The plague that is AFK
Another problem with option 3 is that it could very easily be used by a team blaming a loss on one person, not because they were afk, but just because they were bad. You may be annoyed by bad players all you like, but in no way do they deserve to get nailed with afk penalties.
absoluetly. I can’t find a viable solution on my own, I want this thread to be about thinking all together. And if Anet can have a look too, they know this stuff better than we do.
People will AFK if they feel the match is unwinnable, there isn’t much you can do against human nature. Some form of punishment might work, or it might scare them off pvp if it’s too harsh.
I agree and understand. But human nature is to avoid punishment. They know that nothing is gonna happen to them if they AFK, so they do it.
In my last match, the guy that AFKd and had done it before and was doing it again. But whenhe saw we were maintaining the score without him, he rejoned. Although he said some unsavory things and by that point everyone was just yelling and disorganized and we lost.
I like to believe that if there was consequence to such action, people would ^push when possible to retake control and win.
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
People will AFK if they feel the match is unwinnable, there isn’t much you can do against human nature. Some form of punishment might work, or it might scare them off pvp if it’s too harsh.
Flat out wrong. I just posted because this game is getting A-W-F-U-L and wrought with those who AFK immediately.
And I’m up for scaring AFKers off lol!
Maybe ask Arena net for a Auto move feature. i mean it’s the last thing remaining
They already have:
-auto aim through options and an increased in channeled abilities.
-auto proc evades
-auto immunities both power and condition
-auto defensive procs
-auto offensive procs
this will be the next great thing, we are but one change away from becoming bots! for the health of esport’s they should hurry up with this last implimantion.
That post is literally not related. Thanks for the bump.
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
Give the players decent matchups and many of them will just stop afking. The reason ANet is not able to ban the afkers is proable because their are more players that afk during kittenty stomp fests then there are players actually playing the game mode right now.
Yall kept pushing highly lop sided match apond them. Now they push afking on yall. I think it’s a fair trade, don’t you?
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
Sure it does,
I can almost guarantee if you allow bot’s you will see no diffrence between them and a normal player. and you wouldn’t have to worry about afk player’s anymore….
I was in a game earlier today, we were 300 points behind with 100 to go to end it, our thief AFK’s. Instantly another player starts raging that he is costing us the game.
I think people get so upset at losing that they lose sight of whats really happening and just start raging and pointing fingers. The raging player was also the least valuable, kinda ironic. I joined the thief for the last 30 sec.
16 out of 25 matches so far, have been AFK for me.
I only had 1 left for ruby T___T. ONE!!!
And no matter if you report them… the pips are gone… GONE!!!
If there is an MMR hell the afkers deserve to be on the ninth level of it.
I think this could be resolved by community volunteer officials with an observer mode feature. Just filter it so it gives a generic name for people like blueNecro1 so people can’t be biased by names and guilds. That way you can dish out immediate punishments.
Two better ways for Anet to handle it:
1) Fix the terrible matchmaking.
2) Give players an incentive to keep playing an unwinnable match.
Players will naturally stop AFKing.
I think people get so upset at losing that they lose sight of whats really happening and just start raging and pointing fingers.
QFT. Honestly, I never see anyone AFK until it’s very clear which team was chosen by matchmaking to win.
I think people get so upset at losing that they lose sight of whats really happening and just start raging and pointing fingers.
QFT. Honestly, I never see anyone AFK until it’s very clear which team was chosen by matchmaking to win.
Me neither. It’s been very long time since I’ve seen somebody throw a game by going afk. They throw games by not utilizing brain tissue in the first place.
Usually ppl go afk towards the end in a blowout game. While it is possible to win a game when you’re 300 points behind its rare. And you can in most cases see if its possible or not.
Just had a ranked game (legendary) where an ele and a war who queued up together Akitten the entire match from start. Literally no idea why this kind of behavior is allowed to continue.
I already wrote it that i prefer a vote system to kick someone out.
If four players vote one out he gets kicked and dishonour. (Which cumulates of course)
This can´t be done by 4 player teams to vote the fifth out and it won´t save you loosing a pip.
so it could also used against extreamly rude persons. And you need all four to vote someone out so it´s not to easy. Still won´t solve evrything but it gives players an option to do something to AFK ers and trolls.
