The poll is in!

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


The poll has concluded! The final results (not including “Don’t Count My Vote”) are:
79.1% Yes, restrict ranked queue to one or two-player parties for Season 5.
20.9% No, do not restrict ranked queue to one or two-player parties for Season 5.
This means Ranked Arena will be restricted to solo players and two-player parties during Season 5. This change will not affect off-season Ranked Arena or Unranked Arena. After the end of Season 5 we will re-evaluate the experience and poll the community again to decide if the change should become permanent for all ranked seasons. Thanks for voting and we look forward to the changes coming to ranked play!

Evan Lesh

As a Camp A voter without many friends in PvP I am happy with the result.

But I wanted to voice something else: Why is there an or/or situation?
I mean, for both camps it’s a win/lose or lose/win situation. Why where there not two queues to begin with. SoloQ for 1-2 sized parties, and Group Queus for 5 man parties.
That way both camps win.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Shadowstep.6049


Would require too many resources probably (2 leagues for both queues since 1 league for both queues would kill whole purpose of splitting). Also, all those premades would suddenly realize that they have 2 hours queues and the QQ fest would be endless on forums.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Laera Myrith.7605

Laera Myrith.7605

There did used to be a queue for each so I’m just as confused as you. They have the ability to do it so why not include the option in the poll??

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: NICENIKESHOE.7128


But I wanted to voice something else: Why is there an or/or situation?
I mean, for both camps it’s a win/lose or lose/win situation. Why where there not two queues to begin with. SoloQ for 1-2 sized parties, and Group Queus for 5 man parties.
That way both camps win.

I wondered the same thing.

Ofc people will always come up with a reason, such as “not enough in population to support both”, “abusing to get divisions” or blah blah blah.

Maybe some are quite reasonable, but regardless of the reasons, the consequence we have now is premades will all be flushed into unranked (or quit the game, play arena or twiddling thumb waiting for “community events”). Which will most likely make both sides having boring matches.

Yay I guess?

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Jskiirawr.2473


And now they are going to lose players

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


And now they are going to lose players

But there is a pretty big chunk of players who don’t pvp because of the softwall put by premade teams. Those might outweight the number of people that quit

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


And now they are going to lose players

But there is a pretty big chunk of players who don’t pvp because of the softwall put by premade teams. Those might outweight the number of people that quit

But most people who vote for the poll don’t play PVP.

If the pool had been restricted to the 1000+ ranked games players, it would had been a totally different results.

So, yeah… the hardcore player base (20%) of spvp have more incentives to find other games than continue the masochist feels of seing his beloved game options DELETE over and over.

On the other way, it will be way easier for high mmr players to get a high rank because we had been constantly put versus premade while soloq, because no other soloq team was good enough for us.

But, our hardcore spvp team players are most likely to have average MMR because they most likely play with BAD MMR players in their “pug” premade from time to time.

I didn’t care, because my win ratio as soloq guy versus average team is more than 60%.

I struggle versus super pug premade (people from The Mist Initiative, PZ or NL) when they Q together. That’s about it… and… well, they don’t RANK Q much these dayz. They scrim or play other game.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


Bye bye PvP guilds.

All that’s left is for WvW to auto-destruct with the cannons poll.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: abaddon.3290


And now they are going to lose players

But there is a pretty big chunk of players who don’t pvp because of the softwall put by premade teams. Those might outweight the number of people that quit

you do know premades only won half the time. which means they lost half the time too.

im bad at sarcasm

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Rigante.2470


The only good thing about this is bad players won’t be able to blame there dreadful performance on facing full premades anymore. Although I predict you will see complaint threads about allowing duos in with solos shortly into the beginning of next season. Very unhappy about this. Its an awful solution (getting rid of the ability to group with more then one friend) to fix a rare event which is solo and duo’s facing full premades. Even the polling was mickey mouse it should have been a log in poll. The vast majortiy of the players of this game do not go to the forums much at all if ever. Everything about the pvp development in this game is so minor league it should be embarrassing to them but somehow its not.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Shadowstep.6049


Well, the only good thing about this is bad people won’t be able to blame there dreadful performance on facing full premades anymore. Although I predict you will see complaint threads about allowing duos in with solos shorlty into next season. Very unhappy about this. Its an awful solution (getting rid of the ability to group with more then one friend) to fix a rare event which is solo and duo’s facing full premades. Even the polling was mickey mouse it should have been a log in poll. The vast majortiy of the players of this game do not go to the forums much at all if ever. Everything about the pvp development in this game is so minor league it should be embarrassing to them but somehow its not.

It was anything but rare in higher divisions……

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Jaxom.7310


And now they are going to lose players

ah NOW they are going to lose players. up until now gw2 spvp has done a remarkable job compared to wvw and pve. truly, while we have seen a staggered decline in concurrent player population throughout wvw and pve, we have only seen, on average, a net positive spvp player growth. this is clear, not only through the ever reduced queue times, increased effectiveness of the mmr system and matchmaking as a whole (with closer and closer match scores), but also through the introduction of new spvp game types and modes of play.

clearly, this poll was rigged from the outset.

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


But most people who vote for the poll don’t play PVP.

If the pool had been restricted to the 1000+ ranked games players, it would had been a totally different results.

The results would be the same :P
Same as Pro players that demanded 8v8 hothoins to be removed , because PvE ppl dont learn anything from that zerg vs zerg … and LoL dont have that … nether the ability to play , while you w8 in the Ranked que or change class (OW)
(but when we have both teams rush the mid in Ranked , its suddenly is called ’’tactis’’)
they would try to limit the amount of un-normal factors :P

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Warcry.1596


You can’t limit polls to just active players.

Some players don’t play because of the changes the poll may implement.

“He shall make whole that which was torn asunder.
Restore that which was lost. And all shall be as one.”

The poll is in!

in PvP

Posted by: Ericka.4723


Well, I have feeling that Anet is punishing PvP guilds/ teams for Anets incompetence to create working matchmaking system.
I love to play with my buddies and I cba to farm PvP solo to reach legendary, realy not.

Leader of [KeA] Kill ’em all