reason I never took ranger seriously.

The one change though: “Matchmaking rules are configured so that teams are intended to have even odds of victory. This matches the behavior of Unranked Arena and Ranked Arena before leagues.”

Thank you ANET, this won’t bring back many players that have bled away in S2 and S3 but it may staunch the wounds some. The voice of reason has been heard at last. I hope this carries into S4.

I am sorry for your lost.

It’s Match-making for “off-season” so you can work your MMR there before the next.

Pips range will matter on season 4, unless they say so.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.