(edited by Wolfric.9380)
Ask yourself this then. In all of the time GW2 as a game has been a thing. Why is afking just becoming a problem more and more with this league system? Why is this only a problem in GW2 and really very few other games if any at all? What made these players just so jaded to their fellow community members to utilize this behavior? What can ANet do to get the AFK problem back under control? What can I do to help control the problem?
Those are the questions you should be asking before you start the witch hunt for the akers. Also in must cases you should just stop blaming the afker for your loses, because from my observation 9 times out of 10 the match is already lost before one or more players start afking.
Also what does afk means to you? To me it mean away from keyboard, most of these players are clearly not, so how can ANet punish them for AFKing when they are not afking?
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
I’ll just repost this in this afk thread as well for yall.
Ask yourself this then. In all of the time GW2 as a game has been a thing. Why is afking just becoming a problem more and more with this league system? Why is this only a problem in GW2 and really very few other games if any at all? What made these players just so jaded to their fellow community members to utilize this behavior? What can ANet do to get the AFK problem back under control? What can I do to help control the problem?
Those are the questions you should be asking before you start the witch hunt for the akers. Also in must cases you should just stop blaming the afker for your loses, because from my observation 9 times out of 10 the match is already lost before one or more players start afking.
Also what does afk means to you? To me it mean away from keyboard, most of these players are clearly not, so how can ANet punish them for AFKing when they are not afking?
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
There were plenty of AFKers before leagues were introduced, though. They just didn’t kitten people off quite so much as you didn’t lose progress because of them, and queues were rarely 15+ minutes back then. We’ve been asking for an AFK/leecher report option for over 3 years now, not just since the introduction of leagues.
Yep as soon as others are punished for one´s faults, people get upset. Very natural. So pip loss escalates AFK behavior. Rewarding people to fight would be a good thing. No pip loss if the team goes over 400 points would be one step.
Sins, I’ve been PVPing from the start, and I don’t remember leeching ever occurring in pretty much every single match, like it does now.
The issue here is not whether you agree or not with AFKing or how to define it.
The issue is that people decide to forfeit games but don’t have a consequence to their actions, which affect other players.
If you AFK during pve events, it mostly just affects you, unless people AFK in mass, which then affects the game map. We saw this when Raids were first introduced and at some point in SW if I’m not mistaken.
Like I said above: fix matchmaking and/or give an incentive for players to play to the end, the problem will mostly fix itself. Add some punishment to that, fine. But it seems like it’d be a lot easier to work on the underlying problem rather than the symptom.
afk is a problem in many games. I don’t see how it is something special to GW2.
And Anet needs to finally ban for going afk in a match and give us a report option that does something.
Piken Square EU, maybe soon on your server.
I think people get so upset at losing that they lose sight of whats really happening and just start raging and pointing fingers.
QFT. Honestly, I never see anyone AFK until it’s very clear which team was chosen by matchmaking to win.
I have. Still, i think that the main problem is that there’s no incentive to play well when you see you’re going to lose anyway.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
After the admins processes the report for botting, those guyz get Dishonor Stack and you should not see them into your MMR range soon.
**To all AFKer’s, you are wrecking your games up:
It is possible to have stacks of dishonor without having an active timeout because dishonor decays at a much slower rate
Dishonor is considered in the PvP Matchmaking Algorithm by preferring to place players with other players that also have dishonor.**
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
It may be from Overwatch, but I believe the mentality should carry over regardless.
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
Give the players decent matchups and many of them will just stop afking. The reason ANet is not able to ban the afkers is proable because their are more players that afk during kittenty stomp fests then there are players actually playing the game mode right now.
Yall kept pushing highly lop sided match apond them. Now they push afking on yall. I think it’s a fair trade, don’t you?
I was in a game earlier today, we were 300 points behind with 100 to go to end it, our thief AFK’s. Instantly another player starts raging that he is costing us the game.
I think people get so upset at losing that they lose sight of whats really happening and just start raging and pointing fingers. The raging player was also the least valuable, kinda ironic. I joined the thief for the last 30 sec.
Also this ^
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
Give the players decent matchups and many of them will just stop afking. The reason ANet is not able to ban the afkers is proable because their are more players that afk during kittenty stomp fests then there are players actually playing the game mode right now.
