The original decap engy
Did you use AR?
There’s nothing new about this kind of build. The meta changed around it that only has people qq-ing now about it.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
so u created the running in circles in a circle and knocking people off points?
I think that Aussie is just joking.. but it’s hard to tell.
Either way, laying claim the current Decap Engineer is like me running a pure glass, Greatsword & Axe/Shield Warrior again, and said I invented bulls charge 100blades.
Just because builds are included and excluded from the meta doesn’t mean you get to ‘re-invent’ them, lol.
New Twitter: @chaithhh
I kid I kid :P
dat bunkering doe. Seriously that was hilarious to watch you can have all my internets.
Pretty obvious that your opponents are quite new to this game, but it shows well how hard AR carries, even if not well played(no offense, but you seriously should work on your dodges dude, especially while running Elixir R).
Finally nerf AR a-net, theres nothing more you need to do. Other engi specs won´t get touched, whats a great thing because they´re in a pretty much perfect spot from a balance pov.
(edited by Mister Fluffkin.7358)
Pretty obvious that your opponents are quite new to this game
well this video was uploaded only 3 months after release,
so everyone was new to the game XD
Pretty obvious that your opponents are quite new to this game, but it shows well how hard AR carries, even if not well played(no offense, but you seriously should work on your dodges dude, especially while running Elixir R).
Read the description I had been playing the class for two hours and this video is from over a year ago lol