Yall kept pushing highly lop sided match apond them. Now they push afking on yall. I think it’s a fair trade, don’t you?
From a primarily unranked perspective, there are a LOT of players that afk from the beginning. A lot of it seems to go “Oh, the enemy team has 2 ele’s (or any other combination of classes that is currently brokenly powerful, or when a rando group of solo-queuers get stuck against a high-diamond 5-man)? I’m afk, GL guys” before the match has even started.
On one hand, this is INCREDIBLY crappy behavior from the players, but on the other it speaks to how unbalanced PVP and the matchmaker is currently.
Speaking strictly from an unranked perspective, probably 15% of my matches will have at least 1 player AFK from before the gates even open, and probably 70% will have someone AFK at some point. I know that, being unranked, it’s not like I’m losing progress because of it, but it pretty well guarantees I won’t gain ground either.
I’ve even had matches where 2 or 3 players were AFK from the onset, including players that were grouped together.
Couple options I can think of:
-if you’re inactive a set amount of time (no combat, let’s say 1 minute) you get ejected from the match automatically.
I can’t think of any possible scenario where a legitimate player won’t hit/be hit by anything for a whole minute in PVP. But just in case, I’ll take a page from WoW’s battlegrounds circa Burning Crusade:
-no movement for 30 seconds and you’re ejected from the match
Now, why do I choose ejecting them from the match? Win, lose, or tie they get NOTHING from the match. No reason to afk because no reward. It would also encourage people to keep fighting even in a losing game. Perhaps put in a mechanism that prevents pip loss for league players if someone on their team got auto-booted.
Now to a second point: Slightly increase rank gain/reward track progress for losses. The win bonus is a heck of a lot of progress, why not throw in something like a “persistent defender” bonus (something like a “you lost, but you held/captured X number of points against a superior force, here lemme double those measly 5 points per cap” thing) for people who lost but put their soul into it? It would also help legitimately good players that got stuck on bad/AFK/troll teams.
Going AFK is also a result of match making as implemnted, If a real amber/saphire (level) guy teams with its legendary friend anet treats him as legendary player. Well that was easy to implement I guess.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
The problem is people afk or try to throw the match when the team does something they don’t agree with. I had a match with a comp of nec, eng, thief, druid, druid. I was playing druid and called home. The other druid went off on me for not having the thief go home, and complained that the other had an ele and we were going to lose.
The other team sent their eng to our home and our team sent 4 mid. I was eventually able to full cap the node. In the mean time the druid had died mid and come home. Then told the eng in say chat to kill him and sat down. He then proceeded to attack the doors on foefire and die at the lord go the rest of the match. Fortunately the rest of my teammates just ignored him and kept playing. We were able to out rotate the ele and get enough points to keep the match close. Our eng wad the able to go finish the lord for the win.
The point is most of the afkers are so clueless that they don’t know they are the reason their tams are bad.
Once again, we have individual players who get reported multiple times hours apart today, yesterday, last week and nothing is done. I’m not even talking about people “no use in not afking because we can’t save a pip mode.” I’m talking people running out to the map, sitting and just afking. I know you wanted to move the entire Dev team to raids, but keeping at least one person watching reports would be cool.
This PvP season has been a blast. I made a whole thread on it. Today, even with logging to take breaks for hours at a time, I’m running into the same 4 people afking. If I’m going to lose, at least make it fun.
Give the players decent matchups and many of them will just stop afking. The reason ANet is not able to ban the afkers is proable because their are more players that afk during kittenty stomp fests then there are players actually playing the game mode right now.
Yall kept pushing highly lop sided match apond them. Now they push afking on yall. I think it’s a fair trade, don’t you?
You can’t fix stupid people. You can try to reason with them but most of the time they are so worked up they are irrational. They need an immediate time out.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
You can’t fix stupid people. You can try to reason with them but most of the time they are so worked up they are irrational. They need an immediate time out.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
Says the guy who came back at my posts of “Logic” with such a ignorant remark. Lol
Dude come at me with logic, and a solution, not more tantrums because you are bias.
You are really not happy at all yourself you know. And that’s why ANet will not bend to your will, unless they don’t mind putting the nail in the coffin of what little reputation their company still have. Listening to people like your self Faux Play.6104 ANet would be on the same page as Ubisoft kings of the kittenters.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
-if you’re inactive a set amount of time (no combat, let’s say 1 minute) you get ejected from the match automatically. I can’t think of any possible scenario where a legitimate player won’t hit/be hit by anything for a whole minute in PVP.
There are a TON of scenarios. A lot of strategic play, e.g. backcapping, is often done OOC. Regrouping is done OOC. Waiting for enemies to respawn after you’ve steamrolled them is done OOC. Avoiding a 1v5 (after the rest of your team wiped at mid while you were capping home, for example) is done OOC. Basically this would eject active players every single match, unless you increase the OOC limit to, say, five minutes.
Also, the losing team could easily force a match-wide eject simply by avoiding combat.
-no movement for 30 seconds and you’re ejected from the match
This would probably end up ejecting a lot of active players unintentionally, while not really doing anything about the leechers since they’re typically not actually AFK. There’s already something like this in place. No movement or skills used for 2min or something. And it does nothing about leechers, just requires them to hit a key every now and then.
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
If you want me to use your analogy, you don’t cure addicts and you cant reason with them. it doesn’t matter what drove them to do whatever they are doing.
Either natural selection will take its course, or the person will hit rock bottom and try to get help. The afkers need an intervention.
P.S. I see little to no logic on anything you posted
You can’t fix stupid people. You can try to reason with them but most of the time they are so worked up they are irrational. They need an immediate time out.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
Says the guy who came back at my posts of “Logic” with such a ignorant remark. Lol
Dude come at me with logic, and a solution, not more tantrums because you are bias.
You are really not happy at all yourself you know. And that’s why ANet will not bend to your will, unless they don’t mind putting the nail in the coffin of what little reputation their company still have. Listening to people like your self Faux Play.6104 ANet would be on the same page as Ubisoft kings of the kittenters.
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
If you want me to use your analogy, you don’t cure addicts and you cant reason with them. it doesn’t matter what drove them to do whatever they are doing.
Either natural selection will take its course, or the person will hit rock bottom and try to get help. The afkers need an intervention.P.S. I see little to no logic on anything you posted
You can’t fix stupid people. You can try to reason with them but most of the time they are so worked up they are irrational. They need an immediate time out.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
Says the guy who came back at my posts of “Logic” with such a ignorant remark. Lol
Dude come at me with logic, and a solution, not more tantrums because you are bias.
You are really not happy at all yourself you know. And that’s why ANet will not bend to your will, unless they don’t mind putting the nail in the coffin of what little reputation their company still have. Listening to people like your self Faux Play.6104 ANet would be on the same page as Ubisoft kings of the kittenters.
Ok now read what you just typed here? Ok you are done? Ok now based on what you said is kitten everyone dealing with problems but yourself. You gives no kitten about them or their time as long as you get what you want, the bottom line or in this case “The Legendary” Back piece. Basically all I got out of you is screw these people and the problem they are having, I just want them to not be my problem, because [reasons I will not even begin to put on these fourms.]
But really man if you truely feel that way. I really feel sorry for you. But again by punishing the current afkers without dealing with the problem, sure will get rid of the current afkers. But the way the system works other players will have to fill these players shoes on the short bus. After a while if not soon, they’ll start afking as well because the problems that makes people afk in the first place have not been dealt with. And then the cycle just start repeating it’s self over and over and over again till guess what you have a nice pvp population of 20 players till 10 of those players start getting the same treatment and sooner or later they start AFKing. They’ll get bann as well and so on and so on.
With is why more then likely the reason ANet will not deal with the so called “AFKers”. I know this is something hard for such a pitiful selfish individual like your self to take, that is calling others selfish with no care as to the reason.
I don’t know maybe ANet should start banning the players on the team that throw games or troll others. Like for instance, players who instantly die 10 times or players that fight off point when the enemy team has 2 points cap. Or ban players who can not win a 3v1 or 4v2 advantage. Because you know what these players have impacted my gameplay [Past tense because I’ve moved on to greener pastures till ANet fix the match maker system] and are giving the enemy team free wins and giving me certain pip loses. I’ll be more then willing to bet Faux Play.6104 you are one of these said players then turn around to cry bloody murder when others just “stopped trying” to get on to the next match.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
(edited by Reaper Alim.4176)
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
It would required ingame GMs that watch every single match.
I played COD some time ago on a server which was pretty strict. If you called someone a noob you got a “be nice!” warning. If you kept being rude you got banned for a few hours.
These actions have to be taken instantly. Not delayed. Interupt agressions before they escalate.
If you want to punish afkers (which punishment is fair? 10 mins dishonour pvp ban? 20 mins?) it is a lot of work for Anet. People will adapt. They will just run into enemies and suicide. If you try to ban these people you will see many false bans of active players who are just bad – but still doing their best.
You will see way more hostile comments, because players are forced to stay in the game which will cause more rage.
An improved matchmaking helps to reduce afkers. I think it was a really good idea to put former high divisions players into different divisions at season start. Give us an /resign option for lost matchs.
A good workaround would be: form a team. Your teammates won’t afk.
First page down to the bottom of the page my gut was right on the money. Faux Play.6104 seems to be another one of these unskilled players in the wrong division, not by skill but because he was carried. So yeah Faux don’t mind me if I take everything you said or say as a joke. lol Just ridiculous the nerve of such people. I think it’s time for Natural Selection to deal with Faux Play.6104 at this point.
But at least I admit it!
PoF guys get ready for PvE joys
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
It would required ingame GMs that watch every single match.
I played COD some time ago on a server which was pretty strict. If you called someone a noob you got a “be nice!” warning. If you kept being rude you got banned for a few hours.
These actions have to be taken instantly. Not delayed. Interupt agressions before they escalate.If you want to punish afkers (which punishment is fair? 10 mins dishonour pvp ban? 20 mins?) it is a lot of work for Anet. People will adapt. They will just run into enemies and suicide. If you try to ban these people you will see many false bans of active players who are just bad – but still doing their best.
You will see way more hostile comments, because players are forced to stay in the game which will cause more rage.An improved matchmaking helps to reduce afkers. I think it was a really good idea to put former high divisions players into different divisions at season start. Give us an /resign option for lost matchs.
A good workaround would be: form a team. Your teammates won’t afk.
This is exactly what a lot of people don’t understand. It isn’t the AFKers that need correcting, it’s the underlying issues creating the AFK problem. You start dolling out punishments and the clever ones will just suicide repeatedly out of spite. You can’t ban them for that.
This could easily be solved by having community members volunteer to officiate matches and review games through an observer mode. I mentioned this at the beginning of the thread. All that would be needed is to filter out the names and guilds of the players involved.
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
It would required ingame GMs that watch every single match.
I played COD some time ago on a server which was pretty strict. If you called someone a noob you got a “be nice!” warning. If you kept being rude you got banned for a few hours.
These actions have to be taken instantly. Not delayed. Interupt agressions before they escalate.If you want to punish afkers (which punishment is fair? 10 mins dishonour pvp ban? 20 mins?) it is a lot of work for Anet. People will adapt. They will just run into enemies and suicide. If you try to ban these people you will see many false bans of active players who are just bad – but still doing their best.
You will see way more hostile comments, because players are forced to stay in the game which will cause more rage.An improved matchmaking helps to reduce afkers. I think it was a really good idea to put former high divisions players into different divisions at season start. Give us an /resign option for lost matchs.
A good workaround would be: form a team. Your teammates won’t afk.
I got to Diamond tonight, and 2 of the first 3 matches had one person quit after the first mid wipe. We only lost one match by 100. The other was a blowout, but it doesn’t matter… these people need to be banned from pvp. They don’t deserve our effort and they don’t deserve to keep hurting other teams.
I’m not aware of any competitive environment that seeks to understand why players are committing fouls. You get called for committing a foul and you get punished accordingly. The ref does not come out and say, geee Johnnie you know you aren’t supposed to just drag someone down in the penalty box. Here lets look at the tape and see why you are out of position so this won’t happen again. Johnnie gets a card and the other team gets a penalty kick.
As for incentive to actually compete and play the game try reading about how the match making system works.
- A volatility measurement is also included to indicate the degree of fluctuation in a player’s rating. The higher the volatility, the more the rating fluctuates. Volatility changes over time in response to how you play the game. During periods of stability, your volatility should remain low, and reciprocally. The point of this is to allow the system to hone in on your appropriate rating as quickly as possible.
- The first phase, called filtering, gathers players based on their current MMR and Ladder Points. The primary purpose of this phase is to both reduce the number of players being considered for a match, and to ensure that the match is appropriate given each player’s skill level. Over time, padding is added to your player rating and ladder points. While this may decrease match quality, it helps ensure that outliers still receive matches.
- The second phase of the algorithm is the scoring phase. During this phase each player is scored against every other player being considered for matchmaking. The metrics used during this phase include: rating, rank, party size, profession, ladder position, and dishonor. With each metric the system is looking for players that are as close as possible to the average of those already selected. The system also attempts to keep the number of duplicate professions to a minimum.
A man of logic such as yourself would realize the only thing intentionally playing poorly is going to do for you is force the match maker to give you suboptimal matches. Your rating will have a high variability, the ladder portion of your overall rating system going to be affected, and you have the potential to get dishonor. All of these will increase your odds of you being teamed with worse teammates.
This is a behavior problem. You fix behavior problems with immediate and certain consequences.
If you want me to use your analogy, you don’t cure addicts and you cant reason with them. it doesn’t matter what drove them to do whatever they are doing.
Either natural selection will take its course, or the person will hit rock bottom and try to get help. The afkers need an intervention.P.S. I see little to no logic on anything you posted
You can’t fix stupid people. You can try to reason with them but most of the time they are so worked up they are irrational. They need an immediate time out.
My point stands banning players that afk is not the solution. It’ll just add another problem onto the AFK problem, where now you still have players “afking” not really partaking in the match, but on top of that you make a near death player population into a ghost town population just say of 25 players playing.
We’ve learn this with many 1st world countries “War on Drugs” policies. Punishing the players partaking of this activitly just makes the problem worst by huge degree. You have to get to the cause of the problem and solve it. At that point you’ll find far less people doing these sort of activities. Mainly because their is no reason to.
But most of these people on these forums just want their cake and eat it too. So instead of herping at ANet to give players that are going to lose the match say 1 minute in a reason to continue fighting, instead of saying “kitten this kitten I’m going to watch youtube till this kittenty match-up is over.” They rather these people to be victimized even greater for playing a game they paid for, when in fact they just wanted to enjoy a nice competitive bit of MMO sPvP in GW2.
Says the guy who came back at my posts of “Logic” with such a ignorant remark. Lol
Dude come at me with logic, and a solution, not more tantrums because you are bias.
You are really not happy at all yourself you know. And that’s why ANet will not bend to your will, unless they don’t mind putting the nail in the coffin of what little reputation their company still have. Listening to people like your self Faux Play.6104 ANet would be on the same page as Ubisoft kings of the kittenters.Ok now read what you just typed here? Ok you are done? Ok now based on what you said is kitten everyone dealing with problems but yourself. You gives no kitten about them or their time as long as you get what you want, the bottom line or in this case “The Legendary” Back piece. Basically all I got out of you is screw these people and the problem they are having, I just want them to not be my problem, because [reasons I will not even begin to put on these fourms.]
But really man if you truely feel that way. I really feel sorry for you. But again by punishing the current afkers without dealing with the problem, sure will get rid of the current afkers. But the way the system works other players will have to fill these players shoes on the short bus. After a while if not soon, they’ll start afking as well because the problems that makes people afk in the first place have not been dealt with. And then the cycle just start repeating it’s self over and over and over again till guess what you have a nice pvp population of 20 players till 10 of those players start getting the same treatment and sooner or later they start AFKing. They’ll get bann as well and so on and so on.
With is why more then likely the reason ANet will not deal with the so called “AFKers”. I know this is something hard for such a pitiful selfish individual like your self to take, that is calling others selfish with no care as to the reason.
I don’t know maybe ANet should start banning the players on the team that throw games or troll others. Like for instance, players who instantly die 10 times or players that fight off point when the enemy team has 2 points cap. Or ban players who can not win a 3v1 or 4v2 advantage. Because you know what these players have impacted my gameplay [Past tense because I’ve moved on to greener pastures till ANet fix the match maker system] and are giving the enemy team free wins and giving me certain pip loses. I’ll be more then willing to bet Faux Play.6104 you are one of these said players then turn around to cry bloody murder when others just “stopped trying” to get on to the next match.
(edited by Faux Play.6104)